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RE: How Not Knowing Blogging Makes You A Rookie

in #til8 years ago (edited)

Always open your soul and blog from the heart - that is the BEST TIP I can give you @smysullivan!
I find that creative souls tend to be very empathetic to hearts that speak heart-felt words on here.
Thanks for mentioning me in your article :)


Thank you for the tips, I'm trying to use them as I can. I never like writing as a kid, so this is lots of hard work so far, but has been lots of fun.

Remember, the University of Life is always open ;) ... especially on Steemit!

I love that point, I'm doing my best to break my old habits. I started blogging just over one week ago. So I guess that means I still have plenty of time to learn.

Old dog; new tricks; Steem on!!

So is the School of Hard Knocks.

Like a Steemit post I once saw with 172 up-votes sitting at $0.00! Ha ha!

I am enrolled there myself, The School of Hard Knocks. Been through many ups, but mostly downs the last several years, and been looking for a way to get back up. Steem it seems like it has that potential for me.

I have many degrees. A BS (we know what BS means) An MS (More of the SAME) and Piled Hight and the School of hard knocks.

I hope you are correct. Steemit seems like the answer to a prayer.

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