Forbidden Knowledge: Making cannabis oil with isopropyl alcohol

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

Cannabis (oil) cures cancer! My wife MediKatie was about to give birth, and needed cannabinoids for healing, pain relief, and to keep her cancer in remission while she was in hospital. She never smokes, and she couldn't vaporize/dab there, so we needed oral meds. I had some dry bud lying around the house in various places, and decided to bring the camera along while I put together some medicine.

I uploaded it to YouTube, but it was removed for violating the rules against "harmful or unsafe acts". You can shoot yourself in the chest, you can eat Tide pods, you can light yourself on fire, but you definitely cannot extract cannabinoids from cannabis on YouTube! That's why other video platforms are so important.

Choose platform to view video (10 minutes):





Censored by YouTube

Banned from FaceBook


Cannabinoids in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Cannabis Cures Cancer

Rick Simpson's "Run From The Cure"

Making cannabis oil is safe, easy, and inexpensive. Cannabinoids are the safest therapeutic compounds known, and are prohibited because they threaten several of the world's largest and oldest industries.

MediKatie has a prescription for the cannabis she uses (not that any person should need one). It is 100% legal for her to use cannabis in any form, at any dose she requires. Isn't it strange that there's nowhere in Canada to legally buy oil like this, and only dry bud is legal? Isn't it strange she is expected to go without her medication while in hospital, perhaps for a week or more? Who would go to hospital to stop taking their medicine? That makes no sense, and yet that's where we find ourselves... making "illegal" cannabis oil at home, to sneak into the hospital to keep her healthy!

This knowledge can save your life, and the lives of your loved ones. It will not be found anywhere mainstream, and may not be available here forever. Learn it, keep a private copy of it, and pass it on.




Wow, that stuff wasn't just gree, but Halloween green! Those are some nice buds and sugar leaves. Looks like it's going to make great medicine.

Nice vid, you keep getting better at the process, it's becoming easy as infused pie! Thank you for making it, this is some of the best medicine in the world! I sure miss the rainbow oil though ;) :)

There can never be enough videos on this subject. YouTube is constantly taking them down, hiding them, banning people who upload them, and waging all our war on this plant-based knowledge. They are scared of a flower.

Agreed.... and this is exactly the kind of post I like to Resteem!
Done, and upvoted.
This forbidden knowledge should be COMMON knowledge!!

This is big leap, and risk as well. Must appreciate here trust on you. I being dealing with Epilepsy for decades. Recently came across a video that mentioned that cannabis oil for treatment of Epilepsy, the Tincture of Cannabis oil in one glass of water will cure the Epilepsy, thats what it said. Now I am bit taken back by their claim but I will give it a shot and try, coz all medications so far worked to certain extend but mostly ineffective.

Thank you for your comment.
I invite you to continue to research cannabinoid use for epilepsy. You won't feel that it is risky or dangerous once you dig deeply into the available knowledge!
Research showing the anti-seizure properties of THC and CBD was done many decades ago, but covered up by the US government and big pharmaceutical corporations. In more recent times, universities all over the world have rediscovered this. You can see photos of 100+ year old bottles of cannabis tinctures, made by medical companies, for use with epilepsy!
My wife @MediKatie has done extensive research on this topic. Her and I are working on a documentary about cannabis use for epilepsy. We have dozens of great scientific studies about it. Maybe she will provide her opinion here too?
Additionally, her and I are activists who regularly attend cannabis farmers markets in the Vancouver area. Cannabis oils, edibles, tinctures, and other preparations are available, grown and made by local small family businesses and artisans. Patients come from all around, even across the US border, to buy the high quality cannabis extracts and edibles. Once, police tried to stop the market, and a customer spoke up on behalf of the entire market, telling police that cannabis she buys there is saving her life. She has MS and epilepsy, and the cannabis is the ONLY thing that stops her seizures, without the horrible side effects of benzodiazapenes and other addictive pharmaceuticals. There is no legal source of the medicine she required. I have footage of that event here.
My understanding is that cannbinoids are a potential treatment/prevention of most types of seizures, and is safe for use in almost all people including children and the elderly. Many people who had dozens of seizures per day, are down to no seizures for many weeks in a row, solely because of cannabis. Some patients need a little other medication on top of the cannabis, but it is FAR less than they would otherwise have required.
Please do look into the studies on this, and listen to patients tell their story about it, like on YouTube. Cannabis is saving and improving millions of lives from epilepsy right now.
All the best to you.

Sorry for the late reply. I am very thankful to you about his education, I mean it. I never had someone explaining it to me so well. Thank you so much. I am already following and your wife by now. I will definitely keep in touch.

Not a full "how to", but a good look at how easy it can be to make cannabis oil at home, and the links provided are all people could need to know.

Thats true. So I've resteemed this one :)

ha cool. can you send some to Australia, Will pay in steem :)

You're partly joking, but there's only 1 thing stopping that, and it's the risk of consequences. Everything else about it, especially the ability to help people directly, appeals quite a lot. I can understand how certain activists/crusaders have ended up in hot water over such things. People like Rick Simpson, who grew and extracted for thousands of people in Canada before being criminalized and outcast. The drive to save and improve lives is strong. Also, being paid in Steem would be a fun bonus, heh.

First off, congrats to you two on your upcoming family addition!

Isn't it strange that there's nowhere in Canada to legally buy oil like this, and only dry bud is legal?

This is what happens with the recreational/medical narrative. The same was used with alcohol to justify making stills illigal. There is only medical herb from my point of view.

Thanks for your comment (and congratulations), we appreciate it : )

Well YouTube and their policies I guess these forbidden policies are basically to thin the herd because YouTube these days is strictly monetization hence so. Anyway the process is astounding, I don't cannabis oil and the process until now, it's useful is essential anf I hope it really helps your wife.

I just want to say wow and thank you. I had given up on trying this everything I read about doing this was complicated and laborious. Seeing this process was actually amazing for me (sounds lame I know). I recently have opened my eyes to organics and natural medicine and seeing how simply this can be done is freaking awesome. Thank you so much and congratulations on your new edition.

MediKatie and I were very happy to get your comment - thank you! It's nice to know you're helping somebody. :)
Please ask any specific questions about the process you may have. It can actually be done a few different ways, and they can all be safe and effective. To be blunt with you, it is hard to do something wrong with cannabis as medicine, even in concentrated forms, even when working with solvents. If you can handle yourself in a kitchen, you can likely handle extracting cannabis oil. In my area, there are a lot of people extracting cannabinoids in various ways, 24/7. Oils, shatter, budder, tinctures, edibles, just about everything you can think of. Most of the dangers we associate with cannabis aren't real. Even overdosing on it usually means nothing more than having a long sleep. Maybe throwing up. Nobody gets hurt by cannabis and nobody dies. Almost no other therapeutic substance can say that! :)

Watching it now. Cool stuff man.
Best wishes for you and your wife, and the new addition!

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