Visual representation of MSM depiction how Jeffery Epstein committed suicide

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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I made small mockup of a 3d model of how Jeffery Epstein committed suicide which I talk about in this video which may help us better understand how strange his suicide was. I also comment on the recent news regarding the painting of Bill Clinton in a blue dress and red heels found in Jeffery Epstein’s townhouse as well as t he story of the sleeping jail guards and how they missed six welfare checks on Jeffery Epstein. I go into these things as well as a few other things in this video.

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Check out this shit!


NBC news / WaPo, they're really gas lighting people now, lol.

i was thinking the autopsy would be a cover up completely with no details - saying, like he fell over a stay leaf in his cell or something and his neck became entangled in a line of woolen string his cellmate was knitting into a blanked for orphan children or something - dead instantly . But wow, they are really giving out some details. I never heard of this until you mentioned it above, then I googled last night - could not reply then, because was on a tablet without steam login. But suffice it to say, todays video alright!

Since Jeffery Epstein's gusrd fell asleep for three hours who checked in for him those thirty minutes?, is there a camera feed that accounted for that three hours or was it a blind spot really? It's still strange piecing together everything that happened?. It's totally bizzare well finally he's dead.

There is no camera lol, they say it was not working or did not exist :)

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