The Magic Story: #2 Day 6


It's me again...
The Magic Frog

Read my story

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Once upon a time...

there was an unlucky adventurer called Roland. One day Roland, along with a great number of adventurer was tasked by the Adventurer guild to explore a mysterious dungeon that had appeared out of nowhere.
(by @vegaron)

There are rumors that all of the lately lost people of the village could be found inside. The Adventurer Guild promised to give the adventurer or adventurer group that managed to rescue the people a very special and precious treasure.
(by @atra-aranea)

As unlucky as he always was, Roland however had a soft heart for people in distress. Thus he was prepared to do his best this time around. Before setting out, Roland decided to go on a trip to his Grandma's place at the country side. She was a witch.
(by @curtwriter)

It was a long journey into the forest where his Grandma lived so he prepared himself, carrying a water gourd and bread. A few steps into the forest, he heard the croak of a frog as it lay helpless in the fangs of a snake. He knew he had to save it.
(by @neddie)

(by @hennifant)

To be continued!

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Needless to say, the snake was surprised! However, to Roland's bad luck, that wasn't the snake charmer's magic flute. In fact, it was more of a long dog whistle. He blew into it and no sound came. Suddenly, something was rustling through the bushes.

Whoa, I actually used up almost all the characters.

After many years of hard work and extreme training, finally Roland can use his skills in using the flute. So, he stretched his arms and started striking the snake with it.

Roland brought the flute to his lips and blew as hard as he could. The only note his magic flute can produce is the brown note, which took the snake by surprise and caused it to shit itself.

Magic flute at hand, Roland manages to intimidate the snake. Yet it still refuses to let go of the frog. Left with no choice, Roland plays the flute and something incredible happened! The flute turned the frog into a man shocking Roland badly!

It's too cliche to use the flute to control the snake, lmao.

Roland blew the flute and some very magical sound could be heard. It seemed as if nothing happend. He looked confused. Then he saw it. Both animals turned to stone, the frog still in the fangs of the snake. He shrugged and collected the statue...

at least he cannot be attacked by the snake now... And you never know - maybe one day you're in need of a little selfmade statue... :D

Since the day Roland recieve the flute, he had not used it in a fight. So he had no idea what the effect would be. Nonetheless he know that it is a powerful artifact, or so that's what he's grandma told him. After hesitating a bit he plays a tune...

The snake is intimidated but in reality Roland is just bluffing. That's because he can't actually play a flute, not to mention it is a cursed artifact. The only reason he had it because he was cursed by it and cannot throw it away.

What Rpg/story without cursed items?

After using the flute to get the snakes attention, Roland quickly whack the snake with his sword - successfully rescuing Dickfinger the frog. Dickfinger feeling extremely grateful decided to become Roland's familiar, accompanying him on his journey.

  • find a lovely cover image for the new story *check*

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