Sleeping with the fishers

in #thoughts5 years ago

But now I keep buying em at huge discounts.
Just wondering - why people dump ??? - @onealfa

This was a comment about the mass dump of PALcoin as soon as the raindrop was made available. I had actually bought 30 PAL a few hours earlier and paid 30 STEEM for them as I wanted to see what the staking would do. I picked up something like 2000 in the raindrop. lol. I'll survive.

But, the dump is the expected behavior of most people because essentially, it is free money and there is a lot of risk in holding. Some will of course buy back in cheaper but I predict that will be a minority as most will take their money and cut. As I have mentioned several times recently and many times over the past, easy coins to get are easy coins to sell.

The same thing happened on Steem in the early days as many got their Steem easily and, there was little point in staking it up unless in very large volumes as the n^2 curve meant it didn't translate to much of a vote or curation, so selling was more logical. People were dumping Steem at 7 cents too remember.

But later, people are also jealous of those who picked up Steem at 7 cents and wish they had the chance, the funds or the knowledge that they should have. This cycle will continue to repeat though for most as even when the chance is available, the risk is too high to chance it. There are people who are dumping significant amounts at the very start of the project and if they had the opportunity to do it on Steem in 2016, they would have taken it too.

This is the thing with investors on Steem - most aren't. Most are happy to take their "free coins" and dump them for whatever they can get for them because they don't want to take the risk that what they have could be worthless in the future and regret not selling. Best to eat the one marshmallow now.

Now, some people will claim they need the money and those that are able to hold can do because they don't need the money. This is fair. Except, until a couple of days ago, those coins were not calculated into the budget at all. They were unavailable. This is much like the revenue stream of Steem where most people who claim they need it to live off, didn't know about it until relatively recently and managed without it.

But, this is the way it goes.

What might have be an interesting approach for a staked airdrop is to drop it staked up immediately and have the powerdown period of that portion locked for a period of time so that people are essentially forced to use it to maximize their value. These are free coins gifted after all.

Human nature and entitlement kicks in of course and people will say, that is not fair, that is not freedom. Freedom is about responsibility however and as we can see from the dump of coins, most people fail the marshmallow test. The same thing happened with @Steemhunt HUNT coins too as people sold as fast as they could. At some point though, the sellers run out of "free coins" to sell and the buyers who have been buying them cheaply have them staked and earning more for them and then - it isn't fair again.

Now I have no idea whether PAL will be worth something in three years from now but at what point are people willing to take some of this opportunity being handed to them and take a risk and stake up? I am guessing that for many, they will likely never do this and will keep chasing every new platform and airdrop so they can keep dumping. Eventually though, there is no opportunity left to chase as the industry stabilizes and the main players have created their platforms that people like and enjoy and, many will lament an opportunity missed.

While we don't all have the same experiences and conditions, we all have the opportunity to make decisions on how we use the resources we have available and, an airdrop are resources. The decision many made was, to take a dump.


[ a PAL original ]


I try to look at it from a completely different mindset. It's sad that people look at holding a free airdrop as a risk. That's embarrassing.

Do you support Peace, Abundance, and Liberty, or don't you? If you don't, you're kind of a douche.

At that point your only excuse not to support the project is you think it's a scam or you think them incompetent.

I keep buying more and more PAL coins with the liquid blogging rewards I've been saving over the past few months. It's such a low-risk no-brainer for me.

If you don't, you're kind of a douche.


At that point your only excuse not to support the project is you think it's a scam or you think them incompetent.

I think many here think Steem is a scam, they are still willing to take their payouts.

I keep buying more and more PAL coins with the liquid blogging rewards I've been saving over the past few months. It's such a low-risk no-brainer for me.

I think they will run dry soon as they drop wasn't one to one with SP so there can't be that much out there.

I think they will run dry soon as they drop wasn't one to one with SP so there can't be that much out there.

Yeah I already have almost 4000 coins out of 14 million. The number of coins in the ecosystem is very small indeed.

nice. I was just asking @preparedwombat, how much of that 14M is staked and, will be active?

Most folks are speculators rather than investors. They are not long-term and want a low-risk high-reward for the short-term. We all know that to be an investor its long-term. All so many folks out there live paycheck-to-paycheck and don't have the mentality of truly putting away a nest egg. Thank you for sharing. @tarazkp

All so many folks out there live paycheck-to-paycheck and don't have the mentality of truly putting away a nest egg.

