The Magic Story #2 Day 74


It's me again...
The Magic Frog

Read my story

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Once upon a time...

there was an unlucky adventurer called Roland. One day Roland, along with a great number of adventurer was tasked by the Adventurer guild to explore a mysterious dungeon that had appeared out of nowhere.
(by @vegaron)

There are rumors that all of the lately lost people of the village could be found inside. The Adventurer Guild promised to give the adventurer or adventurer group that managed to rescue the people a very special and precious treasure.
(by @atra-aranea)

As unlucky as he always was, Roland however had a soft heart for people in distress. Thus he was prepared to do his best this time around. Before setting out, Roland decided to go on a trip to his Grandma's place at the country side. She was a witch.
(by @curtwriter)

It was a long journey into the forest where his Grandma lived so he prepared himself, carrying a water gourd and bread. A few steps into the forest, he heard the croak of a frog as it lay helpless in the fangs of a snake. He knew he had to save it.
(by @neddie)

(by @hennifant)

Needless to say, the snake was surprised! However, to Roland's bad luck, that wasn't the snake charmer's magic flute. In fact, it was more of a long dog whistle. He blew into it and no sound came. Suddenly, something was rustling through the bushes.
(by @enforcer48)

Within moments the ferocious black grim charged out of the bushes. It howled and bared its blood stained teeth,

(by @tdre)

After showing itself, the creature looked at the trio with disdain. "Who dares summon me? Was it you, mortal?"Said the grim with arrogance. "Yes, it is I who summoned thee. I command thee to rid of that serpent!" Roland hollered.
(by @riovanes)

"Who the hell art thou to command me, you little twat!" and the grim made to attack Roland. Then the strangest of things happened. The frog, who had been lying helpless in the mouth of the snake freed itself from the snake's grip and began changing.
(by @curtwriter)

The frog suddenly transformed into a kind looking old woman! "Grandma!"Roland shouted in shock. The frog is actually his grandma in disguise. "He! He! He! It seems like my little Grim is giving you a hard time."His grandma tell said while laughing.
(by @chadrona)

Roland was truly shocked to see the frog transforming into his grandmother, but before he could ask he was teleported out of the area! Once he opened his eyes he was greatly surprised—he already arrived at her house!
(by @vegaron)

Though surprised, Roland did not dwell to much on it and went straight to the issue in hand—the mysterious dungeon. "About that mysterious dungeon, I might know a thing about it." Grandma Dorris said. According to her, it's not a dungeon but a...
(by @vegaron)

... gate! Yes, a gate, but not just any gate—a planar gate! It's a gate that leads to another plane of existence, and the dungeon itself is just the entrance. "No wonder it appears out of nowhere! This solve some of its mysteries." Roland thought.
(by @chrislyr)

"Grandma, you said it's a gate to another plane, but to where exactly?"Roland asked. "I don't know myself, I send a few familiar to probe that place but I lost contact with them. All I know is that magic will not work there."She answered gravely.
(by @chrislyr)

"A plane with no magic? How could that be?"Blurts out the shock Roland. "It's not that surprising, even in this world there are places that forbids magic"Answered his grandmother. Roland nods his head, he understand this principle.
(by @riovanes)

"What must I do to prepare for such a treacherous place?" asked Roland. "Come," said Dorris, "we must do research!" With that, the duo headed towards the witch's library.
(by @enforcer48)

Entering the library, Roland was shock at how messy his grandmother's library is. "Grandma this is—" Roland wanted to ask but was ignored by her. Doris on the otherhand rummages through the mess known as books. Several back-breaking hours later...
(by @chadrona)

Feeling much tired, both decided to rest for a while. On their way out, Roland stumbled against a pile of books. Bending down to pick them up, his gaze came across a dusty book opened. Alas! "Grandma, come over", he called her back to have a look.
(by @mcyusuf)

Dorris quickly runs towards Roland, she then grabs the book and read it. "Boy. Not sure if shall call you fortunate or unfortunate." she said while giving Roland a weird look. "What do you mean?" Roland asked. She then promptly tells him the content.
(by @riovanes)

