Taking the Bus During Rush Hour Dalian China

in #tic7 years ago

My stop is actually the second from the start so it's not usually too busy when I get on. Two stops later whole new world.

I get on with only a few other people already sitting. I find my seat near the back middle so I can get off easier once the rush comes on. I can hear the TV way up at the front, sometimes they show Mr. Bean or Tom and Jerry cartoon, usually it's news and propaganda I tune out easily as I can't understand most of it.

Third stop this time isn't too bad either. It's on a main road in a busy spot so usually this is where it fills up. Today it's rainy and just a few minutes before the real rush hour begins. Only a couple people boarded the bus looking happy that they would get a seat for a change.

Then comes the mad rush. Next stop is directly across from Labour Park, it's like an amusement park with free admission but the rides and games you need to buy tickets. It has gardens, pathways, some restaurants and a pond with benches. During the day seniors love it here. They come and play cards and mah jong. It must be getting close to dinner time as many people getting on now have groceries.

Suddenly, I'm standing at the front. Curse my lack of elbow strength. If I just stuck em out more I could have secured my spot by the door. I almost always end up giving up my seat when it is busy like this.

Anybody who has ever taken a bus during Chinese rush hour knows how the drivers like hit the gas then slam the brakes. Kind of like they do everywhere else but more often. So I was trying to get a photo of the growing crowd when suddenly the bus jerks as I click and I am nearly tossed to the floor because I wasn't holding anything for a brief second.

Got this blurry shot of sexy old lady legs. haha I really I swear that's how it happened.

Well that's my typical bus ride. It's not easy to catch a taxi when it's raining. Every taxi that passes is occupied.

TIC = This Is China


Nice to see more of your "my life in China" series!

Yeah, Solarguy is a great writer. I only feel regreted that my late American husband had no chance/time to introduce China to his people. On the contrary, his sudden death in China only caused a huge fear.His own American kids/family refused to come to China, dealing with his funeral.
It is true that there're a lot of people in China. but all in all, China is a safe country. If you know how to take advantage of the internet technology, I believe that you can also have a very comfortable life in China.
I'm recommending to use Wechat "滴滴出行".

Yes it is so nice to see some activity from China here on Steemit!

Yeah. China is not as mysterious as you imagine. Of course, there's really the huge difference between China and western countries about religion, China is a male-dominated society. The tragedy of our international marriage is partly because I failed to understand Christian and God at that time. After he passed, I suddenly got rid of my own Chinese religion-Conficianism.
However, no matter what kind of religion we believe, we all need money. It is the reason why we all love Steemit.

Can imagine the picture you experienced lol..
This is China, as you said lol
Be careful ;)

Be careful!!! Never!! haha

I feel there is a good way in China to catch a taxi. Open your wechat wallet and click "滴滴出行", it is very quick and wonderful to catch a taxi. I just used it a few days ago, it was also a rainy day. I just wonder why I never tried it before. or it is because nobody recommended it to me before. but now I wish it is of some use to you.

I know that app but i can't read Chinese, just some common characters, so I worry I won't get a cab because I clicked the wrong button. Lol

Thanks for the tip though. Maybe if I'm not in a rush i can try it out.

it looks very hard to get out when your stop is arrived,
and see your picture that i can image how shake the bus is haha.
"the drivers like hit the gas then slam the brakes" i think it always happens no matter where haha

It battle to get off the bus. haha

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