Do you empower or restrict others?

in #thoughts5 years ago

It is late here and I am starting this at near 3 am and who knows what time I will press the publish button. While occasionally I plan posts ahead, in general write and post on the fly based on thoughts that have ruminated in the neural soup that is my mind. Writing on the fly gives me more control over the feel of the post whilst planning tends to leave it feeling engineered and forced. Someone commented the other day about how they liked the flow of my writing and as I have mentioned before, in writing is where I am also most likely of late to be in flow myself.

I went for a drive before and grabbed a coffee at a 24h service station and replied to a few comments on my last post. I find that commenting from my phone tends to lead me to limiting the character count and not putting all I want or could say into the reply. Normally though, I am writing from a full keyboard, which works better for me.

While I was sitting there having a coffee surrounded by teens who are too old to stay home on a Saturday night, but too young to go to a nightclub, I was thinking about how our behaviors tend to lean toward empowerment or restriction of those with which we interact. While I think that a personality might generally be more toward one than the other, I think it also depends on who one is interacting with and for example, those who I feel do not deserve my time, I do not put a great deal of time into the empowerment - if any.

For some, this might seem unfair as it is not treating everyone equally, but when it comes to who we choose to spend our time and effort on, there is no such thing as paying equal attention. We all have preferences and how we spend the moments of our life is largely up to us and when this comes to online interaction, it is almost completely up to us. No one is forced to interact with anyone online, it is all a choice - even if it doesn't feel it at times.

How we interact is also our own choice and the way we write, talk, respond, listen and of course, the topics we choose to talk about, is up to us. What I have found is that I prefer to enable others and hopefully empower them to improve their lives by taking the responsibility to better themselves. I prefer this because I believe that much like a person trying to lose weight, the work of diet and exercise has to be done by the person themselves and a healthy, mind, body and emotional state requires effort applied in the right areas.

Not everyone looks to empower others though and especially online, many look to restrict health by undermining efforts of those making the attempt. Whether they are successful or not is up to the audience, but many are successful because many people aren't well equipped to deal with this kind of behavior and are emotionally affected, which then drives physical response and potentially builds self-defeating habits. Whenever there is hardship, some complain - while others act toward improvement.

What I have found on Steem is that those who are constantly negative or erratic in their emotional positions lose my interest as while there is nothing wrong with taking a negative view, if it isn't empowering toward change for improvement, it holds very little value for me. I am guessing I am not alone in this and I assume that no one likes to consistently have coffee with a person who is always depressed and defeated by life as they tend to be energy sinks, emotional black holes.

Everyone has bad days and weeks, but month after month of negativity or mood swings will lead to a weakening of attention paid, a desensitization to the position and a loss of support. I would predict that in a social species such as ourselves, it is the ones who can consistently empower others to feel that they can improve and help them to do so, who will be successful in context, to be liked.

It is funny how on Steem some expect to get support on their content without consideration about who they are as people or how they make those around them feel. Online, the complaints and guilt trips only work for so long before they get old, tired and ignored - this is especially true when they aren't backed up by action that looks to change circumstances for the self.

It is easy to forget that just like the trolls having no personal repercussions for their trolling behavior due to the privacy and distance the screen affords, the same conditions means one can tune out from content largely unseen. I know many authors on Steem who have lost attention because they continually take negative positions with many not actually looking at the ecosystem as a whole, just their personal experience of it. The same authors then blame their outcomes on the community and platform, with no self-reflection at all on what they themselves offer or the atmosphere they create with the audience.

I have been a trainer of some kind for nearly 25 years now and most of that has been dealing with people personally and directly to enable them to improve themselves in some way, to learn a skill or shift their attitude to affect their results. They have come to me for this, paid me for this and that is the job I have performed, to enable them to better themselves. And it is them doing the work always, I am just there to support their decisions and perhaps offer some points of reflection before decisions are made, or after to reformulate new decisions.

This is empowerment of people to take responsibility and make their own decisions to improve their life and while sometimes they need some guidance on technique or movement, the heavy lifting has to be done by them. Sometimes, what they need help with is to investigate the self-imposed restrictions they have built, and remove what stands in their way.

I find that in general there are two types of people, those who build walls and those who build paths. Build enough walls and movement is no longer possible and when something stops moving, it stops learning and evolving, and will eventually wither and die. With the right paths, there is no obstacle that can't be overcome.

Empower me and we can walk together, attempt to restrict me and I will build a path around you.

[ a Steem original ]



Maybe I should try posting at might improve the quality of my writing :)

It is definitely worth writing under different conditions. I attempt to write tired, in fever, getting my IV infusion, when I am in a bad mood, after an argument, on bad days at work... Testing conditions allow me to test myself and see how it affects my thoughts.

I started this just before 3 and then looked at the clock and it is just after 3. Not bad, about 100 words a minute.

Then realised winter time just started.

