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RE: Golden State Killer - Day 114 - Daily Haiku - part 1

I can't claim great clairvoyance on this one, the story just happened to come across my feed, but that said, I don't believe in coincidence. Everything happens for a reason.

I actually considered converting to Catholicism at one point, as I was dating and considering marrying a man who was a devout Catholic, but ultimately said no to both.

As a teen, I considered converting to Judaism, but after a number of conversations with a local rabbi, chose against that as well.

But I was raised Episcopalian, which as Robin Williams so aptly said, is Catholic Light: "Same religion; half the guilt!" And, ultimately, came to much the same conclusion that you did.

I am spiritual, but have come to consider organized religion to be largely a fraud I can do without, particularly since the vast majority don't even come close to practicing what they preach.

And, having been raised in an international community, with a dad who became a Buddhist when I was twelve, I've taken truths from a number of faiths, and don't consider myself to be a member of any of them.

When I took an online survey on religious beliefs, I came out as essentially a Judeo-Christian Buddhist with Hindu and Native American leanings. So in matters of faith I can best be described as eclectic. ;-)

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