Ticket Friday.

in #ticket5 years ago

Ticket result .


lucky a.jpg
Image taken from Steemit Images.

Can we turn 1 Steem into 1000 Steem. Yes we can.
The answer to everything is. Yes we can. I know most believe that the answer to everything is 42. If you add the numerical value up from Yes we can, you will get 42, If you are not, then add them up a different way.

We are one long shot away from doing just that turning 1 Steem into 1000 Steem or more.

Each week we are purchasing a ticket for the Euro Millions draw. The ticket will run for two draws. The first draw to take place on Tuesday and the second on Friday. The ticket for this week is already running with random selected numbers. (Quick Pick)
This weeks draw is closed for subscription as the promotion has already began.

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Our Ticket


Tuesday Result


Tuesday Prize Breakdown


Friday Result


Friday Prize Breakdown


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Have you got your Ticket Subscription yet.

Subscription to this is as low as 0.10 Steem. Everyone is welcome to subscribe.
A maximum of 10 Subscription is permitted per week per account.

You can view a guide to the Ticket Here

Supported by:
Buddy Up.
The Alliance.
The Hive.


How can I participate please?? I'm really new on steemit. Thanks

Entry does cost a 0.1 Subscription of Steem.

Have a look at @steemterminal
They are a group that assist new people to the Steem community and explain away some of the difficulties.

@indoleboss we dure can at @steemterminal , @yeswecan thanks for the mention

It's pretty simple really - here is the post that explains it - https://steemit.com/ticket/@yeswecan/guide-lines-for-the-ticket.

You send in a small amount of steem, he buys a lotto ticket, and you get a share of any winnings when/if a winning ticket is ever drawn. No guarantee's of a win ever, it is a lottery after all and not every one ever wins.

Trust is a hard thing to give on steemit. Money is a hard thing to give up on steemit. So you need to know the person a little bit, get a feel for them, and determine if you think they are trust worthy or not, (Will they do what they say). I believe the person behind the lotto draw @yeswecan man is trustworthy. I have been burned on steemit by a couple of individual's, so it is a definite buyer beware thing on steemit.

If someone promises or guarantee's a big reward on steemit, especially the guarantee part, they are likely only after your money. So trust, but don't be too foolish with the trust I guess is what I am saying.

There was a person running a so called bank on steemit called Bellyrub, it was a total rip-off, they guaranteed an big return on investment, even paid out some of those returns for the first couple of months, then people thought they could trust it, that is when they got caught in the hustle scam and lost a lot of steem funds. A 45% return on investment was not sustainable, people pointed this out to the investors still they ignored it, the dollar signs got in their eyes, so do be careful with your steem funds.

Can't win them all, but reality is we only need to win one. I'll send in my normal tomorrow, and hope for a nice draw next week.

Yup, Sending you a DM mate :)

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