A philosophy of Theophilia as a post art nouveau

in #theophilia6 years ago (edited)

To have a love of knowledge, one must have a knowledge of love...

  • a philosophy of Theophilia as Theosophy:

“The Ocean of Theosophy” by William Q. Judge

Some say Pythagoras was the first Western philosopher (Philia or love + Sophia or wisdom) but perhaps not enough has been said about the old Sophist Protagoras or for that matter, Sophism. Maybe it gets rhetorical. Gnosis what I mean (Vern)?

“Esoteric Budhism” by A.P. Sinnett

Walter Russell “In the Wave Lies the Secret of Creation”

PIHKAL: Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved: A Chemical Love Story

Paul Laffoley was an American visionary artist and architect from Boston, Massachusetts, represented by Kent Fine Art in New York. Wikipedia
Born: August 14, 1935, Cambridge, MA
Died: November 16, 2015, Boston, MA
Education: Brown University
Movement: Visionary art
Books: The Phenomenology of Revelation, MORE
Awards: Guggenheim Fellowship for Creative Arts, US & Canada
Outsider Artist Paul Laffoley Illustrates The End Of The Universe

“Basia: Fallen Angle Loosing her wings” This art work inspires a deeper search. The study of the origin and history of words reveals much:

The Greek affix “Theo” translates as ‘God’, also from the Greek language, “Logos” translates as ‘World’ or ‘Reason’, ‘Gnosis’ translates as ‘knowledge’ as in experience, ‘Sophia’ translates as ‘Wisdom’ as in illumination, ‘Philia’ translates as ‘fondness’ as in a loyalty and honor, ‘Eros’ translates as ‘sexual passionate yearning’, and as far as types of love, ‘Agape’ refers to brotherly or sisterly love for all humanity of for God’s parental love of humans and creation.

Siblings Day is a holiday recognized annually in some parts of the United States on April 10, honoring the relationships of siblings.

Matthew 22:36-40 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

(For better and for worse, in the end it is) For all the best Fali Engineer c/o The Houston Lodge Theosophical Society

In Hebrew, Ahava, has a slightly wider semantic range than agape, sort of a ‘Platonic’ love but there is more to it. Well, what is love? In English the word ‘love’ itself is derived from the Germanic forms of the Sanskrit word ‘lubh (desire)’ and since it’s broadly defined, it’s imprecise. ‘Kama’ is a Hindu God, gratification, sexual fulfillment and in Theosophy, it is the fourth of seven bodies known as the Animal Soul or Kama Rupa (Desire Body). The name Adonis almost certainly derives from a Semitic language and is identical to the Hebrew word ‘Adonai’ which means ‘my lord’. In Greek mythology Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, was married to Hephaestus, but that did not prevent her from having love affairs with Aries, the God of War and Adonis, a beautiful young boy.

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, Museum District Campus

US Presidents by religious affiliation, Unitarian branch

Saint Valentinus and the thirteenth Aeon called Sophia: a Romance - “story of a hero’s (journey) adventures,” “a love story,” or or in the “Roman style.”

Glassell School of Art

Learning the language of love: What is discovered at the alter of leader of men's errors, within the distraction and denial campaigns over the mess of it, with whom delegates picking up the pieces and by what authority vested in a land of brave and alleged free people? In whom do lobbies of the state deceive as if snake oil salesman William Avery "Bill" Rockefeller Sr.?
The Figure of Error in the Gospel of Truth

National Sisters Day on the first Sunday in August is your chance to show your appreciation for that unique bond only sisters can understand. All siblings have the odd argument here and there, but deep down there's little way around the natural connection between siblings.

The book of Numbers to the Sri Yantra power of a Mayan Mersenne

Who was St Valentine and what did he do?

Alongside a woodcut portrait of Valentine, the text states that he was a Roman priest martyred during the reign of Claudius Gothicus. He was arrested and imprisoned upon being caught marrying Christian couples and otherwise aiding Christians who were at the time being persecuted by Claudius in Rome.

Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas

The Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient books (called "codices") containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945.

Matthias Stom
The Judgment of Solomon

Brother's Day celebrates the family – specifically, brothers. Celebrated on the 24th of May, it's a great day to let your brother know how much he means to you.

genocide refugees autonomy and sovereignty...Skanda, (Sanskrit: “Leaper” or “Attacker”), the firstborn son of Shiva, is the Hindu god of war, for Indians sake.

The Gospel fo Valentinus also known as the Gospel of Truth goes into detail about the thirtieth Aeon called Sophia. Valentinus, the Gnostic Father, was a bishop of the Catholic Church. He tried to change orthodoxy by introducing the Gnostic speculation. Valentinus was from Alexandria and was there, studying with his teacher Basilides, when the court of Hadrian and Antinous arrived. He believed that Love was the creator of the universe, and the cause of the fall of Sophia. He believed that Jesus came to reverse the fall of Sophia, that Jesus was the consort of Sophia, the Aeon called Christos. The love between them was the reason that Jesus descended to save the world. Valentinus began his teaching in Rome, and gained so much support that he was even nominated for the Papacy but lost by a narrow margin.

Eventually exiled for heresy, the Gnostic Father formed his own rival church that became an influntial and widespread Gnostic sect, influencing Gnostic thought down to our time. Because Valentinus was a witness of the Passion of Antinous, and because he attempted to change the Catholic Church, we sanctify his name and venerate him on the sacred day of Eros, the Day of Love.

We may owe our observance of Valentine’s Day to the Roman celebration of Lupercalia, a festival of eroticism that horned Juno Fevruata, the goddess of “feverish” (febris) love (pagan holiday of Lupercalia).

What was Lupercalia?

Lupercalia was a very ancient, possibly pre-Roman pastoral annual festival, observed in the city of Rome on February 15, to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility.

And since Valentinus had been martyred on February 14, the Church could also preempt the annual February 15 celebration of Lupercalia. According to one legend, Valentinus ignored a decree from Emperor Claudius II (Marcus Aurelius Claudius Augustus Gothicus) that forbade all marriages and betrothals. Caught in the act, Valentinus was imprisoned and sentenced to death for secretly conducting several wedding ceremonies.

The festival was celebrated near the cave of Lupercal {wolf (Lupus)} on the Palatine (one of the seven Roman Hills), to expiate and purify new life in the Spring. The Latin for fever is febris which may have the same linguistic root [cf. Febrile]), as related to purification (from Latin februare = to purify). The Christian Justin Matyr identified Faunus as Lupercus, “the one who wards off the wolf”, but his identification is not supported by any earlier classical sources; a she-wolf is a protective totem of Rome, since one was the mythological foster mother of the Eternal City’s founding twins Romulus and Remus.

For love or money?

The word money comes from the Latin word moneo, which means ' to warn', and is named after the Roman Goddess, Juno Moneta. This temple to Juno “who warns“ (“Moneta”) was vowed by M. Furius Camillus during a war in 345 B.C.

Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction

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