Buy when there's FUD in the streets

in #thoughts5 years ago

At this point of the crypto journey, there is so much uncertainty that no one can really know what is going to work or, what is going to fail yet, there are plenty of people willing to put their opinions out there. While many have no skin in the game, some do and those that do generally have more influence on others than those who do not and for the most part, we are followers by nature - even if early adopters consider themselves something other.

We are all crypto early adopters yet, that doesn't necessarily mean that we are all the same, that we have the same ideals, skills and will to work toward our individual or collective future. Being in crypto also doesn't automatically mean that the lessons learned from the centralized world were cast aside and new behaviors built. For the most part, most people haven't likely changed much at all, despite their protestations otherwise.

Lately, there has been a lot of speculation over "Steemit 2" EOS' Steem killer called MEOS and there are quite a few noteworthy Steemians willing to make the switch, but - why? Humans by nature act on incentive near exclusively so that means there is incentive for them to move over that they consider outweighs the incentive to stay on Steem.

There is almost a billion EOS in supply at the moment, nearing their max but, how many people are willing to buy into EOS today? Who holds that near billion? Well, there is the 75% of it that resides in 100 wallets of course but the rest? Let's do a little basic math.

Steem price is 33 cents and has a supply of 319,000,000.
If you have 100,000 STEEM today, it is worth 33,000 dollars and is 0.03% of the total supply.

If you take that 33,000 and buy EOS you can buy 6666 EOS coins, which is 0.000666% of supply.

That is 45x less stake in EOS than the Steem ecosystem.

Yes, there are still profits to be made, do you have 33k in Steem to spend on EOS?

That doesn't seem like a very good incentive, but that of course depends on when one bought. EOS went down very low at some point and into the 50 cent range while Steem was over double that price, and people were selling their Steem and stacking EOS high. The ones who stacked the most were of course the ones who had the most available to stack with, and those with the highest incentive to jump ship are of course those who already have another ship deck to land on. And, it is also in their best interest to convince as many people as they can to buy up at whatever price it currently resides to populate the platform.

Of course MEOS is probably unlikely to distribute EOS but, it is likely to distribute something and most likely, it is going to reward EOS holders with MEOS to get them started, as is common with this type of thing and similar to what BEOS is doing now with BTS. How much EOS do you hold to get started with? Are you going to buy more EOS to get the MEOS rain? How much - and is it going to be significant enough to offset the 75% owned in those 100 wallets or, the amounts that people who sold Steem to buy into EOS bought back in October 2017? Many of whom had benefited heavily from the early Steem distribution, already and were keen on backing another Larimer project by dumping their gains to buy-in.

I don't know what exactly they are going to do and it is far from my knowledge bank but, there looks like there is still going to be a distribution problem on EOS-based platforms unless they do something quite drastic, which means that those who have a lot of EOS now are going to lose benefits drastically too. Is that the plan? I can't imagine that those 100 wallets are going to want that to happen unless they have added incentive for it. Those 100 wallets are collectively worth 3.4 billion dollars today.

Then, there is the thing that the people who bought in two years ago are the same people who are here now talking about leaving Steem, the same people who have benefited from the distribution model but, it hasn't been enough, they want more gains. At this point, it is uncertain what it actually is going to be so the argument that they would move for better experience is invalid at this point and only becomes valid once that is proven, which is well after release. are they going to suddenly change their behavior once they are on EOS platforms or, do the same habits persist no matter where they are?

Fear, uncertainty, doubt. That is what the FUD acronym stands for. If the idea is that the distribution model is going to be better on MEOS, that means that all of those who bought in early can't get a 1:1 stake-weighted benefit for moving as i would already upset "fair" distribution, doesn't it? So then, what changes for all of those who don't own EOS other than they would be on a platform where distribution is controlled by people who are likely proven maximizers of their own stake and gains.

My logic in these things is probably not sound of course as I don't spend that much time learning about EOS as it has always been too complicated for me but, I am not sure where the benefits are other than through the hype of the coin to sell until reality sets in and, people are people once again. Those with a lot will generally always be able to buy in early to have more and those without will have to work their way up. Short gains are possible for both groups but the level of those gains are very different. The only way to really benefit from a position of without, is to build a foundation to build upon.

Keep jumping ships and eventually, all that is left is open water.

Who knows --- I just write stuff.
You can do what you want - your opinions are your own too.

[ a Steem original ]


Yeah, if I had kept the EOS I bought at $1 maybe I would be keen on checking it out. But, no, I sold my EOS at $10 and never looked back. The governance is just too weird for me. That may just be me being naive, but it is what it is.

