Thoughtful Daily Post - Best Seasonal Thoughts Contest

in #thoughtfuldailypost5 years ago (edited)



Thoughtful Daily Post - Best Seasonal Thoughts Contest

The holiday season is upon us in the U.S. This is the time to celebrate until the end of the year various traditions. It's all about family.

A few months ago, I redecorated my dining room and needed a picture to hang on one of the walls. I found the most beautiful canvas that literally spoke to me, so I purchased it. It was perfect for my space and my state of mind at the time because it read:

The reason this canvas spoke to me was because I hadn't spoken to a few extended family members for almost a year. To say I was busy is only an excuse. I just didn't want to deal with their way of life as I see it. And since the holidays were fast approaching, I thought it would be the perfect time to lay petty differences aside. I thought about my recent diagnosis of Diabetes and other things going on in my life, I wanted to find out how they were doing health wise. Not only that, but also see if any of them had other issues they were dealing with.

I know that several family members are dealing with Diabetes, so I was thinking that maybe I would give them some tips on information I found out while doing my November Diabetes Awareness Month. We have a family history of the disease, so I just wanted to see how they were progressing and if they were following their doctors' orders. In the past, they had a habit of not doing what they needed to stay healthy. But they are still family, so I wanted to give them some holiday cooking tips I just learned. Also, I wanted to see if they needed any other assistance.

I have two family members whose Diabetes has progressed further than mine. One had a foot amputated. I didn't realize how extremely important it is to care for your feet with Diabetes.

But we had a disagreement about an issue a few years ago. I haven't kept in close contact with them as I should. Last week, I called to check on them. They expressed that they were happy to hear from me. They indicated that traveling was difficult, so they wouldn't be able to visit during the holidays. So now I'm up-to-date on how they are handling their various illness. After speaking with them, I felt relieved that they are at least maintaining their health. I would have hated for something to have happened, and I hadn't made any type of contact.

So my seasonal thought is this:

If your family lives close, invite them over to spend some time together. Even if you know they may not come, invite them anyway. Just the idea that you wanted them to come and be a part of your immediate family gathering will help encourage them to know you're thinking about them.

If your family members live out of town, just give them a call to say that you were thinking about them and wanted to hear their voice. My family members out of town will be the first ones on my Christmas card list with a special message and something extra to help with medications, etc.

My wish is that everyone has the chance to experience life, love, family, joy, peace, and happiness this holiday season.
Happy Holiday.png

Made in Canva by @justclickindiva



Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever you are working on.

a) JustClickin logo created at CoolText.Com
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) Separator Lines Free ClipArt Belt from Public Domain Vectors & ShadedLine from ClipArt-Library
e) All Tribe logos used with permission of Tribe Discord Channel admins.
1 Source1 Image by Daniele Buso of Unsplash
2 Source2 Image by Annie Spratt of Unsplash







What a wonderful #thoughtfuldailypost this is! Bravo! 😊

@thekittygirl. Thanks for viewing my post. Appreciate your kind words. I totally forgot to use the tag he really wanted in the post @bestseasonalthoughts. But we connected. Next time, I'll be more careful to follow instructions.

Have a wonderful holiday season for you and your family.

Truly. This spoke to me and probably many others. I have refused to let differences in family impact my relationships.

In this, I mean that I have been wronged by members of the extended family, whether by choice or chance, but, I never let it stop the dialogue between us. It is understood by me long ago that if I have headbanging with one of my siblings, the others will want to take sides in the matter. I come from a large family of 0 kids and big families tend to be a little louder and more rambunctious with their discussions. LOL

Great post and yes!!! I love the way you put your words.


hi @dswigle. Wow, what can I say. Yes, there are cliques within cliques when in a large family, lol. It's so funny to see. There is a lot I left out of my post due to the circumstances of the differences. And Yes, I too experienced wrong doing, etc. all the usual musings of a large family. But I realized many years ago, that when you stand your ground, don't take sides, listen to all, they realize you are a person of character in your convictions and can't be swayed. Did I get tired of dealing with all the drama, YES indeed. That's when I step away for a while to collect myself.

