The Magic Story #3 Day 15

in #themagicfrog6 years ago (edited)


It's me again...
The Magic Frog

Read my story

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Once upon a time...

A famous thief had stolen the crown jewel of the kingdom of Magnolia. Enraged, the king ordered his army to find and apprehend the thief but without success. Out of option, the king announced that whoever catch the thief and return the crown jewel...
(by @yuki-nee)

...will be honored as the kingdom's hero! Not only that, but that person will also be given a large amount of gold and a territory. The news thunder throughout the kingdom, and even mercenaries from another land came to try their luck. Among them..
(by @riovanes)

...the traveling bard Thomas. When the news of the rewards reached Thomas, the bard quickly traveled towards Magnolia. But unlike the adventurers and mercenaries, Thomas didn't came for the reward, instead he went to Magnolia to witness the event.
(by @chadrona)

Inside an Inn, Thomas was chatting with a barmaid when suddenly, a grim looking person entered. The person in question looked around and went to a table with four people, he then draw his sword! Everyone looked nervously at him. Suddenly, he...
(by @chrislyr)

...points to Thomas and said, "I want you to be part of my party. Everyone knows a good group needs a bard. When we succeed, we shall share the spoils!" He introduced himself as Osman, a paladin of The Order.
(by @enforcer48)

One by one the group introduced themselves. Athena is a priestess from the holy kingdom of Fronterra. Luke is a knight from Greevis. Stein the thief hails from Meetis. Then there's Saori from the mysterious east continent. She calls herself a "ninja"
(by @chrislyr)

"By the way do you know about the Rats?" Osman suddenly asked. " I've heard of them. They're a secretive group that sells information," answered Thomas. "Indeed. Stein here us acquainted with a few of them," said Osman while pointing at Stein.
(by @vegaron)

"We'll go there right now, wanna come with us?" Asked Osman. Thomas agreed without hesitation, he too is curious about the so called "rats". Stein then took them to a house. He then knocked the door using certain rhythms. Before long the door opened.
(by @yuki-nee)

...and a bear-like middle age man appeared. "You're earlier than expected," the man said. "We got a new member and I'm taking him on a tour," answered Stein, smirking. " you think we're a travel agency?" The man said annoyed. Stein, simply...
(by @riovanes)

Stein simply, nods at the bear-like man to the man's annoyance and led the group inside. There, a person in gray cloak led them to a secret there where they walk for god now how long. After the long hike, they finally saw a light, passing the tunnel
(by @chadrona)

To the party's surprise, they arrived at a black market; specifically, it was ran by the drows. Thomas knew in his mind that this is was not normal as the marketers were far from their homeland.
(by @enforcer48)

"How curios!" Thomas said? "What's curios?" Athena asked. "These drows, none of them are of pure blood," Thomas answered. "Impressive! You actually noticed," said Stein impressed. "I've been to Halmara before," said Thomas. "Really?" Everyone gasped.
(by @riovanes)

Surprised with what Thomas said, his groupmate wanted to ask more question but was warned by Stein that this not the proper place to do so. After this brief interlude, they finally met the information seller—a time-weary and aged half-blood drow.
(by @chrislyr)

After being introduced as Smnir, the aged half-drow took the group to a private booth where they could talk business without worrying of being eavesdropped. Inside, the old drow took out a sealed scroll, telling them that the information they...
(by @vegaron)

...they wanted is in that scroll. "Be warned though, the place written in the scroll is extremely dangerous, and if you're not careful none might escape alive," said Smnir. Hearing what the drow said, everyones expression turn solemn. Days later...
(by @chrislyr)

To be continued!

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..., they had finished preparations and gathered supplies for their upcoming treacherous trip. Osman seemed unworried and was, in fact, cheery. Athena was meditating in her usual way. Luke gave his weapons a final shine. Saori and Stein sat quietly.

...the group enters a forest known as the "forest of lost soul!" According to the information from the scroll, there is a high chsnce that the thief is located there. So after some preparation, they begin their long and treacherous journey.

...there preparations was finally completed. All they need to do is capture the thief and force the location of the crown jewel! But they need to hurry as the information was somehow leaked! With heavy heart they embarked kn a dangerous quest...

...the party left the capital to another city. According to the information from tge old drow, the thief is a member of a hidden organization founded to cause chaos in the land, the "trancenders" organization. There true purpose is unknown nor do...

"Is it really here?" Athena asked. Looking at the ruin in front of them, it is hard to believe that the thief is hidding there. Despite the group's concern, they still entered the ruin. Inside, they saw a musky and dark hall.

Big boy was trading steem. He's in love with big girl. Sending almost all steem to the girl. She's now in big love.

The End!!

...everyone is waiting at the port to take the ship to the city of Crimea. The beautiful seaport inspired the artist within Thomas, thus he is currently writing a song. Half an hour later the ship arrives and the group starts boarding.

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