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RE: Tiny House Episode 16: Paper Bag Flooring

in #tinyhouse7 years ago

The floor looks amazing. It does have the worn leather look. I love the results. And the price you can't beat! What is your sub-flooring? Would it work on smooth concrete?


Yep, you just need to use an epoxy for the first layer to the concrete. Which makes it a lot more expensive.

You could probably also use gorilla glue, but remember it foams, so be sure to have more paper to squish into that foam. And it still may not leave a flat floor. But, you could probably sand it down if it foams to much, and then use the glue above to glue the next layer.

Thanks for the tips! I think I will start with a small floor first. In case I have problems :) How well would it do in a bathroom?

The problem with wood (and paper) in the bathroom is the water getting into it and causing it to swell. Water gets around everything, flows into any crevice, and so any exposed paper will get wet, and then it will rot, swell and get mold.

So, the top isn't much of a problem. You are probably going to use Deft oil based floor polyurethane. So, the surface is plastic. Its the edges that are the problems, so get yourself some 1/4" thick pieces of wood and put them all around the walls, wrapped in plastic wrap. (or plastic strips. I had some plastic blind that have forever provided me with strips). This is to keep the paper a 1/4" away from the wall. Then, when you put on the polyurethane it will flow over the edges and protect the ends.

Then cover the gap with base molding.

Thanks for the tips. Happy New Year!

We have it in our bathroom also and it hasn't been an issue. Like @builderofcastles mentioned just make sure the edges are well sealed. So water can't get beneath it.

We used the same water based polyurethane in the bathroom (not recommending it but that is what we did) and it has been fine. We wipe up water when we see it. We even had a water line fitting leak and pool on the floor for a few days before we noticed it and it was fine once it dried out.

Good to know! Thanks! Happy New Year!

You're welcome! Happy new year to you also!🎉

I went straight overtop of the OSB subfloor. You can see some of the texture of the wood chips but because of the crickled paper it doesn't look out of place. The panels in the center of the house are just plywood.

Concrete I am not sure how well the glue would adhere.

It looks like it can be done on concrete but it is a slightly different process and a different glue is used.

Thanks for the info. I can't get over how great the floor looks. I would have never thought that it was paper!

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