The Concept of Decentralization and its Social Requirements - A Promising Look Towards the FuturesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #theeverydayproject8 years ago (edited)

'Everyone here has that sense that right now is one of these moments when we are influencing the future.' - Steve Jobs

Can you feel it, too? 

While the world is astonished at self-driving cars, 3D printers and crypto currencies, behind that huge digital progress there is evolving a fundamental change. One of the essential consequences of digitalization is the opportunity to decentralize technology, economy and society.

It seems that technological innovation will radically change our general unterstanding of institutional organization. That will not only affect governments, it will invade any existing political, financial, economical or social power structure. 

Decentralization is not only a trend, it´s probably the next evolutionary step.

The Concept of Centralization

In order to understand why decentralization has become that important to us, we probably should know which were the main reasons for centralization during the past centuries. 

The main and initial driver of centralization was the idea to bundle forces. 

During the past centuries there were big political, economical and social instituions arising, following the common belief that 'more people can achieve more than one'. In order to improve the overall outcome these institutions bundled power. 

However, during the past years people have become aware of the fact that centralization also provides a lot of negative effects such as: 

  1. High coordination and management effort (such as burocracy)
  2. Vulnerability (centralized risk) 
  3. Lack of integrity (e.g. in hierarchically structured enterprises)
  4. Abuse of power and loss of democratic interests (governments)

So why has centralization survived so long? 

There was no alternative. Probably most of the incredible accomplishments wouldn´t have been achieved otherwise. The centralization of power provided more advantages than disadvantages. Thinking about post-war periods for instance, bundling forces - thus bundling power - was essential to rebuild any kind of economical structure.

Now, thanks to the technological progress, globalization, merger of responsibilities, and the non-existence of any borders, a new mindset has evolved.

That is exactly where technology - mainly digitalization - joins. 

Thanks to the implementation of these new technologies we will be able to use the positive aspects of centralization (such as the community concept and networking) without tolerating their negative points.

Even if the concept of centralization has lost its glory, it still provides many exemplary approaches such as: mutual trust. 

Independently of the fact that exactly that one has failed in many ways (just thinking about today´s banking systems), it is still valid and worth being pursued.

Especially newly introduced systems require a high degree of acceptance, thus faith. 

The Concept of Decentralization 

There are uncountable definitions of 'decentralization'. 

Here is one that I considered suitable in the present context: 'Transfer of decision making power and assignment of accountability and responsibility for results. It is accompanied by delegation of commensurate authority to individuals or units at all levels of an organization even those far removed from headquarters or other centers of power.'

Decentralization promotes individual knowledge, consciousness and responsibility in a social fabric where everybody theoretically has the same degree of influence (power). 

Decentralized social media networks, for instance, enable and stimulate mutual interaction and exchange of ideas without censorship. While the creation of information (value) is a commonly shared goal, its evaluation is subjective, thus secondary. 

From a completely neutral point of view, every thought shared in a decentralized environment would have the same degree of importance when entering the system, which means the same chance of opportunity. 

If decision making power, assignment of accountability and responsibility for results were transferred from a centralized holder back to the individual, what impact would that have on our social understanding?
And what would this new decentralized system expect from its participants in order to fulfill its overall sense? 

Social requirements of decentralization 

A decentralized eco-system - independently if politically, economically or socially intended - requires a certain 'commitment' and 'contribution' from its participants. 

Yes, even (or especially) in a decentralized environment without centralized regulation there exist some non-written agreements (rules).

Here is what decentralized organizations need from their players: 

  1. Personal responsibility 
  2. Self-management
  3. Integrity
  4. Loyalty 
  5. Ambition

Are we ready for that? 

I wonder what happend if we got out on the streets and asked normal people if they´d like to give up their banking account in order to manage their financial issues on ther own in a decentralized system. How many would say that they´d rather favor servitude in tranquility over self-government in motion? 

Independently of the weaknesses we have discovered in centralized solutions, DELEGRATION OF RESPONSIBILITY IS COMFORTABLE. 

Change needs us to step ouf of our comfort zones, letting go the usual in order to embrace something completely new.

Decentralization requires a paradigm shift and EDUCATION. 

Besides all the technological progress, celebrated digital milestones and innovation, we need to understand that, first of all, any type of innovation needs to break barriers - especially built through prejudices.

Just think about the internet and how many doubters needed to be convinced until it experienced the great breakthrough. The same is going to happen with crypto currency, for instance. 

Decentralization is not a technological evolution, it´s an ideological evolution enabled through technological progress. 

That is actually the no. 1 reason why evolutionary steps can´t be done over night. 

