
Yeah, Solarguy is a great writer. I only feel regreted that my late American husband had no chance/time to introduce China to his people. On the contrary, his sudden death in China only caused a huge fear.His own American kids/family refused to come to China, dealing with his funeral.
It is true that there're a lot of people in China. but all in all, China is a safe country. If you know how to take advantage of the internet technology, I believe that you can also have a very comfortable life in China.
I'm recommending to use Wechat "滴滴出行".

Yes it is so nice to see some activity from China here on Steemit!

Yeah. China is not as mysterious as you imagine. Of course, there's really the huge difference between China and western countries about religion, China is a male-dominated society. The tragedy of our international marriage is partly because I failed to understand Christian and God at that time. After he passed, I suddenly got rid of my own Chinese religion-Conficianism.
However, no matter what kind of religion we believe, we all need money. It is the reason why we all love Steemit.

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