"Where on Earth are we to find such artifact", he asked, looking puzzled. With the looks on Dorris face, Roland felt quite unlucky as there wasn't much time left for the adventure. Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter and Dorris was pointing to...
(by @mcyusuf)

the window. A small group had formed, laughing at Roland. Dorris shouted at them using some strange language. Suddenly they were gone. "Back to the artifact. Sadly you must notice yourself or it won't work. Just think about it for a minute", she said
(by @atra-aranea)

And he thought about it, but seemed not to be able to understand where it might be, so he gave up.
(by @andreistalker)

"I'll probably know what it is later. But with my luck, getting it won't be easy..." shrugged Roland. "He! He! Since you decide to let it be, why don't you take some supplies first? Let snakey guide you to the treasury." Dorris adviced.
(by @riovanes)

"Snakey? Who is that?" asked Roland. "Ahem! That would be me, master Roland." a voice replied. "What the—?!" Roland exclaimed then turn around. He then saw an elderly gentleman dressed in a butler suit. Strangely enough the old butler is actually...
(by @chadrona)

...see through! "G-ghost!" screamed Roland in fright. "Calm down you silly boy! You've fought dragons and other nasty creatures before, yet you're afraid of ghost?" Dorris reprimand. "Besides his not a ghost but a treasure spirit." she adds.
(by @vegaron)

Knowing that Snakey's no ghost, Roland felt relieved. He then followed Snakey to the treasure vault. Inside he was greeted by an array of gold, rare herbs, potions and magical tools. Roland is amazed how wealthy his grandmother is. He then choose...
(by @yuki-nee) all purpose anti-dimensional sword! Not only can it cut thru dimensions like knife thru butter, it can even cut down dragons with ease! Every would be hero should have one! - dwarf king Freous "What the hell is this? " asked a confuse Roland.
(by @yuki-nee)

"I'm not sure myself, master Roland. The mistress had acquired it through trades several days ago."answered Snakey, a bit hesitant. "Really? Hmmm... Okay! I'll take it!"Roland said, determined. After choosing a few more items, he left to say goodbye.
(by @chadrona)

After leaving his grandmother's place, Roland found himself surrounded by orcs. Beside him is a wounded elven girl. Roland got into his current situation when he tried to save the elven girl from the orcs. Unfortunately, there's just to many of them
(by @chrislyr)

"I'm sorry for getting you into this mess, sir adventurer." the elven girl apologized. "No, no trouble at all miss..." Roland wish to say her name but he doesn't know. "I'm called Elmira, and you are?" Elmira asked back. "Roland." replies Roland.

(by @chrislyr)

The brief introduction was interrupted by the orcs who can't read the mood. Annoyed by their never-ending numbers, Roland fish out a magic tool—a flute. Yes it's the same flute that summoned the grim. Roland quickly played s tune and the...
(by @riovanes)

After the flute was blewn, lightnings suddenly appeared out of nowhere and strikes the attacking orcs. Roland took advantage of this, took Elmira by hand and escaped the encirclement. Having run far enough the duo stopped and watched with amazement.
(by @chadrona)

"This is amazing. But I thought a grim would appear - like the last time I used it?" Roland wondered. "You managed to summon a grim? Really?" Elmira asked excited. "This is so amazing. How did you aquire the flute? Can I have a look at it?"
(by @atra-aranea)

Roland handed the flute to Elmira, then explained how he got the flute. In response, Elmira also told him what she knows about the flute. He then realized that the flute is not powered by magic but by a strange and mysterious law!
(by @chrislyr)

After finding about the flutes origin, the two part ways. Roland then hurry to town to finish his preparations. Several days later Roland finally reached the dungeon. He quickly found several adventurer he knows and then asked for any led they have.
(by @yuki-nee)

The adventurers shakes their heads and tells him that their is not much information gathered, except that no person, adventurer or otherwise have came out since they entered. Roland was alarmed and asked the location of the guild master and others.
(by @yuki-nee)

There was a pause from the adventurers. Suddenly, Roland beheld a horrific sight. The adventures he knew, or thought he knew, transformed into some sort of machine and lunged at him.
(by @enforcer48)

