
This thingy? 🤭🦋
Oh, yes, this thingy. Well here I am, in a reply box. You know us until ... just now, I hadn’t thought of it as a box. Now my natural rebellious instinct will force me to think outside of it. Dang.

You know its just my continuous plan to have you tangled up in writing replies to me every time you take a break, right? :P

Aha! So my master plan worked then! As long as you believe you thought of it and are doing it of free will, we are good! 🤓

[deadpan] Sure, this is an excellent state of affairs. It was all my idea and I'm certainly not playing into anyone's clutches.

(Was that believable enough?)

Perfect, I knew you would say that. It’s unfolding as intended. 🤭

At least someone thinks I'm responding within normal parameters. :P

Um deadpan? What’s this?

Deadpan delivery. Let me find an example ...

Sometimes you just to use the least affect available to communicate the idea. Subvert expectation, say I!

Um deadpan? What’s this?

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