My First Job Ever! What was Yours?

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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Looking back into time on my first job ever today! Do you remember what yours was? Share with me down below Happy Weekend Everyone :)

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I vividly recall working in a toy section of a little department store when I was 16 years old @elsiekjay. I loved opening my pay-packet to get my money. Things have changed a lot since then.

Haha. Timea have really changed for sure Mitchell, isn't is great to look back and see where we've come from?

My first job was in 2011 I was just out of high School and it was tutoring little kids in low School in private school. Although looking back now, the salary seems laughable but it's really one of the jobs that heralded me into teaching literature in English now in high schools in private institutions really. It was really a memorable one and I can still remember

That's amazing! Now I know where your love for writing and poetry roots from. Go You :)))

Hahaha definitely. Thanks for the really inciting contents really.

@elsiekjay, In 2015 I've joined a Multinational Company on the role of Financial Associate.

First job always bring that excitement and fear at the same time because we are working in a culture and environment which we never experienced before.

But now this environment became part of my life because in two years I've changed 4 companies and now i am Full Time Steemian. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Omg, that is amazing! I am a fulltime Steemian too right now. We shall get where we want to bw for sure. Keep on Steeming.


Great to know that. Good wishes from my side and have a blessed journey ahead.

Posted using Partiko Android

I didn't want to say anything to jinx it and until I knew for sure but I just got offered my first real 💯 paid blogging job on steemit ♨️ since January 2018! 😉

Hahah, I think you're doing a great job so far. It's all about consistency, you'll get there.

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