TIL - How to Do Mega Extra Super Crispy Chicken Wings (Secret Easy Peasy Recipe)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #til7 years ago (edited)

Today I chatted with my concierge and guess what? Now I can share with you another cool recipe of extra crispy chicken wings!



  • 16 chicken wings;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 1/2 tablespoon baking powder (not baking soda for some reason).


As I've been told baking powder does something with pH level of the chicken wings, so they get this extra crispness. I could scan that piece of paper with the formula I was given, if I would be able to find it... But whatever, just mix it all together thoroughly, let it stay for some time. Meanwhile preheat the oven to 200C (it's about 400F) and put these wings into the oven (don't forget about foil!). Cooks about an hour to get really crispy and golden brown.


That's a beautiful composition created by @richkid and the hamster!




Want more crispness? Try this recipe then: https://steemit.com/food/@richman/crispy-skin-chicken-with-country-style-potatoes-easy-and-incredibly-tasty-dish


You can find a lot more food posts in my blog as well as other posts on various topics.
Thank you for all upvotes and comments!
Cheers, hugs, kisses, all the best and happy cooking :D


Pumpkin seeds for a hamster.
Pencil for whom? :))

Pencil? What pencil???
Oh damn, that pencil! Alright, my daughter and the hamster they perhaps wanted to balance the composition... I should ask them soon.
Thanks for asking! Cheers!

@richman this is torture!!!
it's almost 11 pm here
I shouldn't have clicked I knew it!
damn your good pics! They make us drool hahaha peace :D

I always carefully read the post :))

Nice to hear that and thanks for commenting!
Cheers :D

Чудово ) Репост вам )

MUPPET NEWS FLASH! @richman has surprised us with another delicious treat in the delicate moment when we just run out of delirious comments!

(I said, no comment!)

LOL thanks for the comment!
On a side note: better not post more than 4 posts/day, there is some automatic system penalty for that.

You are welcome as always. Is there any info on that limitation? What would be a penalty?

I'm not sure how much the post(s) over 4 number limit are penalized, but there is some. This should be in whitepaper. Seems I've heard that they wanted to remove this restriction in this upcoming hardfork 17.

I've just read FAQ and there's nothing in it about that. Now I'm going to see White Paper. Thanks for the info.

I wonder if it's possible to remove this limitation and without hardforking.

Not sure, actually I never cared enough to check out. I've just read a big discussion on that limit on golos.

Just searched White Paper with “post” and found nothing on limitations.

Well, I was wrong then, sorry...
Please check it out by making many more beautiful posts ;-)

Don't get me wrong @richman, I would just like to know what are the exact rules.

Прекрасна робота, вітаю вас, зарестімив. Наступний візит посв'ятіть найкрутішому пабі Львова, називається "Човен". Найкраще пиво українських пивоварень, Київські також присутні )

Вельми дякую, друже!
В мене тільки ресторани і ще декілька місць в асортименті залишилися... Мо наступного разу, коли буду у Львові? )))

Я проведу екскурсію краще будь-якого гіда)) Чекатиму в гості!) Буду слідкувати за вашими постами ! Будьмо, друже )

Дякую за запрошення!

Рестім вважається як пост ?

Ні, коментарі також не обмежені. Вони ніби збираються прибрати обмеження, але наразі діє система штрафу за більше ніж 4 пости на добу. Не критично, але сенсу постити більше немає...

До речі, на добу тільки 4 пости максимум, інакше автоматичний штраф!

А хіба не відмінили ліміту ?

Як я чув, у цьому хардфорку 17, за який наразі ідуть суперечки, треба перечитати, що там було.

Зрозуміло, дякую за інформацію.

Та нема за шо )))

looks delicious

Many thanks!

Kiss Kiss Kiss

"Extra Super Crispy Chicken Wings" is music to my hears!! I really love fried chicken wings!! Yum!

Glad that you liked my post! I also have BBQ chicken wings if you wish :D

Sure I want!! Any crispy chicken wings are well accepted here!!! Now how can I go eat my healthy dinner (vegetable soup) after this post?! ;)

Man, you surprised me again!! I'll keep thinking about this dish...I will!

I mean it, you won't believe how tender and crispy at the same time that chicken will be! YUM!!!
Cheers :D

No flour, @richman? How can it be? This looks too good! And what is that sauce?

Flour? Why? Sauce is another secret recipe, Johanna :D
Thanks commenting! Cheers!

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