The Mesopotamians System Status, Week 17

This is a weekly update of the status of @themesopotamians system.

I'm home and will start posting again slowly here. While my vacation was nice, I can't say I came home much less fatigued than when I left, so things may not spin up super-fast. Post-hf20 I'm still thinking a lot about how to accomplish the core goals of the system while using less of my time and energy.

On the bright side the voting bots worked perfectly while I was gone, and even with severely curtailed posting the account growth has done well and makes me feel good about long-term sustainability in terms of voting power. My key sustainability concern at this point has shifted to being able to find enough new users, as the governance decisions seem to be moving Steem away from attracting the sorts of people that The Mesopotamians wants to support.

But we'll see how things shake out.

@doctorworm0-500 SPActiveSupporting 21 users
@particleman0-500 SPActiveSupporting 23 users
@m-sargon500-1100 SPActiveSupporting 12 users
@m-hammurabi1100-1800 SPInactiveSupporting 11 users
@m-ashurbanipal1800-2700 SPInactiveFollowing @particleman
@m-gilgamesh2700-3800 SPInactiveFollowing @doctorworm
@themesopotamians3800-5000 SPInactiveVoting all users

The Mesopotamians is a project to use ongoing support and gamification to encourage account growth and build a class of community-minded minnows and eventually dolphins. This project is run by @tcpolymath.

The Mesopotamians uses a six-level system of automated votes to encourage specific users to invest in their accounts and make community contributions. As a user progresses up the levels the value of vote they receive increases. Before advancing to each new level a user will be asked to envision, develop, and implement a new project with community benefit.

The Mesopotamians is an outgoing support initiative, not a vote-trading scheme. Support from our members is appreciated but not in any way required.

Users are chosen for the program by @tcpolymath in a completely-unfair and usually-opaque selection process based on what he thinks is important for the community and who he thinks would be a good dolphin someday. He's giving his own money away here so he's ok with that, but it's best to be upfront about it.


Great to Have you Back @tcpolymath :), How has been the break?

Hi, I would love to be a part of this!

Posted using Partiko Android

Once I get things fully running again after HF20 I'll do a big applications post for all levels on my account. It will look similar to this one (except for the SP restrictions) if you want to think about your application ahead of time:

Thanks for your reply @tcpolymath, I have followed up your activities and I may not want the SP but to be on the voting list of one of the above accounts as I'm only a minnow with about 75SP of my own.

Posted using Partiko Android

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