But as you say, you can't let disagreements stop you from communicating with family. I admit I did that. Partly because I had my own issues of health and other matters to deal with. Those instances, you don't have time to concentrate on the pettiness of others.

As I've gotten older though, I seem to have acquired more patience. I try not to complain to others because they can't help me. But I'm able to tolerate more things, so I'm trying now to keep a more open line of communication.

Thanks for your post and your kind words and insight. I appreciate you stopping by and viewing my post. The more I engage with others, the more I see people dealing with similar issues.

Have a great holiday season, and take care.

And of course, I meant 9 other kids, not 0.

What you say is true! The more you interact, the more we are all the same.

I was thinking there were 10, lol and what great get-togethers you all must have had!

Hi @dswigle. please check your friend request in discord. I have a question for you. thanks if you don't mind.

I just looked and cant find it!

we're connected now. thanks. sent message.

Congratulations @justclickindiva! This post has been featured in today's Power House Creatives curation post!

You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our FB Page and Twitter feed.


Hi @steeitbloggers. Thanks so much for stopping by and viewing my post. I appreciate it and the support of the PHC community.

Family members can be some of the most difficult to keep an open dialogue with; I think in large part it's due to that "anything goes" with family, and anything can, and should, be able to be said without fear of retaliation. Within reason, of course - once insults start flying (as they often do with some of my own family), it can be difficult to resume even friendly chat. You are right, though, it is a very important thing to do. Good for you for doing it.

Thanks @wwwiebe. Yes, it was difficult. But you don't have to spend an hour talking because eventually something will be said, and there you go...rehashing it again. Just a 15 - 30 minute conversation to get caught up on their lives without puling out the violin. No matter what type of family you have, everybody got one that you can roll you eyes and look away from.

While trying to find a slogan for our family reunion one year, I ran across a popular say that "a family is made up of some wonderful people, with a few nuts mixed in." So appropro.

I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and view my post. Have a great day.

Beautiful thoughts for the holidays. 😊😊 keeping in touch with difficult family members can be tough. I should know as I'm dealing with one right now. Perhaps when the right time comes, all will be well. Until then I could only 🙏🙏🙏 for the best. Happy holidays! Good luck on your entry 😉👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Yes, it is difficult. I've been dealing with it for many years off and on. One can't choose their family. You have to deal with them. Some are easy, and some take a little more work. You don't have to be in their space every day, but just let them know you're thinking about their well-being.

I will check on my family a bit more frequently now knowing their different issues and help when I want to and have available resources to spare. Some try to take advantage of your kindness, but you can't let that stop you. You have to stand firm.

Sometimes all may never be well. Such is life. I have learned that you can't fix everyone and every problem of others. You have to step out of the way and usually they will work it out. My hubby has a saying that just cracks me up, "Get out of the way and let grown folks be grown."

And special prayers for them. Hope it helps in the long run.

That's a very meaningful and truthful canvas that you found for your dining room; something that will definitely make people think about how important those ideals are to living a happy, fulfilling life. Very well written!

Thank you @free-reign. I always have to remember to take care of my health first and my needs before worrying about others. It took a long for me to do just that.

But now, I only wish everyone the happiest and fulfilling life they can have under any circumstances. That's the best I can do.


This is a WONDERFUL entry for my #bestseasonalthoughts contest! (don't forget I was wanting this tag included:))

Thank you for joining in!

@alliedforces curate2
@tipu curate

You got some love from a member of @thealliance family!
Keep up the great work and join us in The Castle sometime!
The #spreadlovenotwar curation campaign is under the guidance of witnesses @enginewitty and @untersatz.
Current VP: 95.14%

Thanks so much. I forgot when reading the directions. I have attempted to change tags before and the system wouldn't let me.

No worries, my friend... we've interacted about it... your submission was wonderful... thank you!

This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie


Hi. thanks so much for the curation. Appreciate it and the support. So glad you thought my post worthy of your attention.

It's good that you reached out @justclickindiva 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Family is everything. Thanks for sharing this with us!

Hi @sgbonus. Yes, it is. We just have to learn how to deal with them as individuals because each one is unique and has something to offer.

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