Don't Be Scared to Ask for Help! Does Asking for Upvotes Support on STEEM Make You Seem Desperate?

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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I have kind of noticed some people making fun of people who ask for help in terms of upvotes on the platform and I just don't understand why. What's so wrong about reaching out to other to support your blog? I have personally done it and I feel no shame for it. I feel like those that ridicule others for reaching out asking for help should stop. Just because you can't have the gut to do it doesn't mean others don't.


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In fact, I have rarely asked for an upvote, and it really gives me a bit of embarrassment.

People are free to ask and do what they want.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Because whoever asks, receives; and he who seeks finds; and to the one who calls, it will open.
Matthew 7: 7-11

I couldn't agree more! :) IDK Why people feel embarrassed, I guess it has a lot to do with ones inner struggles.

Hello ma'am. Goodday

I think I will have to use this opportunity to ask you for help. And what I would like to ask for is no other thing but connections so that I can get tangible rewards on my posts. I have asked and I will be very glad if I am given. I have knocked and I will be very glad if the door of upvotes is opened for me. I have find and I look forward to receiving from you.

Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece!

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I don't think I have any connections ahah, but the best way is to just directly reach out to people you believe would resonate with your content. Other than that, being consistent is what has worked for me, you never know which day or when a generous whale will discover your blog. If you aren't consistent then the chances of that happening is close to Null.

Alright Ma'am. Thank you very much for the reply and thanks for the advice. I will sure try to put this into practice. God bless you.

Posted using Partiko Android

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