3 Golden Nuggets a day - on State and Startups

in #three-nuggets6 years ago


Politics impact who founders want in their corner.
26% of founders said someone's perceived or known political affiliation would influence whether or not they'd offer them a job. 30% said an investor's politics would affect whether they'd take the money. And 37% said they'd be swayed in choosing a board member based on the person's political views.

fragment taken from state of startups

  • Classic Read


My one golden nugget:
the exploiter of our time is the state as an institution that can do what it wants against which you have no recourse as a citizen

  • How To's:


My one golden nugget:
first 10 employees look to build your founding team rather than employees

  • bad founder behaviour: takes too much time to make product decisions, wasting time to going to conferences without ringing the cashier
  • bad angel investor behaviour: putting bad money after good money when the company fails on it's promise from the first round
  • about incubators: what is the most important thing you got out of the incubators ? would you do it again ?
  • opportunity is taken! not handed.
  • focus on the customer not the VC!

  • Biography:


My one golden nugget:
interesting policy dilemma that currently leads to house prices forever increasing in Spain!

Optional Bonus:
How to make better use of Everything you read

Reading Lists

There are books that I reread regularly, but at the moment I read new books in trying to identify the best books to reread while trying to push my learning boundries. So far I got to organise my future reading in 6 lists, main readings for each time of the day:

and 3 lists of books that look interesting but haven't got enough information for them:

For people who just wanted to know how to choose what to read by Tai Lopez' talked of principles.

Do you have a book or resource that would like to see what nuggets I can get out from for you ?

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