The success of Proof-of-Brain on Steem and the question of size

in #thoughts5 years ago

How long have you been on Steem? How much Steem have you earned?

Got a brain?

In the field of crypto-currencies, the unique properties of STEEM make it both “smart” and “social”compared to others, such as bitcoin and ether. This stems from two new token features. The first is a pool of tokens dedicated to incentivizing content creation and curation (called the “rewards pool”). The second is a voting system that leverages the wisdom of the crowd to assess the value of content and distribute tokens to it. These two unique properties when combined are referred to as Proof-of-Brain, which is an entendre based on Proof-of-Work

While as described in the Blue Paper of 2017, proof-of-brain has pretty much failed on Steem, it has been quite successful in other ways. If we think that the main idea of PoB is to be able to mine tokens through usage of our brains, what does that say about those who have failed to adequately earn Steem tokens? Did Steem fail or did they?

This isn't some snarky go at people who complain about not earning, it is actually a question asked in earnest as if we are actually looking to earn, then we must consider our blogs as businesses - and a business that fails to earn is generally one not suited to operate in the current environment or climate.

I have said for a couple years now, Steem isn't currently for everyone and even though anyone can join, many may not be well suited to what Steem currently is and what it offers. Of course, this is becoming less true over time as new experiences like the SCOT tokens and themed interfaces are added, but even then it isn't for everyone.

There is an intelligence test on Steem.

I was talking about complexity as a hurdle to investing as in general those who invest are likely to need to do more work somewhere than those who consume, and earning on Steem is similar. Sometimes I wonder just how easy people think earnings to be generated anywhere if they expect that no matter what they do or produce should get rewarded.

I believe that in many ways, those who do actually get rewarded significantly and consistently on Steem have actually proven that proof-of-brain in some capacity works as they have managed to create a way to earn significantly and consistently - Should everyone earn similarly?

Even if people did earn similarly on Steem, quite soon there would be growing discrepancies between because people use their resources differently and of course, have different life positions with which to contend. If everyone was given 100 dollars right now, it would be used in many different ways - this is no different on Steem.

Also, this is no different to the way people use the skills and resources they have available to them - the decisions we make with our brains. We all make different choices in this life as we all carry a unique set of components that influence upon us, and some are more suited to interacting and developing a presence on Steem than others. Is this unfair?

I don't believe so.

This isn't because I am one of the people who am relatively well suited to an environment that requires thought and some writing ability to some degree as well as some social skills, it is because "fair" is a BS term that depends on perspective. Is it fair that I am short and would have to work harder than a tall person to be able to dunk a basketball? Should I attack basketball players who were gifted height and skill?

There are so many ways to earn Steem on Steem over the years yet people still struggle to find a way for themselves. One of the things I do on Steem to earn Steem is be myself. It is not that I am such a great person that "myself" will get support, it is that I have discovered that attracting people who will like/ support me as me is more beneficial and stable than benefiting people I would have to change for to attract.

We seems to sometimes bias what we can't have as more valuable than what we can.

There are new possibilities opening up with the coming hardfork and things will change in various ways if you are paying attention. How many will adapt with the changes and, how many will look to stay the same?

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
Stephen Hawking

If this is an accepted condition of intelligence, what does it say about those who are unable to adapt to Steem? Again, it isn't a space for everyone yet as many aren't suited to the risk aspects of Steem however, most do have the potential to earn on Steem, if they really think about it.

But that requires a brain.

Do you have one suited for adaptation to Steem and if you believe so, where's the proof?

Anyway, I am knackered and can barely write anymore so will head to bed and see what this brings for me to think about tomorrow.

What I do know is that,

the size of the brain is less important than how it is used.

[ a Steem original ]


I really do not think the concept has changed as it should be up to the protocol to foster its intended use which has not been the execution we have needed. However, I think Steem has been able to demonstrated its capabilities and flexibilities to provide a path towards the concept working. As decentralization improves, the concept should as well.

As decentralization improves, the concept should as well.

Recognising this is proof of brain. Congrats!

The concept was to be rewarded for creativity and blogging. (so it was told).

Steem has done nothing to further this concept, and only managed to build an oligarchy, where proof of brain means nothing, but stake means everything.

Of course if that was never really the concept - just the carrot sold to create a crypto currency and attract users.....then steeminc proof of brain is very self evident. Clever.
(intelligence has nothing to do with personality types and psychological makeup).

The internet doesn't need steem. It's just another crypto without the social media aspect of it, and the social media aspect of it has failed with DPOS as the structure.
It's a financial investment vehicle, nothing more. A failing one at that, if the market is anything to go by..

3 years and around 15,000 'real' users?

By what metric is that a success?

Is 'the sound of silence' one of your fave songs?lol.

....funny, isn't it? how those that speak the most, can actually say the least...

Increasing the angle of the learning curve would save you lots.
(and much more than just money my friend. Much more.).

I await your alter ego account to respond... ! lmao.

My brain has yet to put a firm label on me in regards to Steem. It sometimes thinks it is a creator, sometimes an investor, sometimes a consumer. Most of the time it, (my brain), just goes with the flow. Easier to swim with the tide than against it, yet some times it rebels and just has to try and test that mother of all bore tides and surf away or be swept away.

One thing I am glad of is I really do not fear change, I do like being able to see it coming, some of the changes can be adapted to early, some have to wait til they happen.