Roland was surprised and could not react in time. As he fell to the ground he realised, that he has to be inside the dungeon and the adventurers were not real. Maybe he could outsmart the machine. But how? He kept dodging until an idea struck him.
(by @atra-aranea)

The machine was strong but it was rather slow—atleast not as fast as an average person. Despite this, his instinct tells him that ordinary attacks would not work. He could only attack their weakspot like the joints. With this in mind, he...
(by @riovanes)

...took out a small bottle! He then proceed to smash the bottle by throwing it at the machines. Strangely enough after coming in contact with the strange liquid it contains the machines movement became heavy before they completely stop moving!
(by @vegaron)

Seeing the machines down for the count, Roland quickly takes out the strange (magic) flute and play a tune with it. Soon, a creature much bigger than an ogre emerges, carrying a huge hammer. Roland orders it to dispatch of the machines.
(by @riovanes)

The big meanie then proceed to bully the helpless little machines. Even Roland could only turn his head as the huge monster pound the machines to bits. Soon all the machines are nothing more than scraps. With its task complete, the monster disappear.
(by @yuki-nee)

After crushing all oppositions, Roland proceed deeper, only to see other adventurers fighting with similar machine creatures. Deciding to help he whip out a few bottles of alchemical solutions and throws them at the machines, disabling them.
(by @chadrona)

The adventurers are amazed of Roland's method and asked where they could get those alchemy solutions. Wanting to help his friend with his business, Roland gladly told them about it. After that he gathered more information and continue his exploration
(by @chrislyr)

Roland was about to leave when a huge explosion rocked the entire dungeon! Aghast, Roland quickly run towards the direction of the explosion, followed by the other adventurer. At the site of the explosion they saw fire, smoke and rubbles.
(by @vegaron)

The sight of the destruction chilled everyone's heart. They believed that the explosion is caused by a weapon created by the denizens of that strange plane were magic doesn't work. Now that the only path is blocked by the rubbles, they decide to...
(by @riovanes) retreat and exit the dungeon. Though unwilling they have no choice as removing the debris will take time and manpower. Worse still, everyone is feeling the lingering danger. Soon everyone was out but was startled to see the army outside!
(by @chrislyr)

Three months passed after Roland and the adventurer exit the dungeon. In a wide open plain, a huge army is camping. To fight the threat of the otherworldly beings, an alliance consisting of the largest factions on the continent was formed.
(by @yuki-nee)

In an open plain near the mysterious dungeon, an intense battle between two armies are unfolding. Explosion after explosion are seen. Weapons clashed and blood flow. The mysterious invaders are slowly pushing the allied forces to the brink.
(by @chadrona)

Unable to fall back, the army could only grit their teeth and fight it out! Meanwhile, in a certain magic tower. "Are the preparation ready?" asked the witch Dorris. A black robed wizard respectfully reply in the affirmative. Nodding, Dorris began...
(by @chadrona)

to brew some nasty looking solution while making eerie noises. All the people present looked at each other creeped out—especially Roland who "volunteered" to drink the solution! Left without a choice, Roland could only silently pray to the gods...
(by @riovanes)

...but the gods seemed to have turn a deaf ear to his prayers as the solution was successfully created. Dorris then put the solution in a trasparent container and gave it to Roland. Taking a look at the solution, he manned-up and down it in one go!
(by @vegaron)

After drinking the solution, Roland let out a burp. "This is actually quite tasty..." he thought. Looking that Roland was okay, the mages let out a sigh of relief, only to be amazed when they saw him slowly transforming! Several hours later...
(by @chrislyr)

Roland teleport to the battlefield! The allied forces had been pushed by the invaders far too long. Therefore, it's time to strikeback. Taking a deep breath, Roland summon his trusted magic flute and pour all his magic power into it!
(by @chadrona)

All of the sudden the sky darkened and multiple magic arrays float in the sky! Then powerful creatures appear from the arrays and descend behind enemy line. The creatures then attacked every machine beings they saw causing destruction to enemy line!
(by @yuki-nee)

