Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction

in #finacial6 years ago (edited)

THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIRS met in OPEN SESSION to conduct a hearing entitled, Virtual Currencies: The Oversight Role of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

"War Upon the Bank Renewed"

Nuclear scientists logged on to one of Russia’s most secure computers — to mine bitcoin

Technical writers recognize the Kafir in the Tax Coffer from the US Senate banking hearing on virtual currencies. Not part of that black robe cult but they get the jib jab rock and roll swindle of 'em Sex Pistols.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Indicted on Securities Charges, Sources Say

State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report

Six Billion dollars? Wow! TX AG with Securities felony?
It is interesting to correlate how to mine cryptocurency as well capitol Lobby reactions:

Texas AG Paxton to Face Two Felony Trials

Now let's data mine a little deeper for correlation theory developments:

Fossil Fuel Industry-Funded Attorneys General Try to Block ExxonMobil Climate Fraud Probe

Hit paydirt yet data mining?
Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf

In House Bill, Clean Energy on the GOP Chopping Block 13 Times

Nuclear scientists logged on to one of Russia’s most secure computers — to mine bitcoin

How may financial laws and interest groups with cryptocurrencies may be addressed in lobby?

Fight Over Payday Loans, From Capitol to Campaign Trail

Texas Disparity updates:

Hillary Clinton: I’m running for Goldman Sachs, Saudi Arabia, Soros, Rothschild & Monsanto

It began when Stephens helped bring BCCI (the Bank of Credit and Commerce International) to America. The details of this story are important, because it represents the beginnings of a cozy relationship between Jackson Stephens, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Webster Hubbell, Bert Lance, Systematics, Vince Foster, and BCCI. Vince Foster was Deputy White House Counsel and the Clinton's lawyer. Hillary Clinton and Vincent Foster were friends and business associates at the Rose Law Firm. Jackson Thomas Stephens was the CEO of Little Rock, Arkansas-based Stephens Inc., a privately owned financial services company. Jackson Stephens Sr. is a big-money man from Arkansas. He brought BCCI to US shores in 1979. "The Octopus: The Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro" is a book the Democratic Party may run from or to, depending on who you ask in the party. BCCI and its borrowers in connection with CCAH/First American, orchestrated with Capcom's majority shareholders, Kamal Adham and A.R. Khalil, BCCI's manipulation of commodities and securities markets.

Goldman's president at the time was Robert Rubin, later appointed by the Clinton administration to succeed Lloyd Bentsen as the Secretary of the Treasury. Jackson Stephens Sr. is a big-money man from Arkansas. A top donor to the Reagan and George H.W. Bush campaigns, he suddenly switched to Clinton in 1990. He brought BCCI to US shores in 1979 and helped to launder cocaine profits from CIA drug smuggling in Mena, Arkansas and elsewhere.

Mochtar Riady is the Indonesian billionaire who was a joint investor with Little Rock billionaire Jackson Stephens in Worthen Bank when an investor group that included Jackson Stephens took over First American Bank in Washington, D.C.

Stephens, with the help of Bert Lance and others, brought in BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) to wrest control of the bank from that group, and to put it into the hands of friendlier partners.

The Stephens' software firm Systematics was to become the nation's biggest supplier of back-office banking software, and would eventually work closely with the National Security Agency to facilitate intelligence monitoring of banking transactions.

Hacked Docs Expose Soros-Obama-UN Refugee Invasion Network

African Asylum Seekers Paint Themselves White to Protest Deportations from Israel

EXCLUSIVE: House Letter Calls Clinton Foundation ‘Lawless’
Photo of Richard Pollock
Richard Pollock

Kafir (Arabic: كافر‎ kāfir; plural كفّار kuffār; feminine كافرة kāfirah) an Arabic term (from the root K-F-R "to cover") meaning "one who covers the truth" or "one who covers something" also translated as "infidels" or "unbelievers".

Etymology of the English word "Coffer": from Old French coffre ‘chest,’ via Latin from Greek kophinos ‘basket.’

Tax Coffer, meet Kafir. From my understanding, man made trouble in Yemen are causing about 500,000 people to suffer. Bab al-Yaman (Arabic: باب اليمن ), lit. "Gate of the Yemen," "Bab-al Mandab"

I attempted to contact the embassy.

Their website or email was not working when I tried.

