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RE: The crypto market and its barriers to entry - A regular girl´s experience

Well, at least I am impressed with your braveness. Since you mentioned the word "A regular girl´s experience," I would say that none of my female friends did even try to use cryptocurrencies.

Thank you! :) The knowledge provided on steemit is overwhelming, we all learn very quickly. When I started in July 2016 I didn´t even know what a blockchain was. That´s one of the huge advantages of steemit - you get smoothly in contact with the crypto world. To me that is a great plus, besides the writing and chatting and socializing.
Back to the story: thank you very much for the recommendation. So Exodus will be on my list of networks to try, too. A friendly support sounds very good and important to me. That´s actually what I missed most on the other platforms.

I also believe that over time, using cryptocurrency will be more and more user-friendly. Some developers are working on it. It will get better.

Yeah "some" are working on it :)) Well said.
Thanks for your great support it´s much appreciated!
Following you now :)


You're welcome. If you need help, just let me know. I'll do my best to help you out. Cheers!!

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