Using the flute's full power drained Roland of his strenght. He was about to take a rest and let the soldiers and the monsters finish the fight when he noticed several strange figures trying to escape from the battlefield! Staring at them he...
(by @riovanes)

Saw the leader of the invaders along with his retainers trying to slip through the chaos! Worst still the traitors who betrayed their own world are among them. Enraged, Roland personally attacked the the group and a battle ensued!
(by @yuki-nee)

The invaders throws every attack they could at Roland but proved ineffective due to Roland's new found powers. Very soon the invaders and the spies are overpowered and defeat was only a matter of time. But then something unexpected happened!
(by @riovanes)

A portal suddenly appear from nowhere and engulf everyone present including Roland and the army! Seconds later Roland manages to regain his senses and when he opened his eyes he was surprised by what he saw!
(by @vegaron)

Everyone's floating on the void! Looking around he saw everyone wearing the same confuse face as him. But before he could do or say anything, he heard a booming voice! "This war had gone far too long, it will stop now!" said the mysterious voice.
(by @yuki-nee)

"Who are you?" asked the leader of the invaders. "Me? I'm your grandfather!" joked the mysterious voice which annoys the leader. "Sheesh! You guys have no sense of humor whatsover. Fine! I am called the magic god!" proclaimed the mysterious voice.
(by @yuki-nee)

"I summoned you all to right the wrong and halt the decay of the magic world!" the magic god declared. "Otherworldly god! Why don't you show yourself!" he then exclaimed. "I have a proper title you know?" a voice answered grudgingly.
(by @chrislyr)

"Hahaha! That's not for you to decide but of the aut**r" the magic god guffawed. " Can you not break the 4th wall all of the sudden?" reprimand the otherwordly god. "Fine! Let's just begin judging." said the magic god. The two then looked at...
(by @riovanes)

At the leader of the invaders. Terrified, the leader don't know what to do. Never in his life did he believed that he would be judge by two gods! "Looks like your aware of your sins. Good! This will make things easier." proclaimed the magic god.
(by @chrislyr)

The magic god then cast a divine level binding spell, binding the leader and the whole invading army! After that he recited the leader's crimes one by one. After doing so another spell was cast, another divine level spell called "Punishment"!
(by @chadrona)

Grinning at the invaders and its leader, the magic god point a finger and the leader and his officials started transforming in a blinding light! Soon the light disappeared. When everyone regain their vision, they are all aghast! The invaders are...
(by @yuki-nee)

...all tranformed into frogs! "Not bad! Served you right. Now for the second phase of the punishment, you bunch will be transported back into your own world!" the magic god chortled. "To be spcific, you will all be transported into..."
(by @riovanes)

"A laboratory that experiments with frogs!"said the magic god. "He's a demon!" everyone thought . "...Are you sure you're a god and not a demon instead?"asked the otherworldly god sarcastically. Not minding what he said, the invaders are teleported.
(by @vegaron)

After the invaders are teleported away, the magic god stare at the Roland and the allied army, making them nervous. But surprisingly, they are not punished like they've expected but congratulated instead. After that they are sent home, except for...
(by @yuki-nee)

...Dorris and Roland. "I see that you're doing well, witch Dorris" said the magic god good-naturedly. "Thank you lord Ramus" replied Dorris. The exchange between the magic god and his grandmother surprised Roland alot. To think that his grandma...
(by @riovanes) connection is this wide! She's even friend with a god! How cool is that? After some pleasantries, the magic god went straight to business. He then told Roland something that greatly shovked him! His actually a demi-god!
(by @chadrona)

Roland was dumbfounded for a long time. Seeing his expression, lord Ramus and Dorris laughed at him. Then Dorris told him not to think too much about it but should focus on task at hand. Agreeing with her, lord Ramus explained the task and ask him...
(by @chrislyr)

To travel from world to world and learn their cultures and lifestyle, telling him that it would be a great help to his ascension. Roland agreed and starts his journey to another world. And that is how the first world adventurer was born.
(by @yuki-nee)

To be continued!

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...and that's how an unlucky but just adventurer became a legend.

The End!!

The End!

The End!!

The story finally ends. Time for a new one

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