Adapt React Readapt Apt

in #thought6 years ago

As a memorable line from the TV Show The Office US, it does remind me quite often about Steem and how things work here. The platform is forever in movement, constantly filtering out what does not seem to be working out for it either through curation or competition. It is hard to compare it to things as it is truly unique and something not many may have seen the same way before.

As someone who has been here from almost the very beginning I can tell you a lot has changed, interestingly enough things have only kept picking up the pace on how quickly they change and adapt no matter what is going on with the price.

We've evolved so much further from just being a blogging platform. I like to think the blogging was one of the early adopter phases which let you earn Steem easily if you got familiar with it and learned its ways. Of course there has always been a lot of abuse, behind the scenes deals and ways to leech as much value as possible while giving nothing back to the platform, but even these things are filtering their ways out over time. Easy Steem earned easily ends up on the markets. The layer of competition keeps growing while the inflation does not, this is a very interesting aspect of our platform and economy.

The change of psychology and how users view the blockchain has quickly changed recently too, although it may be due to the quick increase in price with Steem being the first to make moves recently, I also think many are starting to realize the potential of Steem and how much can be done here. I've mentioned in many posts before that the majority of dapps and projects being created and moving onto Steem today are mere remakes of already existing and popular ones introduced to new advantages such as censorship resistance and the rewardpool. The ones I'm really looking forward to are those that have not been invented yet which will only be possible on blockchains such as our own and blow everyone's minds that something like it is even possible. I believe we still have some way to go to start seeing those but with competition and more and more users and developers joining our blockchain it is headed in the right direction.

There are a lot of authors who have gotten comfortable to the way they do things on Steem, I do realize that "the system allows it" being one of the more popular excuses. Many seem to forget though that the system also won't forget. It might be the curator in me talking right now but I find it absurd that so many popular Steemians continue vote-trading, longing for more and more stake and power through ways that completely push off newcomers and other users that put a lot of effort into our economy. I often get quite annoyed seeing this happen constantly, especially considering there are ways now for you to passively earn the same amount of rewards by doing nothing than delegating your stake to bid bots or distribution bots. Although there's still a lot of room for improvement in that regard as well I still think it's the wiser choice than to daily continue shitposting and votetrading with other similar sized accounts just to get the most out of it. The difference here is that you push your content you seem you don't really want to be writing to the top of hot and trending lists which in turn degrades the quality of the platform to newcomers and at the same time jeopardizes the success of the platform.

For these users I just have one question. Is it really worth it? Do you really think your content is something that will bring people to our blockchain and will be worth pushing up the lists forever? I fail to often understand what their endgame is, I realize Steem Power is really powerful and buying it not only gives you a lot of influence and rewards but fame comes with it as well. Is it worth clinging into fame if you deep inside know the only way your content is getting all these rewards is because you keep vote-trading your way up? Think about it, the only thing that is keeping you relevant in any way is that you can't post 10 times per day or that you can't self-vote 10x of your vote daily. I don't know, I'm rambling a bit and I wasn't initially going to go into this at all but it just seems a bit sad in my eyes. Authors who constantly are out for max rewards, authors who pride themselves on how much followers they have made even though they know most have just come because of their trending time. Authors who barely have any skin in the game but use their discounted delegations to votetrade as much as they can to constantly shove their 5 minute posts into the faces of anyone daring to check out trending or seeing our platform for the first time.

Similar to adapting to other things and learning from mistakes I am sure that over time and trial and error users today will start learning to do better. Although I realize that curation is just not incentivized the same way as posting is right now I am still baffled at how so many long time users who should be doing quite well by this point in general are just out looking to maximize and never being full. Even if it means throwing it all away and seeing other platforms or blockchains surpass them because of their greed and short term thinking. I do hope that in the future the users that were long term and proved their actions time after time will be remembered for it and those that were only out for themselves while risking what we have here today won't be the ones at the top of the food chain of the reward pool.

I realize my identity here on the blockchain is anonymous and many often relate it that it may mean it's because I'm trying to abuse the system without facing any consequences, but if I wasn't I would be ashamed bringing my friends to this place if all I did was vote-trade and suck up to whales to maximize my earnings and stake no matter what. Maybe this is why a lot of the bigger users who engage in this sort of activity don't have a lot of friends they bring onto the blockchain, who knows.

Some times I wish the curation algorithm would change just so these mindless activities change and that we start curating for content and effort and not because of the stake behind those accounts. When the time comes that these issues get tackled I wonder what those users will end up doing instead. I wonder what those who've somehow managed to get to leading posting reward positions will do when everything suddenly changes and they find themselves with no stake left and no way to further abuse it. I imagine they will start complaining at how unfair the system is and that their account age and amount of followers should count for something, that they deserve to be making rewards here forever just because of their history. That's gonna be a fun day, until then there is nothing else we the others can do but ignore them and reward those we believe won't turn into giant pricks, this will require some trial and error as well as proof of brain still has that human element weakness of trust.

It will improve though, sooner or later. It is destined to.


I've always believed that 'meaningful' contents are going to be the heart of Steemit's success. Steemit is already built on an appealing proposition that our voice is 'worth' something, but even on the established blogging platform where our voice is not worth anything, it is always the engaging/meaningful contents that brings the activities upwards. And activities is pulse, and people are always going to be attracted to 'thriving' things, advertisers and contents consumers alike.