I just keep buying STEEM and that’s about all my little brain can handle when it comes to Dan Larimer projects.

I think if I were to buy something right now that I don’t have already I’d be looking long and hard at ATOM and not EOS.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The governance is just too weird for me.

If it is too weird, will it bring the masses to it?

I think if I were to buy something right now that I don’t have already I’d be looking long and hard at ATOM and not EOS.

I will have a look at what is going on there, thanks.

no mass adoption with that level of complication.

Interesting point - I do get the feeling that steem is democratising ATM.

The more it spreads and the more some sell, the better for Steem.

My simple thoughts are people with huge stakes can manipulate the market jumping here and there and waves of effect following them. I hope it does not work in such a way all the time.

I hope it does not work in such a way all the time.

The only way to change it is to even u the foundations and that requires us to build, not them to destroy.

Both must be true or the first thing should outpace the second. Which may just happen at some point.

Habits are what people do over and over again. They will not change unless something forces them to.

They will not change unless something forces them to.

The plan is to get the markets to do the forcing but unfortunately, we are the markets....

This will all change. I look forward to the day I am looking outside at all the people saying how they missed the boat. “If I only knew”
Of corse I will be saying ,if I knew I would have purchased more. Hahaha

If MEOS somehow puts real dollars in the bank (Like Steemit used to and at present really does not, at least not near compensation for the time involved) and cures the many Steemit disfunctions (a tall order) and is a social media that is real social media and not just a bot, self and auto vote club, then, I predict it will eat Steemit's lunch. But those are a lot of ifs.

Until then just look at the daily volume on Steem and you will see that the market is voting no confidence in Steem. Yeah I know this is "FUDdy" to say, but in the last few months Steem has been nothing but a dog.

If MEOS somehow puts real dollars in the bank

If one holds EOS it might. With the hype it might even do well to begin with like the early Steem, but eventually it will have to live off more than hype.

Until then just look at the daily volume on Steem and you will see that the market is voting no confidence in Steem.

From what I recall, it also has near the least amount of wash trading going on by a long margin.

And if they do it right it will be a good reason to hold EOS. Steemit was the good reason to hold Steem. Ultimately, I think, it was the only reason to hold Steem. There is no Steem development ,has been or is current, out there that will replace the "use social media, get paid" shtick that hooked most of us. "Lose your money in one game of chance or another" isn't go to attract as well.

There is more here than blogging now though, more than gambling and gaming too. Steemit is just one face of the chain, there are many more possibilities out there.

Most EOS Dapps are based on gambling so far !

Because of the bots, they create a large number of transactions. I wonder how many humans use EOS?

yes- exactly and that drives up TPS and does some cool marketing for them.
humans using EOS would be very very low - you can get a fair idea seeing their reddit community.

i will join MEOS, earn some EOS and then i will buy steem :p

Steem is my home

Are you sure you can earn EOS through MEOS?

not sure hehe

Steem is my home

Amen to that! :0)

Posts like this are always a wake-up call for me... I tend to forget about the fact that most people are - in spite of everything - still here for the monetary rewards. The community is worth nothing when there's another place where more rewards can be gained. I feel such a fool for assuming otherwise...

The community is worth nothing when there's another place where more rewards can be gained. I feel such a fool for assuming otherwise...

There are benefits to this too and that will be seen when those here for more than the rewards start building mass too. It takes time to develop a functioning community.

I like to believe that a lot of people in my inner circle are here for more than the rewards (which rewards? Lol)

I could be mistaking, of course.

But from this post and the comments on it I learned there are others who think about this place exactly like me: This is HOME, 😉
Posted with

Steem is developing way faster than the fudders realise. What Steem will be offering soon with the SMT's etc, nothing will come close.

We will see in time what happens but, there are a lot of people to arrive on the scene at all levels still.

fingers crossed !

Keep jumping ships and eventually, all that is left is open water.

Well said you saved the best line for last. LOL Fear is a powerful force and often dominates over the logical mind. The monogamous nester mentality is not as prevalent today. But for those who are patient, consistent and steadfast it will pay off. Blessings @tarazkp

He truly is the master of words. :)

But for those who are patient, consistent and steadfast it will pay off.

And, there is personal value in owning some ground.

Whatever comes after Steem will face similar challenges with the addition of having to build a community so I cannot see how it will be better or impact Steem itself. Even if it is better, there is room for more than one to succeed given the potential!

Posted using Partiko iOS

From what I have seen, the communities generally end up having the same conversations over and over because, they are generally the same people talking.

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