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RE: Thoughts from a Swimming Pool | The importance of Perspective

in #thoughtsfroma5 years ago (edited)

That's true, we'll never be able to fully grasp what other people think or how they feel and it's dangerous to assume we do; at the same time, the very attempt of doing it it's already something, especially nowadays where people don't stop and try to give other people some slack, or try to put themselves in other people's shoes before judging them.

I think the same way, which is exactly why I travel with such a low budget and I try to blend in with the locals and their daily lives and struggles. All the money I have is in crypto, and I try to cash out as little as possible and to not spend money at all, mostly because the real experiences happen when you go out of your comfort zone. Just a small example, back in November 2018 I met an ex-ETA militant who spent time in prison, that very same guy picked me up in Burgos while I was hitchhiking from Spain to Portugal... the conversation with that person and what I learned was priceless.

I understand perfectly what you mean about this:

Going somewhere to see some monument or historical place or whatever is an experience...but if you practice the excess of modern culture while doing so, it's like you're just watching from the outside.

Because I think the exact same way. It's like going to Mexico and just visiting the resorts and the clubs. It's like going to Spain and just going to Ibiza. It's like going to Paris and just visiting Champs Elisee and The Eiffel tower, etc. No real experience there.

You should try going to Dominican Republic, you'll see exactly what you talk about in your last paragraph. And it sucks, and yet, it's normal, and won't change. But hey, this is not about judging :P

Thanks so much for this meaningful comment, I really appreciate it :)


I saw a documentary about the DR and Haiti recently...and after it, I don't really want to go to the DR that much, but I kinda wanna visit Haiti at least once. It's horrible what that island went through...but it's really bad that the racism persists so much even to today. Sure, it's not good to judge, but when a country kicks out it's own citizens because they're black...I'll make an exception. I've had the misfortune of being exposed to media, so I have to deal with overcoming a bit of prejudice from that, but the level where you actually denounce the citizenship of someone and deport them because they're black? That's just fucked.

I do need to travel and visit more of the world though. Everyone should. Every American should leave the country at least once...because American colleges are way overpriced, and they should go to school elsewhere. After that, they should experience the world a bit more too, but at least they wouldn't be in debt for thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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