So, yeah, meandering rambling aside, I agree with you 100%. The internet does not forget, and generating meaningless contents for the purpose of profits/fame will reflect on those authors in the long run.

I have no issues with people relying on Steemit to 'cash out' from time to time. Although I think sometimes people should stop and think.... occasionally. Money does NOT come out of thin air. When they do 'cash out', that resources is generated by someone somewhere. Investors and resource providers (witnesses and employees, etc.) must also be rewarded ....somehow.

Users must also give back to the system, from time to time.

Personally, I have never taken resources out of the ecosystem, but I realise that I come from a privileged background and that I am not on Steemit to 'make money'. Others come from less advantages in their lives and I can empathize. But I do believe that we should look after the system that looks after us.

Anyway, I'll stop there. I'm super passionate about manual curation and about engagement as there are so many valuable content generators that seem to get discouraged by how Steemit sometimes function, but initiatives and philosophies like yours are, I believe, the real pillars of what will make Steemit successful in the long run :)

Power to you, @acidyo~

Thank you, some times I really wish curation would be more incentivized so delegations would go to people like you who would turn this place in a few weeks into the best platform on the internet.

Honestly, I don't even care about people whose values were scraped out of the bottom of a waste bin. I just post, comment, and upvote what I find valuable - and it's not my financial rewards. I ignored Banfield, I ignore everything on trending because it's nothing but bots, and I'll ignore DonKing actalikes if they come here too.

Some things matter, and I pay attention to the things that matter to me.

Looks like you do as well.


Well, that was a read! Lol

But you do bring up a bunch of valid issues. I don’t think those problems will go away but it would be nice to see more people caring a bit more about trying to grow the platform than only themselves. That’s how we ALL win.

Nut hugging a whale is something I have yet to do and can’t bring myself to do. If they want to support my crap, amazing and much appreciated. But I will not beg for votes as so many here do as well.

On self voting, I do partake in that. I popped a lot of money into Steem and I am trying to grow obviously, but I also spread my measly vote out all over the place often to where my vp is dogshit. When I reach a certain personal goal, that will end so it’ll all go back in.

Anyway, great thought provoking read.


I was just talking to my sister about this; I used the analogy of Science. A few hundred years ago, you could keep up with Science. Every time something new was discovered, you could learn about it. Then it started branching out.
Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Geology; each with their own breakthroughs. Eventually each of them branched out further.
Quantum Physics, Nuclear physics, etc.
At some point you have to stop trying to keep up with it all, or you're going to fall apart at the seams.
Feels like that now. I could spend my entire day curating, commenting and posting in the #anarchy tag quite easily.
Or I could spend it on the #mallsballers tag, organising meetups and recruiting new Adelaide steemsters;
Or I could go deep into Steemmonsters and spend the whole day in discord, playing dailies on multiple accounts, posting, making youtube clips, streaming strategy tips etc.
Turns out I only have one day each day, which is starting to make things difficult :)

Haha I've just taken the try and do more with only 4 hours of sleep a day. I know this won't last long as after 2 days I can already feel it catching up to me and it will eventually start effecting my work.

I've also cut back on some of the things I'm involved in and communities I'm active in and more of just someone who checks in every now and then.

With all the options it does force you to prioritize what you enjoy the most and make your overall experience more enjoyable in whatever it is you enjoy.

"'You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take' - Wayne Gretzky"
-Michael Scott

I didn't get to comment before as I was driving but I really enjoyed this post a lot.

I don't know what the maximizers think, feel or care as they tend to be the types of people who are only concerned with themselves anyway. In time though, they will become irrelevant.

Cheers I simply vibe that man.
Be well

Posted using Partiko Android

I really have an issue with people that are/were creating content purely for their whale autovote, and not really engaging with their audience or anything. Sure, on YouTube or Instagram you might have someone with lots of followers give you a shout out, but than tends to be an exceptional blip, and if you don't have the content to carry those newcomers you'll lose them.

The main problem is that these people that are pushing out content purely for that whale autovote, is that vote won't last forever... whether another user with better curation comes along, or a platform offers better incentives for delegation, or whatever... you're suddenly a content creator with no audience and no votes.

But you're absolutely right, this blockchain honestly has no value unless it has content that is more appealing or more useful than anywhere else... and that's definitely not the case at the moment... I'm constantly saddened by Curie's demise as an absolute powerhouse in this arena.

Also... Dwight's fire training is easily the best open to any show in the history of mankind:

This is unavoidable and to some exent I feel that the design of the protocol was to allow for this. This has really defeated the proof of brain concept but I believe it is totally viable to bring an alternative like @ocdb to combat it. Until alternatives that are sustainable to actual create value across the ecosystem, this will continue to some extent and the reality is that those who don’t participate will be left behind. I don’t intend to have all the answers but that is the point of game theory when it is all said and done.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think some don't care and will continue to do what they do because they can. As more whales power down during future bear markets and move on others who are more active on the platform will slowly rise up and won't support the "old dogs" stuck in there ways.

One of the reasons I've put delegating to new projects on hold is because I want to learn how to better my curation rewards on people whose content I read daily, but also provide them with bigger upvotes and be able to upvote more and more content producers that do a great job on here.

Yes OCDB does this in a way for me automatically, but manually currating forces me to find newer people to follow and support that might not be on the OCDB whitelist or just not want to use bots to vote on there content.

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