Music can wash away the Saturday evening blues...

in #til8 years ago (edited)


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Previously I did a post about some of my favorite songs  @kiwideb followed my example and did the same type of post.

I listened to all her songs and it seems as if we have quite the same taste in music!  I decided to create another post about some of my favorite songs for every decade of my life.  It might inspire some more followers to do the same.  

I love music!  It transports me into another world, it brings back memories and it can change my mood instantly.  

According to me these are some brilliant songs, and thanks to you tube, we are able to share our music tastes right here on Steemit.  

Music express emotions that written words can't......

I was born in the 70's, so this is my favorite type of music. If you are a fan of 70's music you should definitely listen to some of these songs. It might take you a while but it is well worth the listen!

Brilliant!  Took me so far back tonight!

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7

If you enjoyed this, please 


Number 1 - Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall - Hell, yes! Even in my annihilated state after a weekend away singing and dancing with my community choir and 5 other choirs, this had my bopping in my seat.

Brilliant song... somewhat of a cliche for me being a teacher and all, but I just love this song!

Number 2 - Elvis Presley - Always on my Mind. Yup, that's a goodie too. Not my top one of his - that's Suspicious Minds. But possibly Number 2.
Any idea why my links came out showing the videos, but yours didn't - strange!

For personal reasons I truly love this song. Most of Elvis's songs. I do not have fond memories about suspicious minds. Broke up with a boyfriend with this song actually. Lol! Funny how certain songs bring back memories... strange minds we have... I also want to know what I am doing wrong with the links. I am a complete idiot when it comes to this, I copied the links and then just pasted. Tried on both pc and tablet and both just pasted the links. Weird for me too... hmmmm will have to figure that one out. 😃

that's all i did too - copied and pasted the links. so its a mystery.

We should get a PI on this immediately!!!!😀😀😀

3 - John Lennon - Imagine. Interesting that all of yours so far are not ones that would have made it to my top 10, but they're all fabulous choices.
4 - Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive - bopping in my seat again. This would have come out round about when m y cousin and I used to go out dancing every Friday night.

I never liked John Lennon. He freaked me out for some reason. For some reason this song just explains everything in life to me. So simple and yet we complicate our lives so much. Wouldn't it be great if we could all just follow this example?? I have a looooong list of songs that I could share with you but that would keep you busy for hours! I will just keep following you and share some random songs with you in comments😂😂, people might think I'm crazy but you will know exactly where I'm coming from...and I don't really care what people think... lol😁😀😊

Random songs is a great idea! I was trying to find some Youtube variations of some of the songs we did over the weekend, to share with you, but none of sounded as good as a hall with 150 people in it!

I can just imagine... let's do the random songs!😁

#5 - The Beatles - Let It Be. Another perfect choice. I had already decided no Beatles songs in my top 60. Mainly because they were played so much on NZ radio, that I got fed up to the back teeth with them. But Let It Be - actually that one could have gone on.

#6 - Elton John - Your Song. I haven't decided which Elton John song to put on my list. But this would definitely have been a contender. Since you chose it, I'll go for something different.

#7 - Bill Withers - Lean on Me - another hell, yes. Singing along...

I was transported to another time in my life last night. Sometimes you have to look in the past to feel better in the present....😉