I don't earn a lot so my brain size when it comes to earning steem would be mediocre at best, but at least it works if just not at full capacity/capability.

It sometimes thinks it is a creator, sometimes an investor, sometimes a consumer. Most of the time it, (my brain), just goes with the flow.

And you don't have to choose one and can move with that flow.

One thing I am glad of is I really do not fear change, I do like being able to see it coming, some of the changes can be adapted to early, some have to wait til they happen.

It is hard to predict all changes and I think that the ones that have the most effect are those that are subtle, and unnoticed.

Wow. You are right. Or perhaps I should say “ I think your right. “ I say that not to be Politically Correct, but more out of Pragmatism. I think that feeling certain that’s your right is not as important as feeling certain you are capable of making good decisions based on the facts presented and an equally important corollary is your able to reconsider your decisions when the facts change.

Why do I say this ? Because this is Life here on Steemit and Life in general.

When I was introduced to Steemit the platform in theory, I said hello and got busy learning about Steemit the platform in reality. Why? I am a pragmatist.
I don’t feel anything lives up to its ideal form, but we chose to work with it in its current form or look for another vehicle to accomplish our goals.

This is I believe how life works. You are introduced to your job, your new car etc and you know how it’s suppose to work in theory and how you suppose to function in your role. But once you take the job or buy the car you learn how things really work . You then decide to stay or go, adapt and change or leave to look for something which more closely fits your expectations.

I believe I need to learn how it is now and figure out how to prosper. I am not here to change the platform to my ideas of its highest form initially. I am here to learn about it as it exists now. I don’t say or feel I will never want to encourage change, but pragmatically speaking, I just got here 18 months ago and this is a big complex ecosystem and I am still learning about it and adapting to change because that’s what animals do to survive.

Dinosaurs are not here anymore. I am not and don’t wish to ever be a dinosaur. I came, I saw, I learned, I prospered and with each change so far I have adapted. I don’t think that makes me smarter then the other guy. It just means I am willing to change to survive and prosper. I am a pragmatist.

I learned long ago that bring a purist was great in theory, but it doesn’t feed my children, clothe them or shelter them.

So I agree and I am surprised you said these things, they are not popular ideas, but sometimes the things which makes us uncomfortable are actually good for us, while the things which make us feel good are really not good for us after all.

Oh my. This was to long. I am starting to act like that guy Tarazp the Steem original.

Oh well, I am Shortsegments and I approve of this message. 😊✍️

I don’t feel anything lives up to its ideal form, but we chose to work with it in its current form or look for another vehicle to accomplish our goals.

For far too long people believe their ideal is the ideal that suits everyone. The benefit on Steem is that while the code level is the same for all, the way people use it is up to them.

I am here to learn about it as it exists now.

And see where it may move - as it is always moving.

I learned long ago that bring a purist was great in theory, but it doesn’t feed my children, clothe them or shelter them.

Those that try to be "pure" generally struggle through life as they fail to grasp reality.

So I agree and I am surprised you said these things, they are not popular ideas, but sometimes the things which makes us uncomfortable are actually good for us, while the things which make us feel good are really not good for us after all.

Many live the life of a hedonist and then wonder why they can no longer fill their desires so, blame others.

Oh my. This was to long. I am starting to act like that guy Tarazp the Steem original.

I have heard that taking the same road is not worth it ;D

She's got some awesome shades of blue in her eyes :D

I don't remember how long I've been here which means over a year. [checks] I apparently had two steemiversaries so there you go. I'm not earning enough to make a living but I have a lot more than I started with (which was sfa xD). I think like with pretty much everything else it's proof of brain and relationships along with "markets" and I'm only good at one of those things (perhaps the least important one XD).

I'm pretty happy with how things are going.

She's got some awesome shades of blue in her eyes :D

Yeah she has :)

I think that for many people this is all going to be a surprise investment if it goes up, but a welcome one. For most, the effort that they have put in is in parallel with living their normal digital lives except, it has the chance to earn.

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
Stephen Hawking

Selling steem at highs is adapting to change.

Those unable to see the change coming through lack of vision or understanding the fundamental flaws - or fear (risk averse), are the very people Mr. Hawkins was refferring to.
(not addressing them - as they are too stoopid/scared to understand what he was saying!lol).
You are not stoopid, sir.

For example, my ability to change, has led me to turn my 1000 steem into well over $7000 (and growing) thus making my steem price $7 as it stands, and looking to increase significantly.
Your own steem $ value could have been in the 100's of thousands by now by selling and investing in other crypto's, doing just what i did- for example. Adapting to change.

Staying stuck in a belief, while not backed up by reality such as steem dropping from one of the top 10 crypto's to ranking 83, and prices from $5 to 22 cents.....this is the reality.

As you say, the wisdom of the crowd.

The market is yelling screaming, but some refuse to listen.
Refuse to listen to what reality is yelling at them.

The best lessons in life are the ones that cost you the most.
Wise words.

I'm not trying to help, it's way too late for that - I think the boat has sailed.

Good luck my friend. Good luck.

Is 'the sound of silence' one of your fave songs?

....funny, isn't it? how those that speak the most, can actually say the least...

Increasing the angle of the learning curve would save you lots.
(and much more than just money).

I await your alter ego account to respond... ! lmao.

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