I attempted contacting Cardinal Wako to keep Austin weird with a live Qawalli music campaign:

Hope he got the message. Hmm, I wonder?

“Groundwork” The political “startup” funded by Google Chairman Eric Schmidt for the sole purpose of electing Hillary Clinton president

Clinton Son-in-Law’s Firm Is Said to Close Greece Hedge Fund

Now, wait a minute... For Rice sake of genocide for Oil in Sudan playing Cardinal Wako like a Jesuit Department of Treasury Executive.

Rep. Gutierrez: Goldman Sachs is a Merchant of Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction

Arguably, for over a millennium, merchants from Asia utilized Hawala in the middle east, Hundi in central Asia and Chop in the far east. In the most basic variant of the hawala system, money is transferred via a network of hawala brokers, or hawaladars. It is the transfer of money without actually moving it. In fact, a successful definition of the hawala system that is used is "money transfer without money movement". Technically, a Hundi is an unconditional order in writing made by a person directing another to pay a certain sum of money to a person named in the order. Hundis, being a part of the informal system have no legal status and are not covered under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.

George Bush's government post 9/11:

The word “hawala,” meaning “trust” refers to informal money or value transfer systems or networks outside the formal financial sector. ... President Bush signed Executive Order 13224 giving the United States greater power ..... In some nations hawala is illegal; in others the activity is considered.

Researching war chest and treasury tactics in political science, we may discern warmongering strategies to default for a national debt. For example, in 1861, Mexican President Benito Juarez suspended payment of all foreign debts, and France, ruled at the time by Napoleon III, invaded Mexico in response. Britain and Spain settled for payments offered by Mexican President Benito Juarez, but France went ahead and invaded, despite Lincoln's warnings. Each government's primary economic objective was to command a sufficient quantity of hard currency to support a military that would deter attacks by other countries. Most of the mercantilist policies were the outgrowth of the relationship between the governments of the nation-states and their mercantile classes. This strikes a chord with me with such cultural conventions as a piñata as an interesting expression of a war chest for the kids.

Zakat is a form of alms-giving treated in Islam as a religious obligation or tax, which, by Quranic ranking, is next after prayer (salat) in importance. As one of the Five Pillars of Islam, zakat is a religious obligation for all Muslims who meet the necessary criteria of wealth.

In Islamic tradition, khums (Arabic: خمس‎ Arabic pronunciation: [xums], literally 'one fifth') refers to the historically required religious obligation of any Muslim army to pay one-fifth of the spoils of war, the money collected from non-believers after a military campaign; this tax was paid to the caliph or sultan.

These mercantile mechanisms of the Muslim world may help Texas not go into the dark ages as Europe did a millennium ago. Coffee, algebra, flight and chemistry are just a few things invented or advanced upon by Muslims in these 'Dark Ages'.

Robert De Niro takes aim at Trump's climate change policy

Survey: 69% Of Americans Have Less Than $1,000 In Savings [Infographic]
Niall McCarthy , Contributor

2 Corinthians 5:5
Now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Created the Worst Financial Crisis of Our Time

by Gretchen Morgenson, Joshua Rosner
St. Martin's Press, Jun 5, 2012 - Business & Economics - 368 pages

A Washington Post Notable Nonfiction Book for 2011
One of The Economist's 2011 Books of the Year

In Reckless Endangerment, Gretchen Morgenson exposes how the watchdogs who were supposed to protect the country from financial harm were actually complicit in the actions that finally blew up the American economy. Drawing on previously untapped sources and building on original research from coauthor Joshua Rosner—who himself raised early warnings with the public and investors, and kept detailed records—Morgenson connects the dots that led to this fiasco.

Morgenson and Rosner draw back the curtain on Fannie Mae, the mortgage-finance giant that grew, with the support of the Clinton administration, through the 1990s, becoming a major opponent of government oversight even as it was benefiting from public subsidies. They expose the role played not only by Fannie Mae executives but also by enablers at Countrywide Financial, Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, HUD, Congress, and the biggest players on Wall Street, to show how greed, aggression, and fear led countless officials to ignore warning signs of an imminent disaster.

Character-rich and definitive in its analysis, and with a new afterword that brings the story up to date, this is the one account of the financial crisis you must read.

Dan Rather Calls Trump’s Defense Of Porter A ‘Heat-Seeking Missile’

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