Lol you just lost an hour

Posted using Partiko Android

I was so in the zone, time halted. ;D

I wish I could get that to happen for me, in demand 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Wouldn't it be a fantastic superpower? I'd love to have a few extra hours in a day by slowing down the ones I have now. Essentially though, just gotta be better at what I do so I can move faster :)

I think it's worth working the night the clocks go back. Noted for next year, and with the amount you get done, I already thought you had superpowers

Posted using Partiko Android

I prefer wild gardens with trails but close enough analogy 😄

Had to giggle at your comment about the time change, I hate changing clocks, think it’s a dumb idea and really glad we’re don’t do that here 🤣

Posted using Partiko iOS

I reckon that depending on the person, some hack their own path wherever they go, others expect someone else to pave the way.

I never got the point of it in Oz, especially when Adelaide ended up being 30 minutes ahead of Brisbane, but still 30 minutes behind Sydney :D

I know many authors on Steem who have lost attention because they continually take negative positions with many not actually looking at the ecosystem as a whole, just their personal experience of it. The same authors then blame their outcomes on the community and platform, with no self-reflection at all on what they themselves offer or the atmosphere they create with the audience.

Well, even when I think your social assessment is very accurate/correct and what is expressed in this article runs on the right track of common sense.

Nonetheless, I am one of those who also believe that the world already has its good portion of sweet, smiling, lovey-dovey Mary Poppins everywhere. Those who comes flying with their funny hat and posh umbrellas spitting away their Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious magic spell in an attempt to put rosy glasses of unconditional positivism on everyone else faces in their surroundings cheerfully and enthusiastically seeking to help as many people as they can through the magical power of their advices.

And then, at the same time, there are also a few good natured one-man-band, jack-of-all-trades Berts. The chimney sweeper underdogs wearing their worn-out clothing and their faces always covered in soot. Who while eventfully cheerful singing Chim Chim Cher-ee dancing with animated penguins sometimes and pushing out some nuances of their impromptu poetry.

"Wind's in the east, mist coming in. Like somethin' is brewin', and bout to begin. Can't put me finger on what lies in store. But I fear what's to happen all happened before."

Very well they knew, that there was and there is much more still to discover deeper through the rabbit hole to find the naked truth to narrate it and tell it as it is. Specially if they were/are curious enough and willing to swap positions and perspectives from the other side of the fence all the time.

I hope you don't take this comment as something negative my friend. Since it is just an odd exercise of my own self-reflection through a mere thought provoking response that simply leads you to weighing why some people behave as they behave sometimes.

As I suspect you already know. Due to my current age. I'm one of those who likes to stroll a little bit more thru the healthy cynic side of things. Usually wearing a different set of colorless glasses with a light dye of a 'defensive pessimism' most of the time. Because I really believe that at this point in the game. These kind of glasses are the ones that offer you a more impartial vision and reliable perspective of the outcomes with greater anticipatory logic and trusty reasoning.

Such as I reckon John Keating would say:

"In this class you can either call me Mr Keating," "Or if you're slightly more daring, 'O captain, my captain'."

There is nothing wrong with being cynical, there is nothing wrong with criticism - there are healthy ways and unhealthy ways to do so however. And, if one is looking for social support in whatever form that might take, one has to consider the way it is approached and how others will perceive it. While one might not care about what others think, if simultaneously one is looking for support from those same people, it is going to get uncomfortable.

There is nothing wrong with being cynical, there is nothing wrong with criticism - there are healthy ways and unhealthy ways to do so however.

Yes, you are absolutely right and clear on this. And I agree with this statement big time. :)

And, if one is looking for social support in whatever form that might take, one has to consider the way it is approached and how others will perceive it.

Yep, and it is precisely in this level of things in life when age, advanced age, start playing an important role in how one is looking for social support now. Since after many previous experiences doing it in the same way as everyone else. Now that we are approaching the exit door of this plane. I guess we are now finally a bit more prone to change glasses more often and watch the things fearless such as they are and tell everybody what we see regardless the same, more or less social support we could get.

What is primordial this time, is separate the wheat from the chaff. No matter how high or how low the support of the masses can be to confirm if we are right or wrong about what we are clearly perceiving in front of us. From that moment on, is when the candidates to whom we previously felt the need to agree with, justify ourselves or to account for their support are beginning to be in short supply.

Many years of time investments to learn the lessons are enough to know that we must tell the story such as we are witnessing it regardless social agreement and their eventual support.

While one might not care about what others think, if simultaneously one is looking for support from those same people, it is going to get uncomfortable.

Again, Agreed!! it certainly is going to get uncomfortable. But also take in account and never lose sight that all this is just matter of age. :)


I guess we are now finally a bit more prone to change glasses more often and watch the things fearless such as they are and tell everybody what we see regardless the same, more or less social support we could get.

"such as they are" is never the case as personal perspective will always apply a filter. "such as they are to me" might be a more accurate statement.

Many years of time investments to learn the lessons are enough to know that we must tell the story such as we are witnessing it regardless social agreement and their eventual support.

And as we witness it through the lens of experience, we have to allow for the possibility that we do not see clearly through eyes degraded by our past and expectations of the future.

"such as they are to me"

Exactly!! that's all we know fer sure. };)

And as we witness it through the lens of experience, we have to allow for the possibility that we do not see clearly through eyes degraded by our past and expectations of the future.

Yep, and yet there are also a few with "Delirium Tremens" breaking loose everywhere. :)

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