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RE: Mining, Gaming and doing Drugs

in #thoughts6 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to reply to my "rant"

You say your ideas have been stolen, I have chosen to share mine freely.

I said copied, I left them on the table to be shared, adopted and supported. Believing that we could make a difference working together.

I'd rather have my ideas out there for a chance to develop than held back both I cannot develop them myself.

Exactly my train of tough, and little i knew they would be taken and used by a few to profit

But yes... According to LEGO Batman: "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make that change." (Batman is Wise)

Maybe I haven't looked deep enough.

Somehow from willing to improve experience and reduce suffering I started to suffer myself as the experience got just drizzling from good to bad to worse.

I paid a huge price, still paying it and trying to pull out of the crumbles that were left.

I would say I learnt, I met wonderful human beings and maybe now the reconstruction can begin.

Still I'd rather be snorting from that hooker's ass, but when reality hits it hits hard.

peace bro.


I said copied, I left them on the table to be shared, adopted and supported. Believing that we could make a difference working together.

My bad. Yes you did say copied.

Somehow from willing to improve experience and reduce suffering I started to suffer myself as the experience got just drizzling from good to bad to worse.

It is a slippery slope and these days, there is rarely a hand that reaches out at all. However, recognising the process is the process to recovery.

Stay in touch.

It is a slippery slope and these days, there is rarely a hand that reaches out at all. However,

The beauty of it is that there have been many hands reaching, from places i didn't expect with their limited means, and i feel thankful for that.

recognising the process is the process to recovery.

That is were I'm now hopefully... Maybe that is the direction I should give my blog, my recovery journal.

Or maybe i should start living outside more... haven't decided yet!

Thanks for the engagement I for sure will stay in touch, my friend @por500bolos speaks wonders of you.

Or maybe i should start living outside more... haven't decided yet!

I think the same often enough but then I look outside at the Finnish weather and change my mind :)

Yeah french winter does that t me....

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