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RE: In the land of fairytales

in #thoughts5 years ago

however he did say read fairytales, not watch fairytales. This is a very important distinction because while one guides the mind to create a fantasy world, the other feeds the mind and keeps it passive.

I prefer visual storytelling to text storytelling and animated at that (not sure if there is some irony there as I communicate a metric boatload better in text than in person XD) so I think I'm supposed to be feeling attacked right now? XD

A lot of people on Steem feel that Steem has failed because it hasn't inspired content creators to create yet

Really? o_O

I can't even

are they the ones where you can predict the ending, or the ones with a twist?

I love Pokemon (so much so I jumped at the chance to do the "field test" for Pokemon Go before it was released, and I'm still playing to some value of playing). But I only played three of the main games before I got bored because it's the exact same formula every single time with little to no deviation. I don't actually know if anything has changed since because I haven't picked up any of the more recent versions. Yet they're still incredibly popular. And I keep getting told by more avid Pokemon fans that each game is "completely different" because the stories and cultures in each region is "completely different". I guess my detail obsession only applies to things I do XD

And maybe also why history repeats.


so I think I'm supposed to be feeling attacked right now? XD

But you create visual stories, not just consume them. This also means that when you do consume them you are actively taking in elements with a trained eye that most would miss. A musician listens to a song differently than a person who cannot play music.

But yes, this was a personal attack directed specifically at you :D

But I only played three of the main games before I got bored because it's the exact same formula every single time with little to no deviation

I used to watch a lot of shows and then, a lot more when @smallsteps was a baby and sick all night. I was getting frustrated as I was able to pick extras out of the background from different shows, and the story lines were all slight variations on each other.

Glad I found Steem and began creating again.



Actually I hope it will be interesting enough for people to at least look at never mind overanalyse and assume that I wove in deep philosophical things I wasn't even aware of at the time - I remember hearing stories about some author who liked to occasionally attend lectures about their work without letting anyone know they were there and listen to what all these academics interpreted XD

You hadn't quite discovered your love/proficiency at writing when small was really small? Or was she that sick that it needed more attention than cuddling upright/pacing the house like lions in tiny cages all night D:

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