It will take us some more years - maybe even decades - to disband the established and introduce the new. 

If you were asking yourself why the whole world seems to be turned topsy-turvy lately, why our known social fabrics are overbalanced, why the old and established seems to be constantly challenged or why we feel kind of instable, here is one possible answer:

There is no doubt about the IF just about the WHEN. 

I hope you enjoyed the read. 

Marly - 

PS: Don´t forget to follow  #theeverydayproject: The Everyday Project

Picture source:
Digitalization quote:
Group at the beach:
Accountability quote:
Chinese proverb:


The blockchain space is still mostly in a phase of experimentation, but the first breakout apps will be explosive because they financially incentivize users to participate in the network. Imagine being able to actually make money when you contribute on social media(Which is exactly what we have here on Steemit). Bitcoin’s market share has slowly dropped over the last several years, and while I believe that bitcoin will continue to grow, rapid growth in other parts of the blockchain ecosystem is imminent.

The entire market capitalization of blockchain-based assets is $13 billion today, a rounding error when compared to the current value of the systems which blockchain technology could potentially unseat. When decentralized blockchain protocols start displacing the centralized web services that dominate the current internet, we’ll start to see real internet-based sovereignty. The future internet will be decentralized.

Haha, yeah it definitely is :)

Nice! Yours was too!

To be honest I have not enough knowledge regarding the crypto market and/or blockchain technology to reply to the first part of your comment in an appropriate way.
However, as I stated in the article I think that this is not a technological evolution. It´s an ideological evolution based on technological progress.
Thanks for stopping by, @keysikg!

perfect post - love the content and I am so glad to have a starting friendship with such an awesome person! Thanks @surfermarly!

I won @htooms's contest and I am voting with power now. #takemyvotes

Danke liebster Uwe!!! Ich freu mich auch ganz doll ;-)
Thank you for your whale voting power and @htooms for providing it, it's much appreciated!!! Big hugs

Sehr sehr gerne!!!

This is really a great post! Thank you very much. There was a deep knowledge and very considerable thoughts you brought within!
I especially act against the centralisation of government power. The delegation of the right to decide has to be brought directly back to the people. We actually don't need parliaments and governments, but tools to find decisions with equal vote for each of us!

Thanks for your kind feedback, @freiheit50.
I am glad you enjoyed the read and found it somehow inspiring :)

Excellent article! I think decentralization is pretty much the path of the future... especially given that we now live more in a world where "have skills, will travel" is more of a reality... anyone with a laptop or tablet can contribute, from wherever they can connect.

The only caution I would throw in there is let's not toss out the (centralization) baby with the bathwater. Meaning, let's still keep some of the best bits we got from centralized collaborations.

Let's just take a venue like Steemit... it's great that all sorts of people are developing all sorts of apps, but in order to build this marvelous community into something strong and sustainable... we need these exciting new features to exist (or launch) from inside the Steemit hub, otherwise we run the risk of too much "fragmentation," which is hard to build a sustainable community around.

I like to use the "Farmer's Market" analogy... the new features/apps represent the individual small growers/farmers, but it's a good thing to have a Farmer's Market (the Steemit platform and interface) because very few people in real life are going to drive around to 17 small farms to shop for dinner!

Let's still keep some of the best bits we got from centralized collaborations.

Definitely! That´s what I wanted to say in the middle part when pointing out that "Even if the concept of centralization has lost its glory, it still provides many exemplary approaches..."
We still need markets and platforms and places where products and services are going to be provided.

However, decentralization will improve these market places in may ways such as: selection of products and services (less regulation and more opportunities to enter a specific market segment), accessibility (products and services for everybody) and competitiveness (same chances for everybody) etc.

These are going to be exciting times!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, @denmarkguy.

Let's build windmills! Steem on!

Yeah, that´s my purpose, too! I love them :)
Thanks for your positive vibe!

I will spend some time thinking about what you said. Certainly you have expressed the need for debate on these topics and did it rather well except for the grotesque misspellings but you can correct those. Again, well posted, there is fire and passion in what you say

Thank you Jeff! Good to know you felt inspired.
Any hints regarding these grotesque misspellings that you mention are appreciated. English is not my mother tongue, so some native help is always welcome :)

Da hat sich wohl jemand von meinem Projekt "Freies Deutschland" inspirieren lassen. :D - Die Technologie und den Spirit, den du hier beschreibst, möchte ich auch in der neuen Gemeinschaft einführen und pflegen.

In decentralized society, who will protect people from criminals, lunatics, psychopaths, Nazis...etc., if we speak about near future?

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