Almost human on #themorningbowl

It's been a rough 3 days.. I'm about 75% right now.. ...but dammmmnnn that is a significant improvement.. contest ideas? Let's smoke this joint..


Fire it up..

Peace out ya'll...Dave



Good to have you almost back in the saddle.

Maybe a contest to guess the number of actifit steps you will have?

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's a really good idea..

I'm too radical to post everyday. Plus I'd run out of ideas to bitch about. I can't bitch about the same shit all the time. That's why I don't have many followers. I'm too risque. Fucktards hate truth so those who have stuck with me all this time must be die hard fans of me and all the stupid shit I post.

I've got a contest going on right now but does anybody give a shit? Right now it is at 48 cents. My last contest that you won Dave made 58 cents. It isn't how many posts we make it is assholes not voting and commenting. Another reason why I stopped trying to post something everyday. Nobody gives a shit. Steemit is a scam like everything else. I only came back for the outlet of free speech. I mean come on I'm not making any money. I've been on Steemit almost a whole year now and I'm still not even at 500 SP yet. Like I'm really making a living here rolls eyes.

You definitely are to radical to be posting every day.. #nofilter .. as far as SP... you could reach 500 for $50.. although I know money is tight for everyone.. especially during winter.. keep my winnings. Power it up !tip

I bought 120 Steem with that last penny worth of Bitcoin I had left months ago. I'm not set up anymore to be buying cryptos or else I might buy some more. I know I want too.

And yes you can easily post everyday.. There's a Dapp for that... Actifit

I've seen that but haven't downloaded it. Looks like I'm going to have too. Now that the weather has warmed up I'm going to have to start taking Maverick for walks.

If you power up that 41 STEEM in your wallet you'll be at 500SP

WTF!? You are delegating me some Steem? How do I give it back? Umm, thanks I guess LOL. I was planning on saving that 41 Steem for the next monster raffle.

A STEEM saved is a STEEM earned

Thanks Dave. But doesn't delegated Steem return? Or how does this work?

I'm loaning it to you. Your vote is now worth a bit more and if you power up the other 41 youi'll get a slider

🎁 Hi @hippie-witha-gun! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @davedickeyyall!

@davedickeyyall wrote lately about: Almost Human On #Themorningbowl Feel free to follow @davedickeyyall if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Glad you're on the mend Dave. Sorry you're sick 3 days. Looking forward to your next contest! The sun is shining too!! Hope you have a great day 🐴❄🔥🎶


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