The Magic Story #2 Day 24


It's me again...
The Magic Frog

Read my story

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Once upon a time...

there was an unlucky adventurer called Roland. One day Roland, along with a great number of adventurer was tasked by the Adventurer guild to explore a mysterious dungeon that had appeared out of nowhere.
(by @vegaron)

There are rumors that all of the lately lost people of the village could be found inside. The Adventurer Guild promised to give the adventurer or adventurer group that managed to rescue the people a very special and precious treasure.
(by @atra-aranea)

As unlucky as he always was, Roland however had a soft heart for people in distress. Thus he was prepared to do his best this time around. Before setting out, Roland decided to go on a trip to his Grandma's place at the country side. She was a witch.
(by @curtwriter)

It was a long journey into the forest where his Grandma lived so he prepared himself, carrying a water gourd and bread. A few steps into the forest, he heard the croak of a frog as it lay helpless in the fangs of a snake. He knew he had to save it.
(by @neddie)

(by @hennifant)

Needless to say, the snake was surprised! However, to Roland's bad luck, that wasn't the snake charmer's magic flute. In fact, it was more of a long dog whistle. He blew into it and no sound came. Suddenly, something was rustling through the bushes.
(by @enforcer48)

Within moments the ferocious black grim charged out of the bushes. It howled and bared its blood stained teeth,

(by @tdre)

After showing itself, the creature looked at the trio with disdain. "Who dares summon me? Was it you, mortal?"Said the grim with arrogance. "Yes, it is I who summoned thee. I command thee to rid of that serpent!" Roland hollered.
(by @riovanes)

"Who the hell art thou to command me, you little twat!" and the grim made to attack Roland. Then the strangest of things happened. The frog, who had been lying helpless in the mouth of the snake freed itself from the snake's grip and began changing.
(by @curtwriter)

The frog suddenly transformed into a kind looking old woman! "Grandma!"Roland shouted in shock. The frog is actually his grandma in disguise. "He! He! He! It seems like my little Grim is giving you a hard time."His grandma tell said while laughing.
(by @chadrona)

Roland was truly shocked to see the frog transforming into his grandmother, but before he could ask he was teleported out of the area! Once he opened his eyes he was greatly surprised—he already arrived at her house!
(by @vegaron)

Though surprised, Roland did not dwell to much on it and went straight to the issue in hand—the mysterious dungeon. "About that mysterious dungeon, I might know a thing about it." Grandma Dorris said. According to her, it's not a dungeon but a...
(by @vegaron)

... gate! Yes, a gate, but not just any gate—a planar gate! It's a gate that leads to another plane of existence, and the dungeon itself is just the entrance. "No wonder it appears out of nowhere! This solve some of its mysteries." Roland thought.
(by @chrislyr)

"Grandma, you said it's a gate to another plane, but to where exactly?"Roland asked. "I don't know myself, I send a few familiar to probe that place but I lost contact with them. All I know is that magic will not work there."She answered gravely.
(by @chrislyr)

"A plane with no magic? How could that be?"Blurts out the shock Roland. "It's not that surprising, even in this world there are places that forbids magic"Answered his grandmother. Roland nods his head, he understand this principle.
(by @riovanes)

"What must I do to prepare for such a treacherous place?" asked Roland. "Come," said Dorris, "we must do research!" With that, the duo headed towards the witch's library.
(by @enforcer48)

Entering the library, Roland was shock at how messy his grandmother's library is. "Grandma this is—" Roland wanted to ask but was ignored by her. Doris on the otherhand rummages through the mess known as books. Several back-breaking hours later...
(by @chadrona)

Feeling much tired, both decided to rest for a while. On their way out, Roland stumbled against a pile of books. Bending down to pick them up, his gaze came across a dusty book opened. Alas! "Grandma, come over", he called her back to have a look.
(by @mcyusuf)

Dorris quickly runs towards Roland, she then grabs the book and read it. "Boy. Not sure if shall call you fortunate or unfortunate." she said while giving Roland a weird look. "What do you mean?" Roland asked. She then promptly tells him the content.
(by @riovanes)

"Where on Earth are we to find such artifact", he asked, looking puzzled. With the looks on Dorris face, Roland felt quite unlucky as there wasn't much time left for the adventure. Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter and Dorris was pointing to...
(by @mcyusuf)

the window. A small group had formed, laughing at Roland. Dorris shouted at them using some strange language. Suddenly they were gone. "Back to the artifact. Sadly you must notice yourself or it won't work. Just think about it for a minute", she said
(by @atra-aranea)

And he thought about it, but seemed not to be able to understand where it might be, so he gave up.
(by @andreistalker)

"I'll probably know what it is later. But with my luck, getting it won't be easy..." shrugged Roland. "He! He! Since you decide to let it be, why don't you take some supplies first? Let snakey guide you to the treasury." Dorris adviced.
(by @riovanes)

To be continued!

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"Snakey? Who is that?" asked Roland. "Ahem! That would be me, master Roland." a voice replied. "What the—?!" Roland exclaimed then turn around. He then saw an elderly gentleman dressed in a butler suit. Strangely enough the old butler is actually...

Roland turned around and noticed a snake. In fact, it was the snake that held the frog hostage earlier in Dorris's staged event. Suddenly, a puff of smoke surrounded the creature and out came a huge, muscular man, with a moustache in butler's clothes

I'm revisiting the butler idea again.

Before Roland could react, he was suddenly carried of by something! When he looked down he saw a silvery and gigantic snake! "Hisss! Please hold on tight 'cause we're going to the library!" Snakey happily said. "Ahhhh!!!!" screamed Roland, startled.

Library? I think you meant "treasury" right?

As soon as Dorris mentioned the word ''treasure", a drooling snake mysteriously appears out of nowhere. "Did someone say treasure?" Snakey excitedly said. "He! He! This is snakey a snake with a hint of dragon bloodline..." Dorris calmly reveals.

I ran out of characters again...

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