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RE: Golden State Killer - Day 114 - Daily Haiku - part 1

That mother is a far better Catholic than I'll ever be. (Married into the Church and gave Pascal's Wager not just one year, but 20 years, and finally resigned myself to being the heretic and skeptic I'm apparently hard-wired to be, and just, don't, get me started on this.)
Forgive my sister's killer? Dave Hoing (novelist) said his sister asked him to go with her to forgive T-Bone Taylor for killing their brother, a police officer, but Dave said nope, I don't feel forgiveness for him, or anything else. It took me some time to grasp what Dave was describing, but I now know, because I finally reached that state after an exhaustive effort to unmask my sister's killer(s). I don't seek revenge or public execution, but public embarrassment, and loss of the community's reverence for this pastor who claims to be Born Again. Thanks for the haiku, Cori, and the of course (you're so clairvoyant, or intuitive!) connection of thinking about the Golden State Killer only to hear the next day that he's been found. I wanna know how this works... this intuition... why some have it, others not at all, and what frame of mind or condition of the soul helps facilitate these insights.
Well, there's another long reply! You and I....


I can't claim great clairvoyance on this one, the story just happened to come across my feed, but that said, I don't believe in coincidence. Everything happens for a reason.

I actually considered converting to Catholicism at one point, as I was dating and considering marrying a man who was a devout Catholic, but ultimately said no to both.

As a teen, I considered converting to Judaism, but after a number of conversations with a local rabbi, chose against that as well.

But I was raised Episcopalian, which as Robin Williams so aptly said, is Catholic Light: "Same religion; half the guilt!" And, ultimately, came to much the same conclusion that you did.

I am spiritual, but have come to consider organized religion to be largely a fraud I can do without, particularly since the vast majority don't even come close to practicing what they preach.

And, having been raised in an international community, with a dad who became a Buddhist when I was twelve, I've taken truths from a number of faiths, and don't consider myself to be a member of any of them.

When I took an online survey on religious beliefs, I came out as essentially a Judeo-Christian Buddhist with Hindu and Native American leanings. So in matters of faith I can best be described as eclectic. ;-)

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