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RE: Up or Down Steem Distribution Game - Vote for your share!

in #thegame8 years ago

Please can you mark the winners on the first 6? I've been asking for ages and of the ones you recently marked I'm owed money for 4. Also how do I get paid if you fail to pay the first time?


recently marked I'm owed money for 4

Could you provide more information on.

Well I've already left about 6 messages, the last 4 of which you've ignored. However yesterday you added 'winner' and 'loser' on 6 past posts which you had already paid out. Of those 6 I have won 4. I have not been paid. Additionally, there are a further 7 of these posts before in which the winner is still not marked. Of these 7 I have bet in 6. I have no way to tell whether I have won or not as the figures you're using to clarify the winner are obscure.

Of those 6 I have won 4.

Can you show this information please.

How would you like to be shown? You can just click on them and see where I voted. Also, when will you mark winners and losers for your earlier games?

Could you provide a screenshot of what you are talking about? I've clicked on them and don't see your name and don't have time for this.

I voted correctly in this game:

and this game:

In all the others I've checked you have failed to label who was the winner. I have made this abundantly clear again and again in about 20 separate messages. You keep pretending to be puzzled or not to understand. You had internet troubles which stopped you resolving this but it didn't stop you posting more games. Then you promised to take care of it. Now you're pretending to be puzzled again. It's very simple.

Please mark all winners so I can check you've paid everyone fairly.

That first one it appears you commented on the losing choice. Did you vote on the main posts or both choices?

That's incredibly puzzling because I was very thorough. Oh well. I'll have to check the blockchain. As you can see I voted correctly on the second one. That remains unpaid. I always vote on the main posts and one choice. Please add win or lose to your earlier posts

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