The Mystery Of Pink Flamingo

The following story is a @janine-ariane's #thepinkrabbit freewrite challenge.


Who was she?

A pink flamingo was a shy guy. So shy, he always looked at floor.

When all other flamingos were having fun and playing around, our flamingo was thinking about life. "Does my life matter? What am I doing here?" he often asked himself while looking down.

One day a girl approached him. She touched him and asked for direction. He told her: "Go straight and left at corner." He quickly looked down but carried a pleasant thought about her.

Flamingos mind was no longer the same - this girl entered to his questions about life. He often thought about her but have never seen her again.

All he has left from her is this photo. Can you notice his smile and happiness? Yes, we could say mr. Flamingo is in love. But will he ever see her again? This is the pink question which will be answered at the next pink story.


Very Nice interesting post
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Thank you from all my pink heart :)

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