21/08/20, Friday , Assignment day for semester 3.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #thediarygame4 years ago

Hello everyone, how are you all?. But i am not well because i have tension, in less time i have to complete many assignment for college.so let get started with morning hurry.

I woke up in 6 a.m and i know that i do not complete my assignemt for summit in college so i woke up without feeling tired. I woke and go to fresh up then i complete start to write half of assignment my honour paper 6 due to late night it was written so much. So i completed my full assignment of paper 6. It take totall of 2 hour ,now i am completed assignment of two paper 5 and 6 .

But i left paper 7 , general elective paper of political science and sec it is also in political science subject. But i have no notes in paper 7 and sec. So first i decided for tea and breakfast. I teeth my brush and drink tea and breakfast. Then i call my friends Avinesh because his sister is and i is in same honours in my collage then i told hime to sent me notes so tell me i am out of home so after one hour when he reached home he sent me notes of paper 7.

But the problem of notes general paper and sec are creating pressure for me because i have no much more time. So i checked my college group post in facebook and. I saw the notice in post where i saw today is only the date of summmtion of economics honors paper, then ifeel relax and the time of general and sec paper are after two day .

Again i called my friend and tell him to sent me notes hurry otherwise i am too late for college. Then he take 10 mintues to click pictures from phone of her sisters assignment . And i see it was total of 20 pages, i shook and i think how this will i conpelte in just 3 hours because on 1 :30 p.m i have to summit my assignment to our proffessor .

I decided to without wasting a seconds, i started to write assignment with high speed and power of my hand , i write in very high speed that why i feel pain in my hands and my veins are going to hard.
I am writing pages by pages but it was not completed and in every five minutes i watch the time to manage my collegd time.

When one hours left for summit assignment i decided to take shortcut and make shorts answers and i decrease the length of answer . Anyhow i completed my assignment of honors papers before 5 minutes of summition. Quickly i take my mask and wear dress and run for college. I reached in time because my college is 500m apart from my home .

I called my friend nayan he said summit this in stafroom ,i go to stafroom and i put my assignment on proffesor hand. Then he said there is only 3 assignment paper so i tell hime i seen in noticed that today is only the date of economics papers. Then he scolded on him and he sadi go home and summit all paper right now. But i told him i have not completed my all assignment and i request him ,i summit my assignemnt tommorow.

So i came out from college and meet with college friends and spending some time with them and i told them today i do not summit my assignment because i do not completed my all papers. So i summit all this on tommorow. Then i went to home and i washed my hand and face and sit under the fan. And i feel relax because i have one more day for summit my assignment and definetly tommorow i will completed this .So i eat lunch and i feel very hungry.

I take rest for some hours and i think when i write my assignment so i decided to write one paper in evening and one is tommorow and like my thought i write my one paper on evening and i completed my one paper and the time was 10 p.m and i feel to tired so i eat my dinner after completeing assignment and write my diary then i go to sleep very fast.

Good night.
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Hello akash13
Nice diary entry from your side keep going . Do your work on time so that in one day you don't feel bourdon and feel relax . In my class also boys used to complete there work at that moment only and in same way they will also all us and start requesting us to send us notes infact they will request to write 4 -5 pages on his handwriting 😂😂😂.

I always do my work on time but this time i think over like ,this year will not be assignment and exams . But in less time i complete my next assignment ,and i like this inside me. May be in my assignment i will ask you for my help. Will you help me.
But one thing i am telling you and j am not requesting more much i just asked for one time.
Thank you for reading my diary miss @roshni1.☺️☺️☺️☺️

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