in #theinkwell5 years ago (edited)

Crooked and creaking, his back hurt but he wasn’t about to bring it up now.
His hip was definitely lodged, he had no leverage and his knee would not twist the way he needed it to so that he could back up. He was nervous, breathing heavy and attempting to stay calm.

‘What’s the hold up Dutch’ called Hawley from a dense echo behind
‘I’m fucking stuck!’ He sounded annoyed, Dutch was often annoyed with Hawley.
Hawley had one of those uncomfortable voices. It always sounded forced and whiney. Like he got stuck somewhere in the middle of puberty.
‘You should have let me lead, i can slither through this snake easy’ Hawley was testing sarcasm and confidence, but it sounded wrong when he said it.
‘Shut the fuck up Hawley, I’m seriously stuck, can you push my foot up!’
It was clearly serious, Hawley edged himself forward and attempted to turn his head to see Dutch. His helmet would not let him twist, it just whacked the top of the damp slate stone slab that hung above him threatening to fall but staying put.
’I cant turn to see ya Dutch’
’Fuck man, fuck man. I cant back up, my hip is caught below the crack. I cant lift myself up. Shit, shit’. Hawley had never heard Dutch like this. Dutch was often a jerk to Hawley and always pushed to get what what he wanted, but he was not a person fast to fear. He mostly played the tough guy and often made it known that if there was anything at all better to be doing rather than hanging around Hawley, well, he would be doing it.
Hawley had been excited when Dutch agreed to go on this Spelunking adventure.


‘I could get below you and try to push up, but I’m gonna have to go backwards through the chest compressor. It’s gonna take me a while. You gonna be ok, be calm Dutch.’
‘Don’t tell me to be calm, just hurry up.’ Dutch was in an impotent rage, he was a scared animal.
As Haley slowly worked his way back through the chest compressor he could hear Dutch whimpering, sometimes yell pleading for Hawley to hurry.
Dutch shouldn’t have led the way through the chest compressor. He was not as familiar with Scholharie cave system. And he had never gone through the chest compressor and followed it by the upper route of the Snake. This route was known for its technical challenge, but Dutch just barreled in. Now Dutch was stuck, he was panting and whimpering like a new born.
Hawley was eventually able to reach Dutch by coming around via another cave loop. He came from the front side, from the crack underneath the Snake. Dutch sure was wedged, he was crying and in obvious pain.... but with the right push from below on his stuck hip, Hawley was able to push Dutch free.

When they got out, sweating and spent. They stood in the middle of the maple trees forest, looking down into the rock hole they had just climbed out of....they both stayed quiet.
Dutch never picked on Hawley in the same way. Hawley was less annoying to Dutch now.
The two never spoke of that day.

By @Buttcoins

This post is for #theinkwell #challenge
The prompt was about habits and turns of events.
I guess the habit here to me is assumption.... lol.. is that a habit 🤔
Thanks @raj808 that was a fun prompt and i enjoyed letting my mind meander.


Thanks for taking part in the prompt challenge... and you're a very competent writer of short fiction m8? Forgive me if I sound surprised because I'm so used to seeing, and enjoying, your amazing video content.

Thoroughly enjoyed this tale of spelunking (we call it caving in the uk) and particularly, from a technical writing perspective, you create a feeling of Panic and claustrophobia very well.

Thanks for joining us and posting at the ink well 🙂💪

Hope to see more from you whenever a story or open builds in your mind 👍

Much love my friend.

P.s. unfortunately it wasn't actually posted in the ink well community as you have to choose the ink well in a pop down on the top left where it says 'publish to my blog' this is on steempeak. for it to get posted to our community you'd change that to say'published to the ink well' (should be choice as you're a subscriber). Then to get it showing up in your blog as well, simply resteem your own post. House this helps mate! It's the same process with any community e.g. of you wanted to post to dtube or 3speak community you'd have to do the same.

Doh... can i still fix that so it is in inkwell community. I thought tagging it put it in the community.

Thanks for the kind words. Glad you liked it. Cheers to you for the sweet spark prompt.
Yeah... I’d like to join in more... i yearn for excuses to do creative writing but its so easy to get out of the habit.
Hope your are well m8, crazy times 😷✊😎

Doh... can i still fix that so it is in inkwell community. I thought tagging it put it in the community.

Unfortunately not, nothing can be done about it now. But.... there is both a poetry and fiction prompt weekly, written by me, with ideas to excite and inspire. If you try entering another one just follow the instructions I put in the last comment in this thread. 😃

Check em out dude... also, my latest poem called steem honey badger might get ya fired up with all this Justin Sun shenanigans. I think it's one of my best performance poems I've done on steem. Shit man, you vote all my posts so I'll make life easier and drop the YouTube link right here.

Excellent work

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