Nights off and days away

in #thoughts5 years ago

We got some time off last night where the grandparents took our daughter, because we attended a friend's 40th birthday dinner. It is pretty rare to see them as they live in Sweden, but it is always great because they are the kind of people we can just pick up conversations where we left off. We saw them in the summer for another friend's wedding, who was also there last night, and I had the opportunity to spend some time with them in Sweden on one of my trips in the spring, about 8 months ago.


It is funny how time flies, as it feels like only the other week the same group of us were sitting in this same restaurant for our weekly hangover recovery lunches to discuss the night before, but that was more like 15 years ago, 8 children less and quite a few wrinkles that were yet to appear. Although, when I looked around the table, I don't see the age of us all, just the friends that I have known.

I think familiarity of character plays a massive role in how we perceive people and it is likely why many of us have the feeling that we can still do the things that we once could, that we haven't changed that much. Then we look in the mirror, and see our parents. When I sit with this group of people I don't see their faces, the lines, the late nights up with sick children, the relationships failed or the pressures of work, career, life and the loss of those that were known - I see them as people with characters that change through experience, but don't move far away from who they were when we met all those years ago.

I don't worry much about getting old, especially when it comes to the lines on my face that will increasingly appear. What does concern me with it though is whether the life I will have lived is the kind of life I consider worthwhile from my perspective and if my having breathed has been valuable. I had no choice in the matter of my existence, but I do have some agency over the direction my life takes through the choices I make, at least at the conscious level.


When we are young, many of us have dreams about becomeing something or other but I wonder how many actually achieve them. I don't mean the uninformed and immature "I want to be an astronaut" kinds of things, but the feeling of purpose that many expect future life will have. How many of us feel that who we are is meaningful? I think all people need a sense of purpose of some kind, but I feel that the bar of what is purposeful is being lowered and redefined to fit in with the approach of the most for the least, even if the most is not much at all.

My friend was a professional hockey player all of his life and now is a fitness coach for a professional team and owns an adventure sport company, and he has noted that over the last twenty years, players are increasingly trying to minimize the effort they need to put in to achieve their goals, but their goals are lessening. I mentioned my position of the "workless wealth" aproach that many seem to take where they do not need to develop expensive in resource skills, but still can earn, the Instagram model approach. However, it appears that the more people do this, the less they earn and of course, rather than live, they survive. All ways chasing, always feeling like they are hustling - even though what they hustle for is only a fraction of their potential.

I find that there is much of the same attitude on Steem where people tend to chase low hanging fruit small amounts that require very little work, but miss the much larger values because they are unwilling to put in the effort to learn what is required, or do the work. I think that more and more are able to look in the mirror and justify their behavior, even though they aren't happy and do not really accept their position. People feel they are entitled to more in life, but aren't willing to do more for it. There are many ways to work, many ways to live, and we each tread our own path through life.

Some sleep because they want to avoid waking up to the day, some sleep because they woke up early and seized it, and now have nothing left to give. Tomorrow is another day.

[ a Steem original ]



Lol...Trust @momone to have perfect looking hair whilst asleep. Good you got to see your mates and have some time off together without @smallsteps. When we're there next year we'll have her a few times so you guys can plan something. Would be our pleasure.

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And asleep on the bus :D
It was a nice night out and conversation over dinner was good.

Looking forward to having you here and it isn't too far away now :)

She probably wakes up like that. Sickening...I look like Shrek when I wake up.

Yeah, will be good. Probably 2 weeks total, maybe a little longer. If you gotta work we'll have @smallsteps. We'll go swimming and I'll teach her heaps of bad habits like a good uncle is supposed to do.

I was impressed how civilized a three-year-old @smallsteps was when I chatted with her at Plevna in September. She started to get a little restless only toward the end of the meal.

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She's an awesome little girl...Takes after her uncle I think mate. 🤗

Seriously though, she is a really little champ and I'm so proud of her. My wife and I are literally talking about our trip there right now and we're so excited to see her again. We miss her a lot.

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She has her moments :D

We should have time off next summer, so we can hangout a lot. Hope the weather is good, if not we can swim at the centres.

Naked saunas bro! Lol.

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It is what I am looking forward to the most.

Yep, I thought as much. Lol.

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I am currently working on a longevity product, still in process, but still letting you know in case you start to worry about those lines lol

I don't worry about them, but I don't mind not having them either ;D

And i want to stay forever young.

I find that an average of 70 (i.e. if you are lucky) for a person is too short.
School, then work, then family and then you are pretty much done. You do not remember first ten years well and last ten too lol
Very efficient and sufficient for extension of species though.

70 is less than 30 years away from me and I assume that whatever tech there is for extension of life, isn't going to fix the damage already done. No point living a long life if it doesn't come with the ability to enjoy it. I see these people who are 110 or whatever and for the last 30 years they have just sat there doing not much. I don't even like sitting on a tropical beach for more than 20 minutes :)

I share the point of pointless existence. Purely theoretically damage to DNA can be undone and process reversed or significantly extended. 30 years from now is relatively a lot having in mind the acceleration of science and technologies. Just look where we were in 1990's... and it's picking up speed.

There is always a chance of accidental discovery too if enough people work on the issue. Just like with penicillin, almost accidental breakthrough and hundreds of millions lives saved.

And naturally things can go south in totally different direction, but this is the topic i like and keep researching it, love biochemistry it at least helped me to create an efficient recipe to help with my hangover.

Loved it.

...when I looked around the table, I don't see the age of us all, just the friends that I have known.

There are some nice things about getting old :)

Those that age together, go blind together :)

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