I might grow an avocado tree after all!

in #thl7 years ago (edited)

I saw a post on pinterest stating you can grow an avacado tree at home from a pit. The picture was pretty.

I've had more avacados this year than ever before. (I love guacamole! And is a great source for healthy fats. ) In past posts, I believe it's been mentioned I have a black thumb. I don't do well with house plants, and @goatgarden is the main gardener around these parts. But I thought it couldn't hurt anything to try to grow the tree!

I saved a pit, found a jelly jar and some tooth picks, looked at pictures of how to arrange the pit, and got it all set up. I keep the jar in the window above my kitchen sink where it can get some sun. I've had it there for about two months or so. (I can't remember for sure. ) It took a few weeks before a root poked out. And a few more weeks before it sprouted. Today I checked on it (it was hiding behind my curtain), and was greatly surprised to see this! !


I have hope my black thumb is slowly turning green! I have hope this little sprout will eventually become a healthy tree! Like I mentioned a few posts back, it's exciting when new life is born on the homestead!!

Have any of you grown an avacado tree from a pit? Were you successful, and now harvesting avacados?
Thank you for reading!


I've tried many times to grow one from a pit just like this but I have not had success yet. I'm going to get another avocado tomorrow and try again. Thanks for the inspiration, I love guacamole too :)

I currently have 3 small trees about 18 inches tall in pots. They are outside on irrigation for the summer but I will bring them inside for cold with all the other plants. They are about 8 months old and still doing well. I started them all in soil from pits out of avocados from trader joes. I'm pretty sure it takes quite a while for the trees to start to produce, but at least I have plants/trees for color in the house during winter, even without producing.

That's awesome! Oh I hope they continue to do well for you! I'd love to track your progress if you ever post about them in the future.

I have started and killed numerous avocado, mostly trying to get them through winter, but these three made it through fine so I actually am feeling a bit more optimistic. Oldest I have gotten was a two year old but it got hit by a sudden frost and died.

Good luck to you with yours. Eventually you'll get one to grow into a tree, it just takes some trial and error.

Trying to get in THL group. Just wanted to let you know I am now following you from THL. :)

Nice! My mom tried this but no luck, hopefully yours does better!

I ended up having to give mine away when we moved from Germany back to the states! But it was growing well! I don't live in the climate that would allow the tree to grow outside, but maybe one day when I've got a terrific greenhouse! Haha

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