Today I Was Asked If I Would Appear On Pawn Stars

in #thrifting6 years ago (edited)


Well, This Doesn't Happen Every Day!

This afternoon I received a message through eBay asking if I was interested in being on History Channel's 'Pawn Stars.'

Of course I am interested! That would be pretty cool.

The Casting Producer thought one of the antique items I have for sale on eBay would be an interesting item to feature on the show.

This item, actually. What I believe to be an antique set of Cullmann surgical instruments that I picked up at a thrift store 2 months ago.

Cullmann medical surgical tools.JPG

I'm not too far of a drive away from Las Vegas, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue to get a day or two off one week during their filming schedule of September-November.

Here is the initial message I received.


What about you? Would you like to appear on Pawn Stars?

I have a phone interview tomorrow in which I will ask how much they pay or reimburse me for my time and travel expenses.

Maybe they will bring in the man with the hat, Mark!

Pawn Stars Man With Hat.jpg


Dude that is awesome! As long as it is not costing me money I'd definitely go. It's awesome when a side business have unintended happenings like this.

Heck yeah! It would be a cool little story to tell people - "The time I was on Pawn Stars..."

How exciting @getonthetrain. Good luck with the interview.

I had to laugh. When I first read your title I thought it said "I was asked if I would appear on PORN stars!. 😱 😂 😂 😂

Only a dirty mind would read that... lol!

Wear a Steem t-shirt!!! 😜 (or at least a lapel pin...)

Wear a "Porn Star" T-shirt!

Hahaha, it's great, I like that program, I did not know they made invitations of that kind.

Neither did I until earlier today, :)

That's exciting! I hope you're able to do it. Are you going to link to the episode when it gets filmed? :D

If I get on the show I will let everyone know what episode to look for

Nice! I'd have to figure out how to watch it, but I'd check it out. Just let us know. Good luck!

You will probably have a lot of FUN if you are chosen to appear in the Show. @getonthetrain I will have to wait to see your episode since I don't Watch TV Programming.......I am sure you will have a Link to pull it up on Youtube or DTube..............

It would be pretty cool to say I was on Pawn Stars

@getonthetrain I agree and you will be on there. Make sure you Tell Rick to Start a Steemit Account...............

Whaaaaat!? Keep us up to date, I would love to watch that episode. :)

Go on Pawn Starts and try to get free publicity on your Steem account xD The only way for me to be on pawn starts would be if they paid good money... not only the money from the sale but also the money for the trip plus a bonus for your time! Free money just to show my ugly face :P

Hmm, I don't think they pay any money. So it would be just if I wanted to be on TV for a couple minutes :D

That's epic! I hope it all goes well. That'd be really cool to see you on TV

Wouldn't it?! It'd be a neat experience.

Dude, that is so cool, I thought the show had been cancelled since the old man died.
I would so love to be on the show, it would be ace, the only thing I have that is old is my wife though, I don't think they deal in that. haha.
All the best and i hope they give you what you want for them.

That cancellation rumor was never from an official source - just internet speculation.

That sounds about right, media making news up just for the sake of news, how did the telephone interview go? do you know a date when you will be going on?

It went well. I sent them some more photos and they are going to research it. If it seems interesting, then the info will be sent over to Rick to see if he wants it on the show.

that's really cool mate, I think it should be on the show, there is nothing better than some wacky surgical stuff to be displayed on a tv program. if you hear anything else let me know, and good luck :D

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