On Stolen Content, Comment Spamming and Self-Victimisation: Some Things I Have to Get Off My Chest

in #thewritersblock7 years ago (edited)

This post has been removed by the author.


I have many thoughts about this myself. First of all, 110% agree with you on everything you say. I am also very impressed by the way you've handled this whole episode, with a lot of grace and kindness, much more than I'd ever be able to bring up.
The link between the self-victimization and the arrogance of taking what isn't yours, is extremely clear in this case. I wish there was something we could do to constructively change this person's understanding of what property is and how copyright works, but from reading her long rants on how she sees the world, I have concluded there is no way that is going to happen.

Standing with you, all of the way. I hope you will not let this get to you in any way except as another example of the strength of community.

The support of my family at the Block means a lot to me. Goes without saying that walking away from Steemit is one think. Walking away from all of you guys at The Block is just impossible.

She won't understand, because she refuses to. You can't 'win' with these sort of people, this person in particular is psychotic. You engage further, and you get dragged into the mud with them. It's best at this point to continue to flag her, get Steemcleaners to continue to flag her plagiarizing as well, and ignore her. Get other people that you know to flag her, I flagged her recent post as well. If you engage her, you give her exactly what she's asking for - notoriety and attention. Don't talk about her by name, don't respond to her spam. She's currently thriving off this drama, most people like her do. Once you realize it's fruitless to continue, once you realize how a person is, withdraw from the conversation.

I, for one, welcome my new Internationally Acclaimed Author/Goddess.

Always love you, Tiny J. Soon this will be one of those Remember when...? episodes, and eventually you'll even laugh at it. Until then, sip some tea. Light a candle. Breathe. Smile. Cry a bit. Then smile some more. Let it fall behind you, as you move forward and we move with you.

Aw Jon. How do you always say such perfect and lovely things? Hugs

Nothing to say that hasn’t been said better already. Don’t let her get you down. hugs

I share your frustration and dismay. I really don't understand why this is happening the way it is. You approached the situation far more calmly and rationally than I ever could. I wish I could give you real hugs and not just virtual ones to show how much you mean to me.

I don't think there is a lot to understand. Apparently, playing the poor, bullied victim is the perfect way to not only get away with theft. It allows you to get paid for it, too.

Don't worry, Bex. You show me every day.

I so deeply wish that this situation hadn't turned out the way it did, but the way you've handled and responded to it all is exemplary. If only @ginafraser would follow in your example, but it's unlikely for that to happen at this point. The only thing we can hope for is for the Steem community to take action against her for her theft and slander.

We love you, Tiny, and will always support you. <3

Thank you so much, Rose. TBH, the support of all of you is pretty much the only thing still keeping me here at this point.

I wish I could hug you in person :) Why do we live so far from each other?!

It's gratifying to know that some of the most influential users on the Steemit plaform share your frustration and disgust with ginafraser's behavior, @tinypaleokitchen, and stepped up to end it. While still leaving her enough rep that she can rethink her approach, they torpedoed her posts to zero so there's no chance she can profit from your work or the drama she created. This proves that the spirit of Steemit is still intact, and while demoralizing things do happen, most of the time there is remedy. :-)

It really is nice to know members of the community will stand up against people like her.

I am so sorry this has happened and has really hurt you. I have to agree she is stealing and it doesn't matter what country you are from stealing is an offence. If you did this in her country you would go to jail. For her to claim ignorance is poppycock. She knows what she is doing. You won't win against this type of person. You can't reason with them. Don't engage any further. Leave it to Steemcleaners to continue to flag her. Mute her so you don't see her comments anymore. It would be a shame to lose someone as talented as you for a person like her. Please stay and let the community support you. HUGS!

Thank you so much for your support. Hugs!

I've barely interacted with you but offer a hug, because my heart is in it. Also will do what I can to reduce the plagiarist's profits from your property.

Thank you so much, Barbie.

It's all so simple. She stole your work and refused to set it right, even when you asked so politely. No amount of flannel she can provide will change those facts.

I've read through her comments and retaliatory posts and I think it's clear there's no way of getting through to her. She will keep insisting she has a right to steal.

Thank you so much for your support, darling.


Hi @tinypaleokitchen, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Thursdays for Pimp Your Post Thursday at 11am EDT or 7PM EDT in the Steemit Ramble Discord or:

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Thank you so much, Shadows. You're support means a lot to me.

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