The Magic Story #4 Day 16


It's me again...
The Magic Frog

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Once upon a time...

Once there was a kingdom plague by a nasty dragon. The dragon would terrorized villages, and towns to steal their livestocks. King Mauro, the ruler of the kingdom tried everything but the dragon's no easy foe. Out of option the king decided...
(by @vegaron) seek the service of Alfred, a dragon slayer for hire. So the king send a messenger to summon Alfred. Several days later, the infamous dragon slayer arrived riding a griffin as mount! The king was awed seeing such an incredible sight.
(by @riovanes)

Alfred the dragon slayer walked towards the king. He then gave a slight bow as a sign of respect. The king looked at Alfred and can't help but admit that he is a man of grit. He had a feeling that this man might just succeed in subjugating the dragon
(by @chadrona)

Alfred introduced himself to the king, and inquire about the dragon that have been terrorizing the kingdom. After knowing the situation, he asked for some supplies before heading off. The next day he arrived at the place the dragon was last seen.
(by @yuki-nee)

There he saw the damage the dragon caused. Yet when he asked around he found out that the said dragon have not actually killed anyone but only feed on livestocks. Despite this though, Alfred is determined to hunt the dragon. Finding no more clues...
(by @riovanes)

...Alfred flew to the next village where the dragon was seen. But on the way to the village, Alfred saw a large red figure flying to a certain direction. "That's... a dragon!" Alfred exclaimed in shock. Alfred couldn't believe his luck, he actually..
(by @riovanes)

...spotted a dragon the moment he decided to leave. "Quickly follow the dragon, Feather!" Alfred told his griffin. Feather the griffin followed the dragon as its master ordered. But no matter how Feather tried he could not match the dragon's speed!
(by @chrislyr)

Yet Alfred did not give up, and ordered Feather to maintain its current speed. Soon they stumble upon a valley, and the dragon descend while carrying a sheep. It then entered a cave, and everything was silent once more. After observing, Alfred...
(by @yuki-nee)

...thought that the timing's just perfect. "Feather, let's do it," Alfred told Fearher. "Kweh!!!" Feather agreed, and determination fill its eyes. The dragon who was secretly watching looked at the duo in confusion. "What are they planning?"
(by @yuki-nee)

Not long after the dragon recieved the answer to its question. Alfred, and the griffin started dancing in a weird way. "This..." the dragon's maw almost fall to the ground agape. To see a human dancing like a lunatic truly shocked the dragon...
(by @riovanes)

"What's going on? And why is my body moving on my own?!" The dragon started panicking. Hearing the rumble inside the cave, Alfred new his secret technique was working. "Let's step it up a notch, Feather!" Exclaimed the sweating Alfred.
(by @chadrona)

The dragon could not help but dance along with Alfred, and Feather. Unable to understand what's happening the dragon panicked. It then realized that not only is it dancing, it's also moving towards the duo's direction. "Damn it!" It exclaimed.
(by @chadrona)

Soon the dragon found itself in front of Alfred, and Feather. Its huge figure that towers over most species should be enough to terrify anyone. But Alfred is not just anyone; he is a dragon slayer! Alfred glared at the dragon before...
(by @riovanes)

...brandishing his sword! A furious dragon stared angrily at a man, and a griffin, poised to attack. Suddenly the dragon spoke. "What the hell is the big idea, dude? Why did you used magic on me?" It asked. "Dude? What are you saying?" Alfred asked.
(by @chadrona)

"Dude is dude! What do you think it is? Anyway, you still have not answered my question. Why did you attacked me?" The dragon asked again. "I've still no idea what this "dude" is. But the reason I attacked you is because I was asked to."
(by @vegaron)

To be continued!

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Alfred then told the dragon about his mission. "Lame! That's just lame, dude! Sure I might have stolen some livestocks but that's no reason to hunt me! I'm a freaking dragon for crying out loud!" Roared the dragon in resentment. After venting, the...

The dragon was not pleased by Alfred's answer, and swear that he'll give the king a "visit" to teach him not to mess with a dragon. After that he tried to convince Alfred to abandon his mission.

"Oh? So the king wanted to slay me eh? It seemed that I needed to make a trip to the capital..." the dragon proclaimed after hearing the reason. "What! Stop! I won't allow you!" Alfred exclaimed, terrified of the possible consenquences if the...

"Say whaaatttt! How dare a puny human put a bounty on my head! Hmph! I'm very pissed right now. Maybe I'll putting the castle on fire would make me feel better." Said the dragon with dark impression. The dragon then unfold its wings, and...

"Oh? Is that so? Then I think I need to meet this king." The dragon said as it unceremoniously picked up Alfred with its claw.

Fab. So cool.

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