The Diary Game | 08/18/20 | Day #18 - Economic ReactivationsteemCreated with Sketch.

My posting has been a bit erratic because here in Colombia, the economy seems to finally be reactivating. New and old clients are coming to me each week almost. I am starting to travel again, a little bit, and there is a new feeling of hope in the streets.

To be fair, some people have suffered tremendous losses - but, from every disaster also comes new opportunities for the resourceful warriors who refuse to give up.

Dear Diary - Like a coma patient leaving the fog, our local economy is showing signs of life and reactivation

This morning began with devotion, reading and bulletproof coffee - as always. After breakfast, it was time to do a 20 minute jogging/trampoline workout - long and slow. After all the stress from last week I am slowly easing back into my regular routine. Lot's of sleeping and eating going on here as I protect my immune system from me overdoing it.

I definitely needed the serotonin pick-up from the exercise. It helped me focus my energy into the long list of things I needed to do - starting with a visit to the vet. Fortunately, there was one in my neighborhood, and he was even able to come to me. My puppy checked out with a clean bill of health and his first worming. In two weeks we dose him again, and he gets his first round of vaccinations. No grass - or other animals which might make puppy sick in the meantime.

Lunch was bean soup and half an avocado! It was sooooo delicious! When we moved up here, we started doing more soups due to the colder climate. My favorite is anything that does NOT have lentils.

*The ingenuity of humans always seems to come on the heels of crisis. I have never seen this guy before, but he had great rhythm - it sounded like an electronic rhythm even though it was made out of PVC. Very cool. *

With lunch over, I finished getting ready and caught a bus for el Centro. I spent the entire 40 minute ride contemplating life and all the weird twists and turns. Strangely enough upon my arrival, I started thinking about a friend of mine who I sometimes meet for coffee, a poet.

A block later, I ran into that friend at an outdoor cafe, and a woman who turned out to be very interesting - someone who works with indigenous groups. Serendipity? She would be a fun interview to learn more about the past and present of Colombia's indigenous populations and their modern context. I saved her phone number and I plan to have a coffee with her soon.

Next, I did a couple of my errands. I called my lawyer to see if he had time to answer a legal question. He told me to come on up. It was to see if I could get a notary signature without having to translate into Spanish. Alas, any notary documents much have an official translation attached, or no dice - to prevent legal issues/entanglements.

We have frequently spent time chatting about particularities of our mutual audience of choice: Foreign residents. Many of my friends, clients and foreign residents have used him for their legal procedures - with a high success rate. Together we have published some articles in English relating to relevant topics on my website(s) and They are some of the most highly viewed pieces of content on the website today.

Not long after I arrived, our mutual American friend Lou, stopped by! What a pleasant surprise. Lou and I have been talking for some time about cross collaboration on content, via his podcast. He had visited the Hot Springs I wrote about in my FIRST article for the Diary game, which you can read here:

And, the consensus was that Termales Tierra Viva feels close to nature and pleasant! The price is fair, it can feel very intimate and private (especially during the week), yet appropriate for families too.

I always embed podcasts/interviews/press coverage on my websites, and in articles as a part of my own career portfolio. Slowly, I am working on gathering all my previous press: podcasts, clippings and pictures. One of many projects.

As 5:00 PM drew close, I had to head out to ensure I was able to catch a bus, and arrive home before curfew. My arrival was at 6:00, with plenty of time and daylight to spare. Dinner was an arepa (corn cake), cheese, and hard boiled eggs. I made lemonade to go with it. It was delicious! I found my new favorite local arepa! Sorry, it's a local secret. ;-)

As I finish this, it is near to 10:00 PM Bogota time. I am pretty tired. Tomorrow is another day. The 7:00 PM - 5:00 AM quarantine makes our days here feel so short. Where I typically came in at 7 or 8:30, - in time to put my son to bed and nothing else, at the very least now I have time to eat dinner early and spend more time with him.

Recently, I went through a crisis where I considered moving to another city, I was upset, worried and stressed. In the end, we made the decision to stay. And since then, it feels like that frustrated energy dispersed and now things are starting to flow again. Work is coming in, and I feel happy. What more could I ask for?

If you feel a kindred spirit with my DIARY entry in times of Coronavirus, New Opportunities and Colombia, then do your part to help a neighbor! Be sure to upvote, comment and/or give me a resteem, of this post. Tell a friend - and join #thediarygame so we can all bring home the rewards of high quality content curation on the @SteemitBlog ecosystem during #the50daysofsteem

I am a proud member of Team Colombia with @marpa @franyeligonzalez @josevas217, and @helengutier2.

If you missed my last post from Day #17, you can read it HERE:


Hola amiga @openmindedtravel como siempre muy activa, me encantan tus días y como los narras jejeje... Me alegra que estes compartiendo con otras personas, siempre es bueno socializar, me alegro de que ya tengas mascota, los perritos son una gran compañía, transmiten mucha alegría. Espero seguirte leyendo, cuidense!!

Saludos y Feliz Noche!!

Que bueno que las energías vayan fluyendo de ma era positiva, el trabajo va bien y quedarte en aquel lugar fue una decisión acertada, además porque es bellísimo el paisaje. Que interesante la mujer que trabaja con comunidades indígenas, si la entrevistas, me encantaría escuchar el diálogo, considero que esta clase de cosas nos enseñan mucho.

Que bueno que el cachorro vaya bien de salud y haya iniciado con su desparasitacion.
Feliz noche 😁


todo fluye todo entrara otra vez en su cauce pero a su tiempo sin forzar nada todo volvera no como antes pero si con muchas lecciones aprendidas

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