Keep paddling

in #thoughts5 years ago

My daughter is having her dinner so I have about 5 minutes to post something. Do you think it is going to be of any value?

That is something that a lot of people talk about on Steem (including myself) yet don't really consider what is of value to themselves. The other day I wrote a piece about how I think it is the little unremembered things that influence most of our lives, not the large things that stick into our emotional memories. I think it is the same with the things that we consider valuable as the things we think hold value, might have very little impact on our behavior so, how valuable are they?

When I first started on Steem I was quite adamant that the quality of a post mattered a great deal yet, continually witnessed that it didn't matter for earnings much at all. I am still quite adamant that quality matters, just maybe not for earnings. For me, the quality of my posts is something that I consider valuable for me as it is my work, my art, my thoughts, my impact onto the blockchain and while some people are only here for the money, I have other aspects of value I am looking to develop.

Most of us have so few opportunities to be our best for the sake of ourselves and much of the work we do for money is to achieve the goals of people and organisations we might not care that much about. Steem for me is a place where I am able to do as I please and put forward what I please for me. Yes, I am here for rewards too but that is a byproduct of my process, not the purpose. Some people don't really understand that money can be a byproduct of work without it being a focal point but I see that if one loves to row a boat, water has to be moved. In the case of the platform, Steem gets moved.

I like moving Steem, I like churning the water a little, I like strengthening my skills and seeing where my thoughts take my words and then, where my words take my thoughts. I like engaging with people, reading their comments and exploring various aspects of human behavior through the view of the blockchain. I find it a brilliant place to play around, a great place to develop thoughts and get feedback in various ways and of course, a way to connect with a whole range of different people, each with their own background, talents and perspectives.

Yes, like I posted in the last post, there is a lot of nonsense that goes on here too but if one can learn to navigate it (and perhaps like me, even enjoy it to some extent), one can have a good experience here and earn a little Steem along the way. Where I think a lot of people struggle is that instead of finding and driving themselves from their talent pool and perspective, they concern themselves with what others are doing and either try to replicate or, complain about it in various ways.

Play your own game, row your own boat.

Whether there is value in my thoughts and words for you or not, that really depends on how you use them.

[ a Steem original ]


Wow I can’t believe you wrote this in just 5 minutes 😂. I never compare myself to others . Actually most people I follow write or post about many different topics, and I think that’s the beauty of steemit. Diversity... quality matters to me a lot though

Posted using Partiko iOS

He's clearly not rowing any boat and has 2 engines strapped on the back!

LOL showing off with his 5 minutes

It took ten-ish at the end of it but, I did get her some yogurt with raspberries in between.

Start practicing :D

Quality depends on the format and topic too I think but for me it also has to come from the person. I find it strange that people are proud of offering rubbish up knowingly.

How did you write this in 5min 😳

I spent at least that long trying to figure out how to write a comment that was more “valuable” than that but I hate the term value adding and even the word value almost.

I guess it’s hard understanding that money can be a byproduct when so often it’s the end goal desperately striven towards.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It was maybe 10. =)

I guess it’s hard understanding that money can be a byproduct when so often it’s the end goal desperately striven towards.

I use a story of a person that loves chopping firewood because of the physical action, the exercise or the calm repetitiveness. When he does what he enjoys, the firewood just keeps piling up to his side, even if he doesn't use it.

Play your own game, row your own boat.

Yup, good encouragement and what is really important for one to feel content.

Not only that creating content about the things you like is easier to create for months/years. That way it doesn’t feel like working and your readers do know when you are writing with pleasure.

But if I’m allowed to copy 1 thing from you @tarazkp that would be your gift of writing ✍️! This whole post in 5 minutes, or did you serve dinner cold?😉 bon apetit😃

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wait, he wrote that in five minutes? Awesome!

Not only that creating content about the things you like is easier to create for months/years. That way it doesn’t feel like working and your readers do know when you are writing with pleasure.

think many come here trying to emulate others who earn thinking that is the way to earn but without the authenticity or skill, it is unlikely to work. And as you said, it isn't much fun.

I generally take much longer to write but I don't always have the space so, I like the challenge too :)

Great challenge you have there writing those essays in 5 minutes. Any tips how I can speedup writing? 😇

About the earning on playing copycat, that might work a few times after that it's over for sure..!

I loved reading this, I'm kind of the same... I want to write things I care about and get money as a result rather than doing what others do to earn money.

Steem is one of the rare places I can do that.

Being genuine has its benefits because even without money, there is personal value.

Yes there are many things to like about Steem. And the fact it's rather addictive game for some. What is there not to like? The intellectual candy tastes good. Thanks @tarazkp

It is addictive and if one looks at it somewhat like a game of chess, there is fun in the challenges.

The great thing about blockchain is that we can always go back and see the journey of those that will prove to be successful and the factors that got them there. I am certain that we they review yours, it wil be due to the quality and engagement!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I have often wondered what is going to be uncovered when a half decent AI has a go at putting relationships together. I know already that there are some very questionable details out there, and that is scratching the surface only. At the end of the day, we all have to live with ourselves.

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