#FreeTommy Demo - Police Stitch Up!

Richard Inman talks about the #FreeTommy demonstration and how the Police conducted themselves before and during the event. Richard also talks about where we go from here.

#FreeTommy Demo - Police Stitch Up!

It is a shame that despite genuine efforts on our side, the Metropolitan Police decided to aggravate, instigate and facilitate "flashpoints" of anger. We tried so damn hard to work with their demo liaison officers, but it was clear they changed their minds late in the day to deliberately cause frustration.

Richard goes through his talks with the Police and how their behaviour and treatment of the counter-protesting soap-dodging degenerates of the far-left (Antifa) showed a clear bias. Pro-Tommy supporters were treated with the iron fists of the law, quite literally batons first, while the scruffy predominantly white students of Antifa were treated with kid gloves in comparison.

We always want a peaceful demonstration. We only want our voices heard, highlighting the unjust and politically motivated prosecution of a man who dared to cause anxiety to a convicted Muslim paedophile.

In a two-tier system of political policing, it is difficult, in fact nigh on impossible, for a well-organised event catering to the diverse following and support that Tommy Robinson attracts.

#FreeTommy Outside Parliament
#FreeTommy Outside Parliament

Political Policing At Its Finest

When the higher echelons of the Police force demonstrably betray women, children, the disabled, the elderly and veterans by putting them in harms way, you need to ask yourselves why they would do that?

We can only conclude that this was a deliberate attempt by the Police to cause maximum damage, to get the "flashpoints" and the pictures of those "flashpoints" printed in the press. It's also probable that families supporting Tommy would be put off from attending a demo again. We had to place children on the bus when Antifa got within spitting distance of our demonstration in order to keep them safe from harm.

In short, the behaviour of the Police was despicable, their "batons first" mentality does them no favours at all. As Richard rightfully points out, why should we work with the Police when they set up, agitate and cause confrontations?

This is not a rebuke of the police officers who are simply carrying out orders. This is a rebuke and an act of defiance directed at those who engage in political policing. You had the chance to make this event a safe one for Tommy's supporters; you betrayed that trust!

Posted from TR.News with SteemPress : https://www.tr.news/freetommy-demo-police-stitch-up/


The UK police are paid off by a certain minority (probably a majority by now). I don't expect anything to be different in Canada, Australia, and soon US

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