What's Going On In Kashmir? - A Primer

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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A summary of what actions are taking place in India-controlled Kashmir & Jammu, and a little history lesson. I don't pretend to be an expert, and I'll be building up my knowledge base.

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Expand on that if you would. Voting in a Nationalist makes sense if that's the goal, but trying to force out an ethnic group from a region it occupies doesn't seem like something that would not bring in foreign powers. Unless your Israel or Saudi Arabia and you have D.C.'s blessing to do so.

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Muslims stole land from India. So, India is trying to get back some of their land.

There are Muslim Indians. The region was a mix when British rule ended. Like most of India. At this point it is a majority Muslim area. Forced migration either way is evil.

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It was stolen. It was taken by force from India long ago, historically. Globalists were behind it through England. You have Pakistan, China, etc. India is trying to get back what was taken from them many years ago and that is good. Meanwhile, China is trying to take over the world.

Even if I agree with you that it was historically Indian. India has hundreds of ethnic groups so you have to define who actually owns the area. The Brits created the situation through imperialism. I don't disagree there. But again that's beyond the point. The central government of India which is run by a right winger who is backed by one ethnic group wants to forcibly migrate a group out of that area and replace it with another. So I'm against that.

Regardless of my personal opinion. I'm still going to cover it objectively.

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You love Jihadism and Globalism and what happened in 1949?

Dense? All forced migration is evil. One doesn't fix the other. Is this another Israel-Palestine argument where one wrong justifies the other? If so, please take to the streets in your neighborhood and forcefully remove those you dislike. Thanks.

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I'm aware and I'm just getting started diving into it.

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Have a great time ahead.

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