Yep, I do understand the hand to mouth life, but the goal is not to live it for a lifetime.

That is one of the things I like about steem.....the freedom of choice. The people will join and support the apps and tokens they will.

It just adds another source of either reward, engagement or quick conversion into steem or even on to fiat for folks who need it now.

Me? I did the same as you. Stake what was given to me, test out a purchase using steem-engine, stake that, and give it a try for fun. It is house money so who cares?

One thing I believe in, it will be more later. Good enough for me to stake and stay the course for fairer waters.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is so GD spot-on that I wish I could give you more than a 100% doot.

At least some people did learn from it.

2019-06-09 13_29_38-novice error in PALCoin and delivery of letters steemmonsters — PALNet.png

Some are learning, not enough likely and the sad thing is that too often it is those who could well do with a brighter future potential than what a few dollars might do for them now.

I'm still kinda down about not being included in that claim drop. I too threw away some steem before the decline, just to try things out. I thought I was getting more.... oops.

They must have taken the snapshot just before your triumphant return. It'll be okay, I will support you PAL.

I tried super hard not to take it personally. I would have staked it. Wanted to help contribute. I assume it was because I was inactive. What is inactive though? I take time off. I can't be expected to be here doing this every day of my life. I've burnt myself out several times. That's inactive? LOL! Oh well... Trying to keep my chin up.

I heard that it was "active in the last two months" but I am not sure. life of timing.

You are definitely in the make-up group

You got a 44.59% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @tarazkp! :)

@ocdb is a non-profit bidbot for whitelisted Steemians, current max bid is 40 SBD and the equivalent amount in STEEM.
Check our website for the whitelist, queue and delegation info. Join our Discord channel for more information.

If you like what @ocd does, consider voting for ocd-witness through SteemConnect or on the Steemit Witnesses page. :)

You are right! Most people on Steem aren't investors and we have a lot of education to do about that.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is a slow process as "you can lead a horse to water" takes effect here and many people while wanting to learn, stay narrow in their experience.

BTW, I have always wanted to know a little about your background. I find it somewhat of a contrast to see a pipe organ player investing into mining coins and creating tokens :)

I always was someone who would try to swim upstream. If every colleague in my country is playing from scores, I would improvise. If nobody is writing a blog, I would do that. If nobody livestreams their playing, I would jump right in.

Having in part made my living since 2011 from my online activities naturally I was intrigued to know about crypto and the whole business of financial independence. I came to Steem from reading @stellabelle's post on Medium. I find it sad she seems to have abandoned this platform in search for greener pastures.

As you might be aware, there are a few organists here on Steem and @contrabourdon in particular is interested into financial and investement part of it.

It's great to have someone to talk with about these things because mainstream organists aren't even aware of what they are missing (despite my evangelizing efforts which for some people are quite annoying).

By the way, great analogy with marshmallow test. I think pretty soon you can test it on your daughter, if you dare. I know some parents don't want to know if their child has more chances to do great things in life or not.

Posted using Partiko Android

I always was someone who would try to swim upstream.

This sounds like a more interesting life :)

I find it sad she seems to have abandoned this platform in search for greener pastures.

For as long as I have been on the platform and before, anything that looks greener she will shill and jump too.

(despite my evangelizing efforts which for some people are quite annoying).

The position of the "crypto enthusiast" :D

I think pretty soon you can test it on your daughter, if you dare.

I would like to see her eat anything sweet. She eats frozen lingonberries unsweetened like they are m&ms.

I'd fail the marshmallow test but I am trying to condition myself better. I hope she can learn more than I can demonstrate.

And sadly her shilled projects didn't go anywhere and she was disappointed with ONO, for example.

Posted using Partiko Android

I did bite the bullet and staked it all!
Time will tell if it was a good decision!

Well, honestly, I was quick to convert 80% of mine to Steem since this is where I want to build up some stake, eventually. I don't know yet if I will find the time to use the Pal platform, especially while on the road again.

True, we don't know whether any of these coins will moon. I sure hope coz right now I'm just holding all the freebies I get + this week I went on a mad shopping spree on steem-engine and one of the random coins has made me a crazy ROI.

And I think I'll be continuing once my I've regained enough liquid steem. I think this might be the fomo I've heard so much about. :)

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