The Diary Game | 08/21/20 | Day #20 - Coffee SnobsteemCreated with Sketch.

Being a coffee snob isn't as easy as it is cut out to be. Because, while I DO drink ANY cup of coffee I am handed, my preferences are a bit refined. I am used to drinking coffee so fresh and gourmet, that I don't need even a speck of sugar or sweetener.

Today was yet another day of errands and running around. My internet has now been down 48 hours and no response from my provider after going and standing in line for a half hour to tell them I need a visit from a service tech. No call.

Dear Diary - At the very least I should have good coffee

After my usual morning routine, I did a short and easy workout jogging on the trampoline (rebounder), with 4 lb weights. Still working back up to my regular workouts with jump-rope and calisthenics but today I simply don't have time. Maybe I can compensate by carrying my heavy MacBook, and walking in heeled boots - ha ha I must be a masochist!

Actually, I always wear my brown leather boots with my brown pants because I don't like how they (the pants) look with my other shoes, yet I love to wear these pants because they actually fit me! So vain. But in a sexy tight pants and heels sort of way. Manizales, Colombia taught how to dress upscale, yet slightly sexy with subtle yet photo-ready make-up. Life in the fast lane!

Lunch was quick and easy. I fixed chorizo, arepa and guacamole, with a side of bean soup! Can you say delicious? It totally was. As soon as I finished eating I was out the door by 1:00 PM so I could get to the downtown Tigo-Une Internet service office. We pay 85,000 COP per month for 10 Gigs - which is around $25 depending on exchange rates. Cheap, but slow as mud. It seems like they shut me off - without notice? By accident? My computer is picking up other Une devices, but not mine. Wah!

The line took forever. Then the security guard tried to give me some guff about Pico-y-cedula, but seriously, if I can't work, I can't just sit at home waiting for my number to come up so I can go out. Not cool. That errand done, I grabbed a cappuchino and then searched for someone to fix my MacBook keyboard where my son pried the keys off. No one wanted to touch it.

Frustrated and running low on time, I took a bus across town to a big shopping mall with an Apple iShop store. Only to have them tell me that they won't touch it. THAT drove me even more nuts because I rolled up to the store and 5 guys were in the back of the store dicking around while 3 people waited at the entrance and only 1 guy working.

Pissy and STILL WITHOUT INTERNET, I bought a coffee from Juan Valdez so I could use their WiFi. Only, to realize that while the preparation was good, the taste of the coffee was inferior at best, and on the level of pasilla (or trash coffee) at worst. #tasteslikeFOLGERS Why the fuss about Juan Valdez - they are basically the national coffee coop, and a big corporation. Quality is ALWAYS better from smaller local coffee shops - and the money is spent locally.

Like a crazy person I rushed to write my Day #19 post, barely finishing the pictures, writing and video editing. Closing time was at 6:00 and curfew at 7:00 PM which only makes it harder to get everything done. Pre-Covid, I came in at 8 or 9:00 at night several days a week due to being so busy.

Unfortunately, I didn't get my funny little YouTube video finished in time. I couldn't get it uploaded to YouTube before closing time came around. If you didn't catch it in yesterday's post, here it is:

I live in the most efficient city for transport in Colombia. But now, it is kinda crappy in certain parts because the entire fleet still isn't running yet. At 6:00 PM, buses are either few between or full already coming from downtown. I caught a taxi.

Once home, it was time to eat dinner, hug on my son, talk to my mom and deal with puppy disasters. Maybe by Saturday things will calm down a bit more...

If you feel a kindred spirit with my DIARY entry in times of Coronavirus, New Opportunities and Colombia, then do your part to help a neighbor! Be sure to upvote, comment and/or give me a resteem, of this post. Tell a friend - and join #thediarygame so we can all bring home the rewards of high quality content curation on the @SteemitBlog ecosystem during #the50daysofsteem

I am a proud member of Team Colombia with @marpa @franyeligonzalez @josevas217, and @helengutier2.

If you missed my last post from Day #19, you can read it HERE:


Tu tocas muy bien el Ukulele, fue mi parte favorita del diario de hoy ♥️.

Rico almuerzo y coincido contigo en que el café de Juan Valdez no es bueno, las pequeñas empresas ahora le ganan en calidad a esta gran empresa, tienen mejor sabor y mejores variedades.

Espero se solucione lo de tu Internet
Saludos @openmindedtravel


Apenas solucione mi problema de internet. Estaba como apagado o algo desde el lado de ellos. 3 dias después el técnico me llamo - y hizo algo para organizarlo. Voy a escribir mi diario ahora.

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columbia.....the land of are excused

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