Watch This If You're a Real Christian and Confused about Israel and Palestine

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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The guys at TruNews, the US channel devoted to offer Christians a positive alternative to the anti-Christian bigotry of the mainstream media, aired this segment about an Israeli IDF terrorist sniper shooting a 9 years old Palestinian boy in the head from close range.

They extend to talk about Christian Zionists in the USA and the main figures in the movement who lost the Way of God and followed their political and personal self-interests.

You can find the full episode at their channel on YouTube.

Let me know if you're still confused about the Palestinian cause after you watch this.

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@arabisouri, This is so painful aspect and don't know in what kind of world we are living. Sometimes feel that there is so much out there which is not right at all. Stay blessed.

Check the link above to the Christian Zionism and get further insight. It's horrific how the majority are so drugged out giving away their lives to a few evil characters.

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Yes. I will look into it. Stay safe and stay healthy.

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