The Coconut Story | 6th Daily Diary 7/6/2020

Today was also a rainy day. My first duty of the day was cleaning dog footprints on tiles!

Our dog jumping and running here and there with neighbor dogs throughout the night so, as the responsible person I cleaned all footprints. Then I took breakfast and started studies as usual. I finished my studies at 12 noon and took lunch. I made a post for Steemit and then started watching a movie, "16 Wishes". Today we plucked coconut, so I help my father to pick them up. After that, I watched news and had hoppers as dinner.

Coconut Story

As it is something significant I thought to write more details about coconut. If we consider the world, Sri Lanka in the 4th place of world coconut production. Coconut and Kingcoconut are very common in home gardens and obviously on beaches. Some people own large hectares of coconut states but in our case, there are about 20-30 trees which is enough for use of a month.

As we learnt in primary classes in the school, each and every part in the coconut tree is useful. I could able to capture some applications of coconut around my house. As the main application, we use coconut to prepare foods. Both coconut oil and coconut milk are used. Clean coconut oil can use as an alternative for vegetable or butter. In our country actually coconut oil is the major oil uses to fried foods, pastries and sweets.

Making Kewum (a sweet) using coconut oil

Coconut milk uses to cook curries. It gives a milky taste to the curry and gravy nature.

Potato curry using coconut milk

Well, If you buy coconuts from the local market, it will cost around 40 LKR. A 1L of coconut oil will be about 500-600LKR. As we consume more coconut oil in our house, we prepare them by ourselves. We use 60-70 very small size coconuts to obtain about 5-6 bottles of oil. Large coconuts are sold and medium-size coconuts are kept for cooking purposes.

First, we split the coconut into two and dry using the heat of the fire.
Then we scrape the meat from the shell and cut into small pieces. These coconut pieces are drying for several days until it seems crispy. Then we take it into a mill. Miller use a machine to extract coconut oil from coconut pieces. I found a similar image to particular machine from internet.

Coconut Oil Extraction Machine

Other parts coconutt is also useful. Coconut leaves are used for sheltering roofs, as fences and for decorations. Husk chops are good for plants, shell uses to create handcrafts and spoons etc. Again coconut oil is very good to hair as a moisturizer.

Decorations using coconut leaves

Details about coconut oil are specially written as requested by @mariita52 and @vipnata


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It's so nice that you shared the recipe here @randulakoralage today it was a normal weather here but it's been raining here in past days but it's fine now.
Have a good day ahead and good luck with the diary game!

Hi Rishabh.. I'm not "his" I am a "her" 😁 It's okay anyway.. thank you so much for sharing. Hope we can be friends as well as country neighbours. 😊

Lmao never noticed that haha.. Sorry my bad I'll edit RN

Excellent, this is a wonderful publication!
I'll be hoping to increase my power to give a stronger vote.
I will share your post on Twitter. I will include you in my next publication and you will get 10% of the profits.
Happy long life and best wishes to your parents, they couldn't be doing a better job of parenting. Blessings to you from Venezuela. You are an exemplary daughter and an excellent person.

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Wow.. Thank you for sharing and motivating. 😍By the way I also planning to joing SPUD4STEEM this time.

Great job @mariita52 i upvoted here as i won the last #spud4steem looking forward to win again next month! Keep up the good work!

Thank you @rishabh99946
Excellent healing work.
Have you already requested the month of July as a curator?
I think the SPUD4STEEM delegation lasts only 3 weeks, so I encourage you to look further. Congratulations.

No i don't think so i have the required skills to qualify the community curation project I'm still new and learning. I'll let the experts handle :) thank you

Hi @randulakoralage, I really liked your story..!
I love coconut and its derived products..!

Thank you very much for your detailed response. It was kind of you to respond so well and fully. I understood everything. I liked your posts.
Have a beautiful weekend, @randulakoralage

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